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Everything posted by airedale

  1. From what I have read Black Mouth Curs have a great reputation and I think one from good hunting bloodlines, with proper training could make a good decoy dog. Al
  2. So sorry for your loss, I know the feeling well as it has happened to me more times than I care to remember, and there is nothing that can be said to make me feel better when they pass as they were my best friends. I found out long ago it is a part of life and something I was going to have to deal with if I wanted to be involved with hunting dogs. Dixie can never be replaced but jumping back in with a new pup goes a long way in easing the hurt. Al
  3. Hunting Coyotes with decoy dogs is all based on stirring up their strong territorial behavior, they will try to drive out any other canines in their perceived home ground and especially so during denning. I have had them several times when Coon hunting come in and try to harass my Hounds, I always had an Airedale in the pack that would put an end to that nonsense. Al
  4. Coyote Hunting with one of the best decoy dogs I have ever seen, he knows his business. Al
  5. Shooting from the bench on these hot days gets your rifle barrel hot quickly, especially the light thin sporter barrels and they stay hot forever. Anyone knows hot sporter barrels start causing shots to wander some and open groups, I started looking for a solution to cool the barrels down relatively quick as I like knowing where my hunting rifles shoot with a cool barrel especially the first couple of shots. I found several barrel cooling devices and decided to go with a "Chuckwalla" universal barrel cooler from competition shooting school. I chose this model over the others because it uses the much more common AA batteries. You just place the device in your rifle's chamber and turn it on and it will get the barrel cooled back down much quicker than just waiting around to cool on it's own. I think it works pretty good and keeps thing moving along on the bench. Al
  6. I believe the video was geared to show who and what kills adult Turkeys, large raptors, Fox, Coyotes and Bobcats seem to be the main culprits according to this guy. Coyotes and Fox along with Skunks, Coon, Possums and Crows will take nest eggs when the opportunity arises. Al
  7. Young Ruff is coming along great, I am very pleased with him so far. Been working on basic obedience and he is coming along fine. Will be hunting up and trapping some training aids in the near future to test his natural abilities and try to find where his breeding and interests lay, he is looking versatile. Real is the deal when it comes to training, no bottled scents or concoctions. Al
  8. My latest in a long line of Airedales, hopefully he will provide me with many years of good all around small game hunting and take over as my yard dog for old Harleigh who is getting up in years but still darn effective as she killed a skunk the other night, "PHEW!! Al
  9. They do not last long around my place, usually my dogs take care of most of them. Al
  10. From what I have read this concoction works best on a hot sunny day, heavy rain may dilute and rinse it off the weeds before it takes full effect. Al
  11. Reading in NY Outdoor News that if you purchase your license from an issuing agent they want to charge a little fee for printing out your license. Alway looking to squeeze you for more money! Al
  12. Looks great, seems like we never have enough room for our stuff. Al
  13. New pup being picked up this weekend and of course it is an Airedale, going on 76 years of age so this will more than likely be the last pup I will train out. He should be a good one as he has many of my good best Airedales in his pedigree, I am excited. Not the best photo but he is the pup on the far right. Anyone interested in what is the best all around versatile hunting dog and you have instagram check out one of my message board members instagram site, the photos speak for themself and show what these dogs are capable of if bred right. Traditional Working Airedales (@hunting_airedales) • Instagram photos and videos Al
  14. This gal has an interesting business down in Florida removing Iguanas from neighborhoods where they have over populated. She both traps and hunts them with PCP air rifles which are plenty powerful enough and deadly accurate. looks like a lot of fun. Below is just one of a shitload of videos she has made. Al
  15. airedale


    A fishing buddy that knows a lot more than me about equipping a boat talked me into putting in a lithium trolling motor battery. According to him I will probably get close to 10 years out of lithium and even though the up front cost is high over a ten year period it comes out much cheaper that a common lead acid. Picked up the one below at a decent price and from the reviews I have read it should work out great for me. Worked out great for me in the end, my dump trailer which uses a deep cycle battery was ready for a new one, so the old boat battery will go there and the old one out of the dump trailer will work great for my automatic clay pigeon thrower. Now if it will quit storming around here I will get out on the water. Al
  16. Took a ride on my scooter the other day in the late afternoon and saw five different does with fawns near the side of the roads, looks like a good crop this year. Al
  17. For anyone looking to get hold of almost impossible to find large rifle primers for reloading, Powder Valley has some in stock from an outfit called White River. Al Small arms ammunition primers made in America. Located in a state-of-the-art facility in Arkansas, USA, WRE supports a wide range of domestic and international clients in defense and sporting markets through the manufacture and distribution of primers for small caliber ammunition.
  18. Been using the old proven Coleman Fuel stoves as far back as I can remember, they just work great. Al
  19. airedale


    I have been wanting to get a boat for several years now, but at my age I did not want to go into hock for a new one. I had it in my mind if I came across a good used boat that was reasonably close by that was structurally sound and mechanically sound I would consider buying it. This boat is pretty old, a 1991 with a 2004 50 HP motor, but it was well maintained, no leaks, rot or soft floors, and everything worked, it was fairly close by and priced right. There were a few cosmetic things that were addressed and I did some upgrades to the old accessories, I love doing all that tinkering and as they say getting her shipshape did not cost a whole lot of money. Spent the past week or so sprucing her up and I think she will work out well for me at this stage of the game. As for Catfishing Oneida Lake and her tributaries that have deep holes are great for them, it is pretty close by and has nice boat launches. Back when I did a bit of Catfishing I did pretty well in those places. The Redfield reservoir is my favorite for Bass along with Delta lake North of Rome, caught some nice Northerns out of there. Al
  20. airedale


    Well it has been around forty years since I had a boat and now that I am entering my second childhood I decided it was time to get another. A Tracker Deep V17 in decent shape, looking forward to Bass season and doing some Catfishing. Al
  21. From what I know it is all about getting exposed to air, as long as it is frozen with no air intrusion it will not spoil, as time goes by it will not have the taste of fresher meat but it won't kill you. LOL I once watched on TV one of those Discovery Channel shows about excavating Wooly Mammoths out of the frozen tundra of Siberia. One specimen was so well preserved that one of the crew cut off a slab of several thousand year old flesh cooked it and ate some of it. According to that tale it tasted fine and nobody got sick from eating it. Al
  22. Looked out the window a few minutes ago and one of the local Turkey hens walking by with her poults in tow. She has a least a half dozen that I could see, they are all out of the woods in the open when it rains, a couple of nice Toms out there also.
  23. Wow!, a big one that has been eating good! Al
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