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Larry last won the day on September 10 2011

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  • Gender
  • Location
    ogden ny

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    444 marlin/870 12ga
  • Bow
    marten cougar III

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  1. I shoot GP 425's I have 2 deferent Knocks the ones with the switch and without the ones without the switch come with a small screw drive to turn them off or you can use the tip of a Knife. they have some that come with deferent sizes inserts to fit the IDs of the bolts you just have to look and find the right ones for you
  2. I'm shooting 142gr Nosler IB with IMR 4350
  3. I shoot lighted Knocks on both my bow and crossbow. I never have paid more than 25 dollars for 6 on Amazon and they have little switches to turn them off.
  4. One thing you are going to have to do is practice shooting sitting in a chair and kneeling it's not the same as standing.
  5. The harvest was down but the age of the bucks in the harvest when up to 67.9%. that's up 3.9% from 2022. A good reason the harvest is down the covid spike is over so less guys out.
  6. I just prime on my press after cleaning the pockets I just fill the primer tube and prime.
  7. I still use a lube pad. those cases can still be saved I would just load them at the low end with the cheapest bullets I have and fire form them back into shape. I have a 6mm rem br and it's really hard to find bass so I have to save all the brass I can. Back in the old days when I shot IHMSA and shot a 7mm TCU one of the best ways to make brass was to take 223 or 222mag brass and fire form them. 222mag brass was better it's longer then 223 brass and would size or fire form to size where 223 brass would always be short.
  8. If I remember correctly, when the back tags were paper. The print was permanent ink. today most of the ink is water based. Also if you lost your back tag you would have to go to a DEC office to get a new one and they would write your number in black marker on a blank tag. if you lost carcass tags you were shit out of luck.
  9. Larry

    Catfish fishing

    I never fished it for cats the guys where I worked in Geneva ( retired the end of January) fish it all the time over by Cross lake
  10. You can put a 100 deer hunter in the same and ask them what the best deer caliber is, and you will get a 110 answers.
  11. I have a load data book I keep all my reload info. in and what book I got loads from. I shoot everything over a chronograph or ballistic radar. I write down everything.
  12. I use a Martin cougar 3, arrows I have always used Gold Tips, as for broadheads I use Rage Hypodermic 100gr.
  13. Larry

    Catfish fishing

    The Black River at Dexter is good and the Seneca river is good to
  14. As of February 7th, spectrum will no longer be carrying CBS. Channel 8 in the Rochester area you will have to find an alternative channel to watch the Super Bowl
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