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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Sorry to derail the topic but it always makes me nervous to see a gun leaning against a tree .
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-sent-221-million-palestinians-obamas-last-hours-210222414--politics.html
  3. Trump won so as Hillary would say , "At this point , what difference does it make" ?
  4. I have reused if it passes inspection. Pass throughs are usually no problem. Others are most often damaged. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. Personally I always liked the single shots . If I was to compete with the guys Doc was talikng about , I would need a Speedloader . They have contests at our gun club going through a course shooting for speed and accuracy . Watched it once and found it boring . A waste of ammo !
  6. I have had a couple scary moments while gun hunting . 1) An old school classmate invited me to hunt with a group on his property in Groveland . There were at least 20 of us . !0 posted , 10 drove . We were on a drive in the woods and about 40 yards apart . A buck spooked ahead of us and ran fast between myself and the guy to my left . I swung my shotgun up and over and as I watched the buck I could see the guy aiming at the deer as it ran . My heart sank in a split second all I could think is if he had pulled the trigger I might not be here typing . I never hunted with them again . 2) Another time my FIL and I were hunting a property on Gibsonville Road near Pine Tavern . The properties butted up to Letchworth Park . Shot my 1st buck ever there . Anyway I was in a field at the top of a gully . I slowly walked over to where the gully came to a Tee and eased up to it's edge . Then all hell broke loose . A guy at the bottom started shooting in my direction towards the top that a deer was running up between us . I dropped flat to the ground as the guy emptied his semi auto shotgun at the deer . The deer almost ran over my flattened body . I got up and screamed to the guy that he hadn't hit the buck and someone was up here . All he said was "sorry" and went back the other way . In both instances , it wasn't my time to leave the Earth .
  7. A guy that hunts a property in Pittsford made a One Wheel Card . We helped him get his deer up to his truck . It was a Bee-otch trying to balance the deer on the cart while going over bumpy ground . I use a one wheel wheelbarrow when filling crop damage permits and it's not easy balancing that with a much wider tire than a bicycle tire . Hope it works for you . Keep us updated . Sorry to be negative but just telling from experience .
  8. Two things I don't like about WGI cams ....1) no strap , just bungee cords . I bought some various size bungee cords to fit different diameter trees . 2) The WGI cams don't take multiple pics . The WGI cams do hold up quite well . I had 3 of the Primos Cams and one conked out . The other two work fair but suck the life out of the batteries .
  9. The problem I have checking 3 of the cameras is that the pond field and woods is almost always wet . This is the 1st year that we have hunted the woods in a long time as it was dry during hunting season .This season was productive for both sons that hunt . Right now it is wet again and walking that area of the property it will almost pull your boots off . But , I hate to drive that far and not check the cameras . I will take extra batteries in case they are needed .
  10. If I help my SIL put hay in the barn tomorrow I hope to check out my cameras on her property . Hopefully something will be on them . I am also thinking of buying a Tri-pod stand to put near the thickets . Not sure if I really want to spend the money or not .
  11. What's the Scariest hunting situation you have had ? Here is mine ..... After I retired I started shooting woodchucks for farmers just for something to do . I shot most of them in Walworth , NY for a few farmers . I was not familiar with muck fields and had never been near one until I was on some property in Walworth . I was going through a muck field and was attempting to cross a ditch rather than walk a quarter mile and cross over a culvert . The ditch level was over 4 feet lower than the field level . It looked reasonably dry and I could see raccoon tracks on top of the ground . I climbed down the one side and took a step and my foot sank into the earth almost to my knee . My foreward momentum caused me to take another step and I threw myself forward so my hands and gun were on the other side . I tried to move my legs but couldn't . All I could think of was quicksand ......... I started to panic as I didn't have a phone , I was over a mile from any house , and I was 4' lower than the ground level . I calmed myself down and again tried pulling my legs out of the muck and wasn't having any luck . I pushed my rifle up the bank as far as I could reach which wasn't far . I grabbed the back of my jeans behind my knee and pulled while hanging onto some brush . Was able to move it a few inches and then the other leg as I grabbed some higher brush . I finally got free but my heart was pounding a mile a minute .I sat there for at least 15 minutes until I quit shaking and went back to my truck . I saw the farmer a couple days later and told him about my experience and the old fart just laughed . Nothing like learning a lesson the hard way ! This was scarier than the time I had a guy shooting at a deer that was running up a bank toward me and I had to drop on the ground and lay flat while the deer almost ran over me .
  12. I have cams that I leave out all year long . All my cameras are cable locked to trees . I have 3 cams in Walworth ( 10 miles away ) and 5 cams in Geneseo ( 50 miles away ) . two of my cameras in Geneseo are 3/4 mile walk through some crap to get to two cams I put in the woods this year . The cams I like are the Moultrie TRACE cams that Phade talked about some time ago . Havn't seen them advertised or in stores . They want an outrageous price on EBAY or Amazon . The TRACE Premise cams I bought were $40 each . Look at the EBAY price on the link I am posting . http://www.ebay.com/itm/TRACE-Premise-Surveillance-Camera-/122298600313?hash=item1c79908b79:g:YXMAAOSw2xRYbUQM
  13. Looks like those survivors have some potential . Healthy looking deer .
  14. The Obamanator gave out more Medal of Freedom Awards than any other President https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom_recipients
  15. Will the delivery drones have cameras on them to prove that packages are delivered ? Still waiting to see drone deliveries .
  16. Looks like a Yote , a fox , and some doe survived .
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