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Hunting Location
region 8
Hunting Gun
Mossberg .308 Bolt
SMcCray's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
"Buck Fever" is a strange thing. The best advice I can give you is this. If it is a buck, look only at the antlers Long enough to determine that it is a Buck and a Buck you want to shoot. Then concentrate ONLY on the spot you want to shoot. There is an old saying "Aim Small, Miss Small" Concentrate on a spot on the deer. It is a shot you have made hundreds of times, the only difference is that now it isn't paper or another foam target. KNOW you can make the shot. If you question it at the last second, I guarantee you pull your shot. The other thing you can do is shoot a 3d Target for practice. I know it sounds stupid, but may change your perception of taking the shot. Always remember, you have PLENTY of time to get excited after the deer is on the ground....A lifetime in fact......Keep it together for the 10 seconds you will need to shoot the deer, and you can fall apart afterwards. LOL.
Thank you everyone. And Doc, Yes that is what I am talking about accept, MUCH whiter. LOL. The sad thing is I KNOW there is a buck in the pic, and a decent one cause you can see it move some in the darker area. Gonna go Move it today and see if it helps. I will post some pics in a few days if it worked.
I have a Wildgame inovations Red 6 camera. It isn't a Great camera, but it is middle of the road I believe. Anyhow, I have only gotten 1 pic/video at night time that wasn't completely, or nearly completely "whited" out. My question is 2 fold, 1.... Is the camera getting "White" out because the deer is too close to the Infrared flash??? 2. Will changing the PIR make a difference with this. Pretty sure I have a nice buck coming by the cam at around 7:00 pm, but can't get a picture that will allow me to verify it. LOL. Any help is appreciated...
I actually use a Blunt tip called "The Hammer" and it is DEVISTATING. Can be found at http://www.3riversarchery.com/Broadheads+Points+Screw-In+Steel+Blunts+The+%22Hammer+%22++Small+Game+Blunt_c57_s71_p98_i4910X_product.html They are killer heads and they won't let the arrow travel on the ground.
don't you also have to have last years Stamp to hunt the early goose season???
I am reading a lot of these comments against the use of Crossbows whether it be in the archery Season, the Regular season, or the late Muzzle Loader/Archery Season, and I am truly amazed at the rederick and use of information.... Many of these responses are right out of the same Liberal Media that would have us NOT hunt at all. I wonder how many of the nay sayers have used a crossbow, and seen the actual capabilities, or if they are going to stick with what what the media and the Selfish attitudes of the NYB would have you believe..... As a Trapper, I run into this type of "Attitude" all the time. And most of it is due to miss information, and plain old ignorance to the topic. Most who own and use a crossbow would tell you that the effective range of a crossbow is 30-40 yrds for hunting, which really is not ANY different than that of todays Compound Bows. In fact, you see hunters all the time on the outdoor channel taking shots out to 60++ yards. Can you shoot a crossbow out to 100 yrds. Sure you can..... I can shoot my Compound at 100 yrds too. Do it all the time practicing...... It is a great way to learn how to hold steady, and it makes the 20-40 yrd hunting shot I would take a chip shot. And then there was the comment about only if they have open sights, and not scopes...... WELL, maybe you should look at the advances in Archery Sights. You can use those same Scopes on your compound bow with the right mounting hardware....... I have friends who have them and LOVE them....... So what is the real reason that people don't like Crossbows. I have even heard that it is because you can become "Too Accurate, Too Quickly"........ AND!!!!....... Seriously folks. Isn't that the whole Idea. Isn't that THE main Moral, and Ethical principle that we has hunters have/should sworn to uphold???? That we will take the most ethical shot that will allow for a quick and humane Kill on the animals that we hunt..... OUR children, are the future of keeping these tradition alive. We have All taught our kids Safety, ethics, and morals when it comes to hunting, and unfortunately, we are also teaching them to battle within. ...... Sometimes we are a bigger problem to ourselves than any Anti group could possibly be.... And don't think they don't know that.....They will play us against each other at any opportunity. The truth is that if you are against the introduction of Crossbows in to NY for hunting, then you really are not a hunter at all..... You are NOT concerned for the future of our hunting traditions and how they are to be carried on. You are being selfish over something that isn't even yours..... NY Bowhunters inc... it is NOT..... YOUR SEASON!!!!...... it is the Hunters Season for those who live in NY and anywhere else that purchase a License...... If it is State land it is NOT ..... YOUR LAND!!!!.... It is OUR land as WE pay taxes on it and WE .... ALL.... have the right to use it within the law...... The TRUE hunters of this state had better start to understand that what we have is VERY fragile at this point, and if we continue to throw rocks at each other and NOT try to progress and draw new, Younger people, the Hunters in NY will cease to exist......... And wouldn't that be a shame......