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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. As far as antler hunting I have heard of at least one person using an Airedale, don't know much about this activity myself but I would say with proper training they should be able to do it. I can tell you that one of my own yard dogs has a couple of time found old antlers on his own and brought them home. There are several people on the Traditional Working Airedale message board that use Airedales successfully for recovering deer, so I know they can perform that task well. I believe there are a couple of photos in the links posted showing some Airedales with deer they recovered. There was a time when I did quite a bit of varmint hunting using calls and had several instances where my Airedales tracked up both Coyote and Fox for me. My Airedales are midsized with the females averaging in the sixty pound area give or take a few pounds, the males a bit more. Al
  2. The British tried using them as Police dogs but for the most part they were and are not suited for the job, Airedales are "people dogs" in that they love people. Like most other Police forces that use dogs the British switched to the herding breeds which are the favorites and are far and away the best breeds for that kind of work. During WW1 Airedales were extensively used as "War Dogs" jobs included helping locate the dead and wounded soldiers, also as sentinels, and many as messenger dogs. Al
  3. Have some females left they should be good ones and will be old enough to start some training.
  4. I agree with wooly, it is said a Deer's nose ranks close to a Dog's, if you are upwind they will smell you, your weapon, even your breath cover scent or not. Al
  5. I am an old Goat that has taken my share of Deer over the years and this thread got me to thinking of my past experiences with a wide variety of firearms. I am a big believer in shooting proficiency, practicing with your guns getting to the point of being able to hit the spot you are aiming at consistently. The heart lung shot is the one I prefer because it is a large area that is the easiest to hit and certain death will occur if a hunter does his part putting bullet through there. If I am presented with that shot and am using a firearm that I am proficient and confident in I will use any caliber with good ammunition as long as it is legal and within reasonable range. As for the the calibers I have used these are the ones I can remember. 222 Rem, 220 Swift, 243 Win, 280 Rem, 338 Win, 357 mag & 44 mag both out of handguns, 44 mag bullets fired from a muzzleloader, 45/70, 20 ga foster slugs, 12 ga foster slugs. Distances varied but the majority were taken within 100 yds with a few longer shots out to maybe 250 yds. Most of those Deer fell where they stood, the rest ran a short distance of up to maybe 50 yds and keeled over. The only two that went far was one Doe hit through the heart with a 44 mag bullet shot from a muzzleloader sprinted a little over 100 yds and ran smack into a page wire fence where she was stopped. Believe it or not a small Buck shot behind the front shoulder at a range of 35 yds with a 350 grain hollow point from a 45/70 went the farthest. There was a good blood trail so me and my hunting buddy had no problem following. We found him piled up almost 200 yds from where he was shot. Upon field dressing it was shown that the bullet had caused tremendous damage, how that Deer went that far I can not explain but it was certainly amazing. I had one instance where I lost a Deer, I jumped a Buck out from under a scrub apple tree in a fairly open field and cut loose with a 12 ga shotgun with slugs. I was pretty sure I hit him good, I found blood and looked and scoured that area for hours but I never did find him.The reality for me was that I more than likely did not hit him as well as I thought and shooting at a sprinting Deer is probably not a good idea. As for the original poster's question about using a 243 Win, in the right hands I think it is a great Deer caliber. Take it for what it is worth. Al
  6. Some years ago a pretty good day with one of my favorite dogs, missed two Woodcocks and another Pheasant that he flushed and also a Squirrel that he treed so it could have been even better but I was satisfied to say the least.
  7. The squirrels will be where the food is, no food, no Squirrels. Stands of Beech and Oak tree produce two of their favorites. A corn field that borders woodlands is also a great place. Al
  8. Sounds like they are using a Coon Squaller, it mimics the sound of a fighting Coon. Coon Squallers are also used at night after the dogs tree them to make them look so the light hits their eyes and you can spot them especially when the leaves are on. They can be either a mouth call or an electronic call. A Woodpecker shriek on an electronic call will bring them out of their holes also. Al
  9. I am a dyed in the wool small game hunter so you are no oddball to me. I like action and being able to pull the trigger on some fine hunting firearms I have acquired over the years. Fairly liberal daily limits on Squirrels and much the same on other small game species for both rifles and shotguns makes for a lot of fun in my book. Deer hunting while I like it is on the other hand somewhat anti climatic for me, Al
  10. In central NY, Airedale puppies out of old time hunting stock, properly trained this breed can be very versatile and suitable for both fur and feather hunting and also make first class family-companions. They are AKC registered and have had their shots and have been wormed and ready to go. They are 350.00. For the folks that are not familiar about this breed here is a link showing how these dogs are used throughout the USA and Canada and the pups for sale are directly related to most of the Airedale seen here. http://huntingwithairedales.blogspot.com/2011/04/hunting-airedales-in-action.html http://huntingwithairedales.blogspot.com/2014/03/hunting-airedales-in-action-2.html For anyone that may be interested they can contact me here through a pm here or an email to [email protected] and I will get back to you. Al Kranbuhl
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151312030446726&set=vb.545261725&type=2&theater
  12. Can not blame Remington for it's new plant decision, it would have been hypocritical to build the facility in a state that has made it illegal to own many of the products it manufactures. Al
  13. I am not a phone person and and have been using a basic Tracfone for my service for several years. I just did what you are thinking about, my old Motorola flip would not hold a charge any more so I decided to upgrade to the Centura smart phone and the triple minutes. I go with their yearly plan and just pay out once a year and do it online, your minutes and data amounts can be accessed and kept track of on the phone or online. As for the Centura phone it sure can do more than the old flip phone. At this time I do not use much of it's features but I do like being able to check the weather and my email. So far it has worked well and I have had no problems. Al
  14. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/09/10/colorado-recall-election-results/2796373/
  15. I don't always agree with Ted but in this particular case he hit the nail right on the head as far as I am concerned. Al
  16. Ted's Take. http://rare.us/story/nugent-zimmerman-verdict-vindicates-citizen-patrols-self-defense/?utm_source=MGA&utm_medium=MGA&utm_campaign=Nugent+on+Zimmerman
  17. One can not open their newspaper or watch any news broadcast without being deluged with the goings on at the Zimmerman Martin Trial which a racially motivated spectacle. Below is the coverage of a murder that happened in Syracuse a few weeks ago by a local blogger. He is mad as hell and I don't blame him, where is the national outrage?, where is the national media frenzy? ==================================== Murdering Black Mobs Come to Syracuse, Local Media and City Officials Run Interference for Them by Matt Forney on May 31, 2013 in Society I try not to do current events blogging because it’s boring and superfluous. The world doesn’t need another self-important keyboard warrior writing deep thoughts about something that some politician said or some other news story that people will forget next week. Nonetheless, I have to write about this story because I have local expertise that other bloggers in this part of the Internet don’t: Syracuse, NY — Authorities have charged two teenagers in the May 23 attack and subsequent death of a 51-year-old Syracuse man outside a South Side market. A 13-year-old and a 15-year-old have each been charged with first-degree manslaughter in the killing of Michael Daniels, Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler and Mayor Stephanie Miner said at a news conference Thursday night. Daniels was standing alone outside Los Amigos Market at the corner of Cannon Street and West Brighton Avenue around 9:40 p.m. on May 23 when when he was attacked by a group of teenagers. Police said the teens repeatedly punched Daniels and then kicked him in the head while he was on the ground. He died a day later at Upstate University Hospital. Fowler said the two teens were taking part in “Knockout,” a game in which people randomly target someone on the street and try to knock the person out by punching them. Don’t you just love the mainstream media, how effortlessly they omit and contort stories that don’t fit their prefab worldview? I grew up in Syracuse, so I can provide a local perspective on this. Here are the facts, for those of you keeping score: These “teenagers” were black. Whenever a news story fails to mention the race of the perp, it’s because they’re either black or Latino. This attack happened in the South Side, a run-down, primarily black ghetto where convenience store owners have to put bars on their windows to deter theft and the only booming businesses are pawn shops and payday loan sharks. Put two and two together. The man they killed, Michael Daniels, was white. These black teenagers were playing Knockout King, a game where you go around finding white people to beat up and put in the hospital. It’s also called “polar bear hunting,” and you can figure out why. There are literally hundreds of documented cases across the U.S. in the past 5-6 years of black teenagers swarming on hapless white people and putting them in the hospital for kicks, sometimes even killing them. Ex: Carter Strange. Additionally, as commenters at the Post-Standard pointed out, the story’s author, Ken Sturtz, omitted the graphic details of what these “teenagers” did to Daniels. They didn’t just beat him to death, they popped his eyeball out of its socket and laughed about it. Let’s get one thing clear to Chief Fowler and Mayor Miner: what these black kids did is not manslaughter, it is murder. They were playing a game that involves physically assaulting other people, which is the definition of premeditation. Sitting around laughing at how you beat a man so severely that you knocked his eyeball out of its socket is the exact definition of a depraved-heart homicide, which constitutes second-degree murder in the U.S. More importantly, what these kids did was a hate crime. These black kids specifically went out of their way to attack a white man solely for being white. Every single documented case of Knockout King/polar bear hunting, from Chicago to Philadelphia, has shown the exact same pattern: blacks going out of their way to beat up, maim, injure and kill whites. If two white teenagers from DeWitt or Skaneateles had beaten and killed a black man, Miner and Fowler wouldn’t hesitate to charge them with a hate crime. But because the colors are reversed, they and the Post-Standard are covering up what was effectively a lynching. This comment by Fowler is the most disgusting of them all: “A man lost his life because a group of young people decided to play this very dangerous game,” Fowler said. Is this guy insane? You’d think he was talking about some kids planking on a railroad track or chugging vodka in their parents’ basements. These monsters headed out the door specifically to hurt and kill someone, and this is all you have to say? I am nobody of importance, but I can’t say silent on this. If the hacks at the Post-Standard and in the Syracuse PD aren’t willing to do their jobs on their own, we have to shame them into it. The city of Syracuse must charge these vicious killers with both murder and a hate crime, and the Post-Standard’s reporters need to stop hiding the facts of the case out of fear of being called “racist.” And if Mayor Miner and Chief Fowler are too cowardly to do their jobs, the Onondaga County DA needs to step in and do it for them. And I don’t want to hear anyone making excuses for these little scumbags. I don’t want to read leftist hacks from Syracuse University writing guest editorials on how America’s “institutional racism” or “lack of educational opportunities” led these kids to murder this guy. I don’t care how poor or marginalized you are, there is no justification for seeking out someone at random and beating them to death. None. I especially don’t want to hear Fowler blaming these attacks on “boredom.” When I was a kid and I was bored, I went outside to play, played video games, or read a book. Gang-swarming on some poor stranger and putting him in the hospital never crossed my mind, and anyone who would do that for fun is a sociopath with no place in civilized society. These “teens” beat Michael Daniels to death for one reason and one reason only: they hate white people. They’ve been told to hate whites since they were old enough to comprehend words. They’ve been told by their mothers, their teachers, their role models that whites are oppressing them, stealing from them, and are responsible for all the misery in their lives. Is it any wonder that blacks across America are beating up and abusing whites like this? You want to talk about “institutional racism?” Let’s talk about the institutions that tell poor blacks that stomping random white people to death is socially acceptable. Again, I’m not an important person, but I’m not keeping my mouth shut on a disgusting story like this.
  18. I have been sick of it for a long time and it ain't just land taxes!
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