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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I have to wonder about the value of summer scouting. I guess it does give you an idea of what deer are in the area. But I have to say that patterns and areas where they might be now, are no indication of where they will be when Fall weather comes around. The feeding patterns are 100% different. The cover is different, and of course when rut slides in whatever you think you are learning during the summer months is all changed. I like to see what the fawn crop looks like and see if I recognize any of the survivors from last hunting season just out of curiosity, but little else is learned this time of year. I am way too busy this time of year to get too involved with learning things that will be completely different when hunting season comes around. But I am willing to learn new stuff. What do you all learn from summer scouting?
  2. According to poll numbers, Kamala has worse numbers than slow Joe, But you never know. It could happen that all those that are afraid of senile Joe might return to the Democratic party faithfuls even if the giggler is in the presidential nominee. Do not take anything for granted. After all, this is politics and anything can happen.
  3. Our system of government is still a robust system, and nothing has happened that cannot be fixed through voting. I think this election will prove that as long as we can get the Republican and independent voters off their butts, We have it in our power to become watchdogs in the voting process and influence the results the way we know that the majority want. What we cannot do is to throw in the towel and slink away complaining but not acting. We all know voters who have the same values and opinions as ourselves. We need to make sure they vote. This election will show what the future will look like. It is up to us to make sure that Republicans do not become the party of whiners that do not use the political tools that we have been given. It is also necessary to influence as many other Republican voters to vote. The system doesn't run on its own.
  4. Thankfully there was no panicked stampede. There would have been a lot more fatalities from trampling. But that is an interesting observation.
  5. Alabama???? The farthest I ever travel anymore is to Canandaigua and back......lol
  6. The way that the Democrats and the media have been applying the hate speech against Trump and his supporters, why does this surprise anyone. We have been fed the line that Trump is Hitler and that his election was a clear path to the destruction of our system of government. He has been compared to Hitler. Dems have run all kinds of stories that Trump would refuse to leave the presidency when his term is up. You know that with that kind of constant drumbeat coming from every corner of the Democrat party and with the willing news media accomplices, I'm sure the shooter considered himself a patriot that was saving Democracy. It takes far less to send some of these weirdos off the deep end.
  7. Interesting concept. I wonder how the cost of the ammo compares to that sold at gun stores and such.
  8. When you run a constant campaign villainizing someone with hate speech for about 3-1/2 years at a daily nationwide scale, and you have the eager cooperation of most of the news media and even some of the major government agencies, the results become quite predictable. I have been wondering what took this event so long to happen. It appears that the bullet was off by a very small part of an inch from making the shooter completely successful. The guy thought he was saving Democracy.....Or so he was told by the Democrats and their willing accomplices in the news media ever since Trump got into politics.
  9. I have been saying that since before the debate. As they say, be careful what you wish for. I know that we are running a risk leaving him in charge until the until after the election, but the one thing that HAS to be accomplished is to get Trump elected. Our country depends on it. The best shot of that is against broken Biden. It will be interesting what kind of tricks the Democrats find to use on one of their own to get rid of him.
  10. Has anyone here come across a poisonous snake here in NYS?
  11. Yeah, I understand your dislike of snakes. I don't mind if I can see them from a distance, but they always seem to wait until I am almost stepping on them before they take off. That always freaks me out. There is one snake that I encourage, and that is a black snake. I was told that they go after rattlesnakes and they eat rats and mice. They also seem to be quite docile. Grass snakes are tolerable. Water snakes are too darn aggressive for my liking. But for the most part, I take a "live and let live" attitude toward all snakes and deal with them as little as possible.
  12. Sometimes they react the same way to people on ATVs. They often just stand there staring as you go by.
  13. Well, you got me beat again. The best I can do is 55 years of marriage. Unless I count both marriages......lol.
  14. Doc


    Why is it that when I used to have a boat, a big crowd of people always gathered waiting for me to back the damn thing up and get it launched? It was always an embarrassing fiasco.
  15. Doc


    Wow......That's a beautiful boat! By the way, where do you find the catfish?
  16. I have been thinking about exploring the fishing in the canal. Are the fish safe to eat out of the canal? There are various public parks and pull-overs available that I would like to try, but I have heard stories about dangerous pollution p[roblems in some of the fish.
  17. Yeah I agree with the others. If meat is bad, it never is any secret. The nose knows.
  18. It does seem like every year springtime and a good chunk of summer it is just one outdoor project after another, so I understand how the computer can fall way down on the priorities. But generally I try to find a few minutes early in the morning or late at night when I can log in to a few sites like this one to get caught up on what is going on in the outdoor world. Also, there is the weather that on some days is not fit for outdoor activities, so I do manage to get some computer time in here and there. But I do understand the pressures of time consuming activities and have to admit that my computer time gets limited.
  19. Sorry, I meant on-shore or from-shore. The deal is that I do not have access to any boats and so I am a shore line fisherman only these days. But this time of year it gets tough finding access to open, fishable waters.
  20. Anybody recommend some good spots in Western New York that are good for off-shore fishing. Any variety of fish, and hopefully water that you can eat the fish that you catch. The places that we usually fish are all weeded up this time of year.......Duckweed and slime.
  21. I would love to see pictures of some of the fishing vacations....especially some of the off-shore, western NY fishing excursions. Maybe I could learn some more places where I can do some fishing without a boat. I'm always looking for those kinds of places.
  22. I see that conversation here is dwindling. I guess the summer weather has put you all into the busy summer mode.
  23. So now the theory of weaponizing the justice system for impacting elections has been proven to be possible and practical. It is a shame to see our justice system reduced to a tool of politics. But now we have seen it for real at the highest levels.
  24. Has anyone seen a study on how far turkeys range in any given time period or season?
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