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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Doc

  1. The article I read was from the Canandaigua Daily Messenger. The only internet link that I could find was to a similar article from The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/viewart/20130308/NEWS01/303080025/cuomo-poll
  2. I am still confused about all of this. Just a year or two ago, we hiked the prices way up because of the doom and gloom of the prospect of the whole state fish and game management program crashing down around our ears. The story was sodevastating that we had hunters and fishermen and trappers practically begging for the state to sock it to us with huge increases and exhorbitant fees. A couple years go by and no wwe can afford to consolidate licenses and chop the fees. So which way is it? Do we have "feast" or Famine"? And were they lying then or are they lying now?
  3. Thanks for the warning. Just put a note out on the kitchen table to make sure my wife knows when she gets up.
  4. I'm just guessing, but I think the answer to that lies in the population density of NYC. I did notice a couple of sentences in the AP article that said, "The breakdown showed a predictable split, with the strongest opposition upstate. The strongest support was in New York City and its suburbs".
  5. The problem is that each of us are making up our own criteria for definitions, and I suppose we all have a right to do that. I don't happen to see enough principles of shooting disciplines to make the crossbow fit into an archery season. I feel it is not even close to being a bow or a rifle. It is a crossbow, a completely unique kind of a weapon. To me it has more physical features of a rifle in both the physical way it is shot, and rifle-like accessories and stabilization features available. And it requires none of the rigid hand-eye-muscle coordination and physical human muscle consistancy and form requirements of any vertical bow. I think that they got it right when they put them in the regular gun season. Gun season currently is a catch-all season open to all weapons. I think that is where they belong. And in the two or three years of repetition over and over and over of the same arguments, nothing has been brought out that has changed my mind on any of that. Some want to continue this argument off into the distant future, and to me it is simply trolling at this point. Bringing up the same old nonsense, over and over until you finally provoke a response. That is indeed a classical definition of "trolling". I think we are certainly all intelligent enough to realize that there will never be a meeting of the minds on this topic and yet there are those that apparently don't have enough things to argue about in life and wish to keep this divisive topic on a front burner. We have enough real problems confronting hunting without working so hard at perpetuating old arguments, ad infinitum.
  6. It sounds like we are not doing a very good public relations campaign to get people's minds right on this issue. Also, it looks like it would be a good idea to get out the vote of our 30% minority so that we create a solid voting pro-gun block. If we can put our votes where our mouths are, we can toss these guys right out of office. But we do have a lot of work ahead to do that.
  7. Ok, I just spotted it in another thread. It looks like over 50 counties have passed resolutions now to repeal the gun law (Cuomo's gun-grab)
  8. Anybody seen a recent tally on how many counties that makes that have officially come out against this law? I think I recall that there are something like 61 total counties? I believe we might be moving into a super-majority that are calling for repeal.
  9. Poll: 41% in NY say Cuomo gun law is "about right" 30% say it went too far 19% say the gun law didn't go far enough Over 56% feltCuomo was doing a good or excellent job So, those of you who are sitting back comfortably think that the problem is being "handled", had better think about that some more. If we make any progress against this law and any subsequent gun legislation it will only be because we are more organized and passionate about the issue. If you're not actively involved, you are not doing your part to make this come out teh way it should come out. I was shocked at the 19% that thought that law didn't go far enough. We have some real enemies out there. Just maybe we will be able to pull off the long-shot and get this law overturned, but those poll numbers kind of tell me that they will be coming at us again, and again.
  10. Thursday nite Ontario County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution calling for the repeal of New York's recently adopted gun control law. The venue for the meeting was changed because of the huge crowd at the last meeting that exceeded the capacity of the County Courthouse 3rd floor sessions room. Thursday's meeting was held at the Ontario CountySafety Training Facility Attendees once again exceeded thecapacity of this facility. The resolution was approved with a weighted vote of 3,792 to 704. Opposition to the resolution came from the Town and city supervisors of Geneva
  11. I love the constant flash of orange as the wiley hunters skulk through the woods. And who can ever forget their first sound of the buzz of a shotgun slug carreening off a nearby tree.....lol. Just kidding, I have been indoctrinated into deer hunting since long before I was old enough to go out. The whole deal was probably the biggest social event each year as I grew up, with huge family gatherings and all the wild hunting stories ..... it was all just great. A lot of that doesn't happen anymore, but the gun hunting culture and memories are still deeply engrained in my thoughts and attitudes every deer season. It's just something that I am driven to continue. Bow season was never involved with all that pageantry and social atmosphere. It's more of an individual activity that requires an intimate knowledge of a very intelligent prey, and without the aid of other human interference and assistance becomes a one-on-one contest between an animal that survives by outwitting predators. It is just another thing that has dominated most of my life and provides a necessity to be out there doing what is natural for me.
  12. Doc


    Not a good place for people who are watching their weight, if that happens to be a concern. Imagine all the pancakes and syrup you can eat. That can be a pretty disgusting scene .... lol. Fortunately, the buckwheat pancakes are pretty thin so I was able to polish off about 10 of them after eating two large sausage patties and a couple of eggs. I needed all that like a hole in the head, but I figured I would throw any diets out the window for this one meal ...... ha-ha. You wouldn't believe the mob, and on a weekday too. Doesn't anybody ever work anymore? As far as the drive, it really is quite a scenic area and some of the fantasic deery-looking country you get to see is pretty neat. Also, we got to see 5 turkeys not far from Cartwrights. It's a whole different looking part of the state.
  13. It just goes to show that if you have an idea for hunting equipment, and enough marketing money to push it, you can sell hunters anything, whether it's practical or not ..... lol.
  14. Doc


    Went down to Cartwright's this morning. We have completed our spring ritual for this year, and now I have a bit more extra weight to get rid of. Man! You can't beat the taste of real maple syrup.
  15. This is a line of logic that can be used as justification to eliminate any gun. It's all a matter of judgemental relativity, which turns the whole discussion into an emotional, subjective quagmire. Is that where you are heading with all this?
  16. Now again remember that this is an exercise in imagination and may or may not be based on any actual fact. But I do have to point out that some of these canned hunts of today are really not a long way from being something that could easily be considered a "caged herd" already. And remember that this kind of hunting may not be as traumatic as it seems to us today. With the changes I've seen in the past 50 years, the next 50 years will provide a lot of time for attitudes to evolve way beyond anything that we could imagine.
  17. Sure, it's all a matter of perspective and longevity and maybe even a little geography thrown in. I have seen massive changes over the years, including cultural changes as the farmers of my childhood deserted the land and turned it over to the developers. I have seen ongoing changes in the way hunting moved from the cultural center to an activity that is despised by the public in many cases. I have watched large amounts of hunters leave the activity, more for social reasons than reasons of inability. Yes that may give me a more pessimistic viewpoint of where it is all heading.
  18. Yeah, when somebody says that they would let me shoot at them with a crossbow, even at 150 yards, like or dislike isn't exactly what goes through my mind. Anyway, as I said, say what you mean and there won't be any confusion.
  19. The world is going berserk. This is the kind of thing that they worry about. With the world falling apart around their ears, they are freaking out over a picture of a gun. On another forum of this site, I was asked to produce quotes that the aim of the anti-gun crowd is the complete elimination of all guns. My gosh this story and all the other ridiculous ones like it throughout the media speak so much louder than some quote. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that these people will not be satisfied on gun control until private gun ownership is totally eliminated?
  20. Actually the way things are going, you will have to do a bit more pre-planning when you go hunting ..... lol. You will have to first go down to the "village armory" and sign out your gun before you can take it hunting. A little paperwork and a couple forms of I.D. and away you go. Pick up your shotgun and five slugs and you're good to go. Head on off to your favorite hunting preserve, pay your money and have a go at their caged herd. Just pick out the one you want, step back to what ever distance marker you chose to use, sit down at the shooting table with the supplied sand-bags and fire away until the thing goes down. Step up to the carcass for pictures, and then wait for the staff to gut it out and transport it to the butcher shop down at the end of the driveway so you can have your kill cut up packaged and wrapped while you wait, or have it processed and shipped to your home later. The mounted,trophy head will arrive at your home a few months later. Of course before any of your harvest leaves the grounds of the preserve, there will be a couple of quick tests on the meat to make sure there are none of the new diseases that will have developed across the country by then. Fill out about 6 pages of paperwork, and have the preserve clerk attest that you did indeed use the gun for hunting purposes only and then you're ready to head home. When you get home, a quick trip back to the village armory to drop off your gun and unused ammo, and a few forms about the number of slugs shot and a report swearing to the details of the kill, and you're on your way. Fun ... wasn't it?
  21. Oh yeah, they are getting big, big bucks for them. I guess it's just another version of recycling with the purpose of collecting. Actually, people seem to collect just about anything. The only thing I find strange is that the size of a lot of signs really doesn't seem practical as something you would collect. But what the heck, people have been collecting cars for a long time and they are big .... lol.
  22. As far as who these anti gun people are, I can only say that if the shoe fits ..... wear it. If you can't recognize an antigun fanatic, then you likely are part of them. If they are bogeymen, then so be it. I have other names for them that are less complimentary. As far as the quotes, I think I did say that "you will have a hard time getting them to admit that". I that is because most of them haven't even thought all that deeply about where their line of thought logically leads them.
  23. It makes you wonder how long this is going to continue. Maybe the anti-gun forces have found a new way to win. All they have to do is sit back and watch us all continue to deprive each other of ammo to shoot. I guess that's another way to total gun control. All they have to do is scare us enough with gun laws and even just "proposed" or "possible" gun laws and we self-destruct. I'm not so sure that this is really going to stop .....ever. I'm convinced that a lot of these compulsive ammo hoarders already have more than they could shoot up in a lifetime and yet they keep on buying it up. There's another possible thing at work here, and that may involve the profit motive. Anyone buying excessive amounts of ammo knows full well that the prices are going to sky-rocket. What a great investment to be one of the few places to buy ammo. You can almost name your price.
  24. How far indeed. What would it take in the minds of your typical anti gun person to satisfy them that guns would no longer be used in crimes. Their answers would be, "The total elimination of firearms in private hands". That is how far they really want to go. Never mind all this picking around the edges, assault rifles and magazine sizes and such. If you want to know how far they really want to go, it is the complete elimination of privately owned firearms ..... period. And if somehow they were to magically make that happen, there are many other things that they would eventually want outlawed because they are lethal and will be used in criminal ways. These people do not think in normal or realistic ways. There is no logic or reasoning used. They do actually believe that anti-social evil can be controlled by controlling the rights of the general population. So I think that the answer to your question, in the minds of the antis, is that there is no limit that is "too far". You will have a hard time getting them to admit that, but the truth is that they have no concept of "too far".
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