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Team Hoyt

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About Team Hoyt

  • Birthday 03/18/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cattaraugus County

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  • Hunting Location
    Cattaraugus County
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. What's the link to the new site again
  2. Watched 6-8 does feed for the last 1/2hr about 200yds away. Fawns included. Tells me the rut hasn't started yet in 9r. If it has I would of thought the fawns would of been kicked aside and a buck would of been somewhere but no. Definitely a weird year this year
  3. Got a spiked bedded 80 yards from me. Live bait
  4. Sitting 8ft up in my new maverick 6 shooter. I like it. Never shot a deer from a blind b4. Hopefully tonight's a first
  5. I'm in at 9r. Beautiful morning views, bit dang it's warm
  6. Unfortunately came down with the flu yesterday. This sucks have never felt this bad. Even covid wasnt like this lol. Looks like I'm done for this weekend.
  7. I did the same a couple years ago. What a difference. I only use videos now
  8. Beautiful morning in 9m just wish the wind would let up.
  9. Bumped 2 does out from under my stand. First deer I've seen all season. Here's to hoping something else comes along
  10. Good wind for my stand. In til dark just wish it wasn't as windy. Sit #6 hopefully I'll see a deer tonight. Haven't seen 1 all year almost forgetting what I'm looking for
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