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  • Hunting Location
    chenango county
  • Hunting Gun
    44 magnum revolver
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  1. My plan next year is to make a watering wagon (500 gallon). I've seen several youtube videos of "mobile firefighting rigs" and already have most of the supplies for that. does anyone have a recommendation/advice on how to determine how much water needs to be applied. I understand I will have to consider what i plant and type of soil, what I am looking for is jumping off point such as 200 gallons/ac because someone knows this equals 1/4 of rain, or " My grandpa used to say mud between your toes makes your crop grows" - I know this will be trial and error, just try to reduce errors when i can
  2. @let em grow - this year I Gly/tilled/broadcast/rolled and I assume birds ate all my seeds because nothing but weeds grew back --- Will the birds pick through the dead rolled weeds and get seed?
  3. can I plant RR soybeans in the following manner successfully 1) broadcast seeds/fertilizer in old hayfield (2.5 ac) 2) set tiller for 2" deep and till field ( i don't have a disc harrow ) 3) run cultipacker on field 4) wait 3 weeks and spray herbicide 5) put up fence new to food plotting so don't know if i am trying to reinvent the wheel
  4. i put one in per sturgess in early June and have nothing take a drink - have had camera on it all summer
  5. well its been a couple of seasons since this post -- what was your experience?
  6. i just reached out to beagler's suggestion, in cazenovia and cornell gave me a store in Deruyter NY this season just started but can't wait til next season tiller is cleaned /grease/oil - sprayer nozzles all cleaned out -roller all lubed up- hand spreaders cleaned and oiled- 5 acres of plots planned out- seed vendors getting lined up
  7. otto - I did put down winter rye - is it suppose to look like grass?
  8. G-man not extended control gly but thanks for pointing out such an animal exists plot sizes in acres - 2, 1, .5, .25 i looked up pennington before - not that local stubborn i wondered if it was lack of water, i thought we had enough rain ( at least once a week or 2 at most) but I am gonna built a watering wagon for next season. i looked at seed world, hancock seed, seed land, and deer creek - the seed was $371 - shipping was another $193
  9. hi everyone - new to the site as far as posting - been reading everyones advice on what/when to plant and great stuff - i should have started here but like everything else i figure i would go ankle deep on my own, trouble is i dove in head first i tried food plots this season and according what I've read here I planted too early and weeds overtook everything and i think various birds ate my seeds - blah blah blah failure my question is : where to buy seeds locally - ( I am local to Norwich NY) I know there are all kinds of sites where you can order seeds but shipping just about doubles the price. I used growmark this season and their seeds did not grow. I planted 1/2 of 1 acre plots in peas /oat mix (premix) with soybeans added (per jeff sturges) in 3 locations- none grew - maybe me , maybe them - i don't have enough experience to know I thought i did everything right soil test - everything was good - did not add fertilizer bought 3pt sprayer and killed fields with glysolphate bought 3pt tiller - tilled fields week later (only tilled 1"deep) spread seed with hand spreader -same day as tilling rolled with homemade roller - 18" culvert pipe filled with concrete - 6'wide The life lessons learned here cost $300 - hate to think of how much shipping would have added
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