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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. That's Doe whacker who wants to take me on....Steve's a bit smarter not by much though!
  2. First of all it's BURT after all these years get it right! You and doe seem to show up like Turkey Vultures on Rt 17.........Hmmm?
  3. So this year I saw the biggest buck in my life last day of bow season. 1 other person from another camp also saw this deer this year. Nobody reported it shot so I hope he made it. We left camp the third day into muzzleloader season. Before coming up I collected a bunch of pumpkins and semi rotten apples. Changed the cards and batteries in the two cams and spread out the bounty hoping to see if he is still around. I know you are not allowed to do this in NYS but what the hell. Last few days and it might help some critters along. Go ahead and kill me I deserve it! lol
  4. Still have Jan gun season on long Island.
  5. Patience is a virtue. I passed a number of smaller bucks at bow season just to see the two biggest deer of my life the last Friday of bow. I know one of them was taken at gun but the giant still lurks among us.
  6. Just seems like a slap on the wrist. Fines and up to 1 year in jAIL.
  7. Does you son like it ? If so tell him to stay awake!! lol
  8. My brother shot a doe on long island a few years ago. Didn't have any front teeth they age her at 9 years.
  9. His twin....growing out of his head! no idea....
  10. Well that sucks. Hope he gets it back.
  11. BPS had to have security cameras on the parking lot. Ask them about it I'm sure they will search for you.
  12. What the hell would our lives be like if this site vanished forever, I cringe at the thought. Like the morning with no coffee, a gun without bullets and huntingny without Turkey feathers! lol
  13. I share what I have with the group. My brother in law who is a great hunter doesn't share anything on social media and is the most ethical, QDM deer hunter I know.
  14. Good luck with your son. Nice deer you have there.
  15. Eddie we had two for the last day. Sorry to say no deer shot this final week. Last day of gun was a bust between the three of us. Muzzy Monday had me jump a buck from his bed in the swamp. I missed but I alerted my brother that he was coming. It runs in the family should I say more.....lol. The only other deer we saw was a tiny doe that got to live another season. That's it until Jan firearms season on Long Island.
  16. Still haven't killed one with the smokepole. Got to get that done first!
  17. Be out tomorrow through Weds. Good luck folks!
  18. Headed up tomorrow night with brother and brother in law. Last day of gun season then muzzleloader for 3. Cold temps coming in. Few years back it was 10-15 degrees and I watched 27 doe walk past my stand headed for the field....you think one might of been a buck...nope. lol
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