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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Not bad here but I saw a couple of dumb asses this am . One driver cleared a spot on the windshield but the side and back windows were covered as well as the hood . THe snow on the hood was blowing on the windshield . Don't know how this person could see anything . Another driver had about 6" of snow on her car roof . It was blowing onto other cars as she drove along RT 104 . I was driving on 104 Tuesday and some joker hauled butt past me . About 4 miles farther he was sitting in the ditch spinning his wheels . I tooted and waved .
  2. And ....... it sure as heck wouldn't be Jackie Bushwhacker !
  3. Covert trail cams on AMAZON http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_20?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=covert+trail+cameras&sprefix=Covert+Trail+Cameras%2Caps%2C536
  4. Uhhhhhhhh , Crockodile Dundee ............... j/k
  5. No doubt a Remington would jam on the 2nd shot ...............
  6. The pigeons there are about the size of chickens and they are free range .
  7. Finally found the ideal goose gun ............. note - I don't hunt / shoot geese
  8. Swede ---- Welcome to Hunting NY ..........
  9. GVHC pics from a couple years ago
  10. I used to buy log load , cut them to length and split them . Then I started buying the wood cut to length and split that by hand . I moved to buying split woods by the truckload ( 5-10 ) face cord at a time . We havn't used the wood stove in over 5 years as my wife has allergies . Went to Williamson Hardware and purchased a gas stove that will probably be installed next month . There goes the kid's inheritance !
  11. Happy Birthday Doc ! And ...... many more
  12. Here are a few survivors from the deer season . A friend who takes pics for the Genesee Valley Hunt Club (fox hunting) snapped this pic . I think it was taken on one of the roads between Geneseo and Avon . I would love to have seen these during gun season ! Picture was taken 12-26-14 ............
  13. He tried to bring the Superconducting Super Collider to Wayne County . We fought it and they started building it in Texas . Never panned out and now they grow mushrooms there . I still have some old No Coumo stickers somewhere .
  14. Happy Birthday WingNut !
  15. Just when I was going to take a "selfie" of myself with a Wayne County mountain lion . Bad timing , I guess .
  16. Happy B-day Cynthiafu where ever you are ..........
  17. This would be a great Tower Blind
  18. I made a New Year's resolution several years ago that I would no longer make any resolutions !
  19. Happy Birthday ....... enjoy that 200# of beef !
  20. I have done this with the scopes that I have Millet rings on . Both sides get tightened so if you screw in one side more than the other , your scope is off . It works for me and I will continue to do this easy adjustment .
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