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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Report it, better off late than never. You have 7 days. Usually this is one of the first things I do when I get out of the woods if possible. I figure if I get pulled over on the way home it looks better if that part is done.
  2. Accuracy and shot placement are more important than caliber. The idea that using a larger caliber to compensate for bad shooting or shot placement is not good advice, I think that is what Buckmaster7600 is trying to say. I agree 100 percent! The gun you are most accurate with offhand is the one you should use! You should also make sure that first shot counts! VIP! Most top hunters do not miss a good opportunity and take ethical unrushed shots. This is why they are good hunters, not the caliber they use!
  3. Every deer I lost was due to poor shot placement, did not matter if it was my 308, 30-06, 30-30 or my 44 mag or bow and arrow. I could have used a shotgun and it would not have mattered. I switched to the 44 mag for many reasons. 1 Open sights are much easier for me to lock onto a deer 2 Easy of use: Simply put I am a great shot with this gun offhand vs my other larger guns, it is light enough to carry all day and still be able to hold on target the last 10 minutes of legal shooting light. 3 Light caliber YES, often I will not get passthroughs but I make up for that with accuracy. Note this is my least accurate gun from a bench! All other guns have scopes and I can hit quarter size holes often and center punch with my 30-06. Still the 44 mag is the preferred gun due to my accuracy with it at close ranges, close I am talking 70 yards and in to a few feet. 4 Follow up shots are very effective with no scope on a running deer! More often than not I am able to get more than one round in the animal to ensure short tracking and easy of recovery. So far my recovery rate for my 44 mag is 100% not one other weapon has come close and it has nothing to do with impact and everything to do with shot placement! Side note: I do agree that larger calibers have more shock but if you do not hit a vital area it is irrelevant. Larger calibers will not make recovery easier, becoming as good a sniper as you are capable is what really matters, pick the gun you are most confident in. My 30-06 is my most accurate gun but I am most effective with my least accurate gun, go figure. Sorry so long but I figured I probably have one of the lightest calibers of the many hunters here and shot placement has been the most important over the years vs what caliber I use.
  4. I would try a doe in heat drip. It can help to lure them out in the day time. Second rut should be starting this weekend! Good luck sounds like a low population area, they are hard to hunt!
  5. If it does not drop in the first 300-400 yards its not a good kill shot IMO. (All good kills shots drop the deer in less than 120 yards.) I know deer can die farther than that but I would not consider that a good hit. If that deer travels more than 200 yards simply put I messed up! Anything more than 800 yards is back out and retry the track the next day to see if they bleed out. (Wound kill) Kill shots are also easy to track, wounds and none vital shots are not even though they can still be lethal.
  6. Funny how animals follow another tracks. I have seen them in my tracks often, usually deer. Higher the snow the more likely they will follow your tracks. Def a young bear.
  7. Bad idea. Just because someone is able to get two deer does not mean other hunters will have better success if they only take one. Stop trying to limit what others are allowed to hunt even if you are a trophy hunter. You want to impose your will so getting a big deer is easier and more are around, this will not help! Stopping another young hunter from getting his first deer is enough to stop dump regulations so you can see bigger deer. Some area can have all the regulations in the world even stop hunting all together, they simply do not have the good food value and genes to produce big deer. Stop trying to regulate other hunters from hunting. If we limited to one buck like some want my season would be over with one ADK buck when I have 2 more months to hunt deer on Long Island. Stop blaming other successful hunters for your inability to see mature bucks! There success is not causing your fails and stopping them will not help you out! Putting more regulations will not always make you see more deer or mature deer it usually just upsets other hunters who are happy with any buck, let them hunt!
  8. Guy leg shoots a yearling doe and tracks it onto my buddies land, gives up the track once he meets the land owner. Land owner dispatches the deer and brings it to the hunters camp, hunter was so thankful he gave the land owner permission to hunt his land. 300 more acers to hunt added! Moose River Plains: Late 1990's: Guy tells my buddy Shawn that he and his son are tracking a big buck so you know. (It's ours you are not allowed to shoot it!) LMAO I said if you saw one you would have shot it right? He said yes. I said good! Saw the son earlier, he was tracking a big doe that went in front of me at 40 yards. Can't make this stuff up! Ask any DEC who gets involved with this issue and the bigger the antlers the bigger the argument. Simply put if you drop the animal its yours to choose who gets it. Young hunter first deer for me its no question regardless of rack size. Would I ask for credit, you bet but the young gun would use his tag and have any help he wanted including the drag.
  9. I cut out the notches, then filled the tag two times, it can be a pain when temps get real low. Ball point pens do not work well in cold, now I try to make sure I have a sharpie.
  10. Deepest condolences. You went above and beyond for this pup. Nothing compares to a good dog!
  11. 6 pt in Moose River Plains Nov 10th. Spot stalked then tracked this guy in the snow for a few hundred yards before catching up to him on the second day of a three day hunt. Story is here.
  12. OK Guess I can start it off. Moose River Plains Site 48 Lost Ponds. Sat Nov 10th. No exact weight, 6 pt.
  13. Only two and a half months left!
  14. NFA-ADK

    Good luck

    Good luck to all, hope to see much success from huntingny.com hunters! Be safe!
  15. If it was not for them you would see much less deer as poaching would be rampant. They keep poachers and legal hunters in line, granted we do not always know where the line is as regulations keep changing. Will you sometimes get harassed by them, yes it happens its part of the sport, if your all legal it should not bother you even if you get a ticket. They are just doing a job and that job is protecting our land and game and making sure we follow regulation.
  16. I do believe you are right Belo, pretty sure they have some other authority that allows them certain access to a freezer for example. Or to ask you to open the garage where a deer was seen butchered recently.
  17. They are great guys and should be hailed as hero's for protecting our wildlife. Well said Land 1!
  18. So much easier to see them in snow. Please remember to identify your prey, lets make this the safest opening day ever! Best of luck to all going out hope to see many pictures of success! Get the big one!
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