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Posts posted by JimmyDaSavage

  1. I was out on Monday on public land. I saw 8 deer in the afternoon. All doe as far as I could tell. Ranged the closest one at 52 yards but definitely not in my comfy shot level. Nice to see action but need to get one down soon. Leaving for Vermont Friday for a week for there rifle season. Wish everyone here the best.

  2. Jimmy, howd it go?

    I got skunked and my brother saw 3 doe in a group but they were on the run. No shot. Was a tough October as I went out a few times and we got nothing down but some good action. Hoping for a good November here :)

  3. That sucks Karp and has happened to me. I have had people park right behind my car at a1spot hunting zone or park down the street. I have ran into them in the woods at times as well. I just let it go and call the dec but it is frustrating.

  4. Cousin shot an 8pt I have on camera last evening about five. The Broadhead had plenty of white hair but zero blood. We were convinced he gave it a buzzcut. Until we found blood, good blood. We tracked it last night until we started running out of light and didn't want to push him. Picked up the trail this am and tracked it for a quarter mile. Finding intermittent pools of blood and good drops along the way. The trail was zigzagging through the thickest stuff I've ever seen. Then we lost the blood completely. We searched are asses off. I think he cut him on the inside of the leg towards the belly. There was a solid blood trail though. Going to go back in shortly and start looking in an area where I think there may be some water. I'm very frustrated right now. Shit this sucks

    That is tough. Wish you the best in the search.

  5. Driving out East there was a lot of Deer out and about eating in the dark. Was nice in the woods untill 11am and then it got nasty with the heavy wind and rain. My brother and I left at 230 soaked. I only saw a fox but still I just love being out there. I will get back out next week. Thanks all for the advice and comments and gl.

  6. Well he said he would drive and get me a good lunch if it gets horrible out there so I will bring my camo umbrella and give it a whirl literally lol. I was out Monday and saw 4 on a beautiful day. I have a feeling tomorrow will be different. Thanks for the response karp :)

  7. My brother is begging me to take him out tomorrow on Long Island as it is the only day off for him for a bit. Heavy rains and wind coming. He is so intent on going. Anyone even see a point of Hunting in those kind of conditions? I have hunted in light rain and it has been great but heavy rain and wind seems like a better day spent in bed.

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