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  • Hunting Location
    Long Island
  • Bow
    50lb compound bow

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  1. So I've been hunting Rocky point this year, and after many sits have yet to see a single deer. According to people at the check station, not many deer have been brought in this year. So, have anyone one been successful there? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction so I can at least see a deer :)? If not, is there anywhere else people are getting successes close to NYC?
  2. There were no visible changes near by...so it could be food? I still see deer signs in the area just no deer....
  3. The spot is in the middle of a large public land, and no visible changes were seen around the area (no logging for sure). You guys think I should still hunt there or move somewhere else?
  4. So I have been deer hunting in a spot where I had success and saw lots of deer last year, but haven't been seeing a single deer over multiple sessions this year. What are some common reasons behind this? There are still some deer signs in the area, but no deer were seen. Also, this is public land.
  5. I never ended up going there, so I'm not too sure actually.
  6. Hey, did you get any replies through pm? I'm wonder about the same thing too......
  7. Have anyone hunted Hunter west-kill wilderness NY? Might have a trip there as a few friends want to ski near by and I can't ski. Are there any opportunities to bow hunt small game or raccoon/foxes or whatever there? Don't own a firearm so have to hunt with a bow. Any information would be welcome, thank you!
  8. Last Saturday was October 31st, you only need reservation after November 1st. Here's the site with the number you need to call and other information: https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/40414.html Hope it helps!
  9. Otis pike, I just parked in the first opening I saw.
  10. Yeah I went. Narrowly missed a deer a Saturday, so there are deer here.
  11. hmmm so these kind of storage places actually exists....are they expensive?
  12. I don't think u can hunt with that in NYS if I recall..
  13. I don't think that's legal actually...its a slingshot right?
  14. Hmmm, are there storage facilities where u can store firearms just over the border in NYS? Is it something people actually do? (Dear FBI agent, I'm just asking out of curiosity don't arrest me)....
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