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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Thanks ... this thread reminds me that I need to get some popcorn tomorrow ......
  2. Waiting to see a follow up story on this Idiot . 200 yard shot with a pistol 40 minutes after legal hunting hours . Couldn't tell the difference between a person and a deer . The shooter needs to be charged ! It gets dark fast after legal time and to think there are hunters that want to be able to shoot 1/2 hour before sunrise and 1/2 hour after .
  3. I haven't seen anything All is quiet on the western front Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  4. Speaking of Thermals , I didn't put any on this morning . Lol Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. Nice looking deer. Congrats . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. I put out a couple of scent smoke sticks. They keep blowing in different directions . The forecast was for south west winds . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  7. Hey Doc , you missed this BS post --- sound familiar ? " Kinda the same argument that Liberals use when they don't like a TV Show, instead of turning the channel and watching something else, they want it removed from the air. If you don't like the posts in the Crossbow Section, turn the channel. "
  8. Not me . My wife likes to do the Thanksgiving dinner here and there will be at least 25 of us tomorrow . I would feel guilty if I hunted in the am as there is so much to do to make the dinner a success . It gets noisier than hell and I am always glad when the family leaves and the house goes back to quiet mode but I really wouldn't have it any other way . I wish one om my kids would take on the responsibility of doing the dinner .
  9. If you havn't figured it out , I was being SARCASTIC .......
  10. How is replying to someone who doesn't want Full Inclusion Trolling ? You think no one should respond in a negative way and so you consider that Trolling ? I bought a crossbow and have taken it out when legal because it is so much easier to shoot being pre-cocked and a scope . Why would I want to use my compound when the Crossbow is available for me to use ! The same goes for why use a crossbow during gun season . I am NOT against Crossbows . I just don't want to see Full Inclusion . How many more threads of this do we need ? Responses to this pop up under " Recent Topics " so it's quite visible . Maybe the "Crossbow Hunting" Forum should go the way of "Gun & Hunting Laws & Political Discussions" so that people don't see this redundant discussion / argument . Hey , gotta go shopping ........
  11. Left the house around 4:45 and headed to Geneseo . Took the chair blind with me . I always check my trailer lights before going and the left rear running light was out but the brake and turn signal would light on the side of the rear light . So , I have the double chair blind set up and the wind is blowing like hell . I forgot to take my big tent stakes and the little ones that came with the blind were worthless . At 10 am I left for Walmart to use the john , buy some stakes , get a sub sandwich , etc . Pulled the lens off the trailer light and the bulb had litterally blown . Replaced it and headed back to the property . Back in the stand by 1 pm . Still windy but had the blind staked down . It still moved and made noise with the wind . At 3:10 pm , I looked across the pasture and saw movement . It was difficult as I was looking right towards the sun . It was a small doe and she was facing me and looking at my location . I saw something move behind her in the brush . It was probably her mom . Too much brush and the bigger doe retreated . Then the little one left . That was my excitement for the day . Packed up at 4:45 and headed home . Traffic was slow on 590 North . must have been some accidents . I had high expectations for the day but they just didn't pan out .........
  12. Both deer were right in line with the sun Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. Saw a fawn at 3:10 . She knew something was different as the blind was moving in the wind. I could see mama in the hedge row but she wouldn't come out into the open They left . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. I clicked my heels . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. I put out some ever calm but it's still windy and not calm . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  16. I wonder if the deer will move much with it sooooo windy Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. Damn it's windy . Sitting in the double chair blind and forgot to bring real stakes. Those little wire stakes are worthless I have the front of the blind tied to my backpack and my foot trying to hold down one of the sides . I hope I don't end up in the Emerald City with Dorothy and Todo. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. Geritol is for Tired Blood . I don't get tired blood . I get tired all over .
  19. Congrats on your deer ! Still waiting for my shot .
  20. I will be heading back to Geneseo in the am . We had almost 6"of snow here in Ontario and expected the same in Geneseo . Not so . Not much of anything south of the 104 corridor !
  21. Mine was pretty much a bummer . I passed on 4 different 4 point bucks and might eat my buck tags but I felt okay about it at the time . I know there are bigger bucks out there and I would have shot a doe in a heart beat if the opportunity was there . I'll get over it .
  22. Doc -- You are still a young "whipper snapper" !
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