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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I know I know!!! Even better last November!lol
  2. This group is awesome!! Thank you all and yes Plan"B" will keep me close to home and offer more time to be with my girls!!
  3. That was over 2 hrs on the rail road the rest driving and walking.
  4. After 20 years at Time Inc. my number came up yesterday. I'm not shocked and a little relieved that it is over. I have been commuting from the burbs to NYC for over 25 years. My commute round trip is 3.25 hrs. Not a great way to spend your time but the job was worth it. The publishing business is finally at a crossroad. Traditional print and journalism is going down the tubes. Most new hires are contract workers that are very cheap/no benefits and under 30 years old. Management does not care about the quality of journalism they just want volume. We are going through a transition now and management is removing the seasoned veterans and either not replacing them or just spreading out the work. I'm not bitter in fact I have plan "B" in motion and I'll let you know how it goes. I'm battling HR for a few extra comp weeks in my compensation package. Plan "B" should start in June so I will have a about 3 months to do some work to my home and the cabin. No more free magazines for me or my friends:(
  5. God bless ya. Give them hell!!!
  6. That is pretty cool. Man is he an awesome shot!
  7. rats, mice, crows. Opossums and snakes walk a fine line with me.
  8. Honestly I am fascinated with them. I'll let you know after a few years, with one on my property, how fascinated I still am. lol My buddy has two and I'm able to drive right up to them. This is where I judged the noise in all kinds of conditions.
  9. jrm glad it worked out for you. I agree every situation is different, there are some very slimy people/companies in this world.
  10. jrm you couldn't be more wrong. This is out in the open. Look at the first post, there is a Facebook page and an informational page on the companies website. The permuting stage is happening right now, read what I posted about the state gov getting involved. The company funds community projects and benefits. I never signed a confidentiality agreement nor did anyone else. You sign a lease and receive 2 grand a year until the project is built, thats it. Seems like you really have an ax to grind, sorry it didn't turn out well for you.
  11. Hope you have a great day with the family, Happy birthday!
  12. I wasn't nor was any of my neighbors approached by a slick company rep. It was a local person who had all the information about signing up. When I did do my research on the first wind project in Howard it did raise an eyebrow from me seeing some important names on the list for possible wind towers to be built on their property. I can clearly see where you guys are coming from on this issue. Like fracking there are two sides to the issue and if you google the topic so many articles come up for and against. The one thing that is clear these turbines are huge and you can see them. I would be hard pressed to let this happen on my property if my neighbors weren't involved. Being that they all are involved its a go.
  13. I saw on the other site some guys got out today and scored. I could never hunt in 30 inches of snow, deer are at a disadvantage also.
  14. One last question…..your really not that neat, you had the place staged? lol
  15. The project is going through a permitting stage right now. The state gov has gotten more involved in the past couple of years. It was mostly up to the town to permit now both have their jobs to do. In a significant reform aimed at encouraging investment in clean energy technology, Governor Andrew Cuomo on August 4, 2011, signed into law the Power New York Act of 2011, Chapter 388 of the Laws of 2011, enacting Article 10 of the Public Service Law, establishing a unified siting review process for major electric generating facilities; that is, facilities with a generating capacity of 25 MW or more. The New York Department of Public Service and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation adopted implementing regulations on July 17, 2012: Chapter X Certification of Major Electric Generating Facilities,16 NYCRR Part 1000 and Analyzing Environmental Justice Issues in Siting of Major Electric Generating Facilities, 6 NYCRR Part 487. After July 17, 2012, all applicants for permits to construct major electric generating facilities must follow Article 10. In addition, applicants who had applied for permits or licenses before that date, along with applicants for permits or licenses for certain other types of electric generating facilities excluded from Article 10, may elect to follow Article 10. Article 10 creates an administrative agency lodged within the Department of Public Service, the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, to conduct the reviews and make final administrative siting decisions. The Board has seven members; five are agency heads (the "Permanent Board") and two are appointed on a project-specific basis (the local, ad hoc public members). The new law provides a unified review process for the state permits, licenses, and other approvals required to site, construct, and operate a major electric generating facility. Department of Environmental Conservation review of permit applications under federally-delegated or approved Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act programs is coordinated with, and conducted through, the Article 10 review. The Department of State's coastal zone consistency determination is also coordinated with the Article 10 review. Federal permitting and licensing reviews may be coordinated with the Article 10 review. Article 10 provides for consideration of local laws, and Board decisions must provide reasons for deviation from local substantive requirements. Article 10 seeks to promote early and effective public participation in the siting process, facilitating communication between the applicant and interested persons, to minimize later delays and reduce the likelihood of litigation challenging siting decisions. It provides numerous public participation opportunities, including the distribution of "intervenor funds" derived from application fees to enable municipalities and local parties to hire technical experts and lawyers to assist them in participating in the proceeding.[
  16. I could see in a pretty populated town this being a problem. Howard is very small and the turbines are spread out in farm and rec property.
  17. My neighbor has 9 acres. He will sell me the property when he no longer can get to his small camp. I plan on paying him the going rate before the turbines go up. Even if they do hurt his resale the value, this property is too valuable to me for hunting. Just another scenario.
  18. That is pretty sweet for a newly married couple or a single person. Nice place and a good price for that area!
  19. Biggest killer of birds in the world……..the common house cat!
  20. Bone marrow soupd are starting to be the in thing for health! I saw a show on this and there are actually little shops opening up that serve great soups from bones.
  21. I look at the people around me (2) that have very little acreage. The wind co will not be interested in such small piece. So that person may see value erode slightly. i believe the wind co want 50 acres or better for turbines this is not be true for transmission lines.
  22. property values and wind turbines. It's a tough one to peg. http://windfarmrealities.org/category/property-values/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2546042/Proof-wind-turbines-thousands-home-value-homes-1-2-miles-wind-farms-slashed-11-cent-study-finds.html http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/08/28/study-wind-turbines-have-no-impact-home-prices
  23. i grown up nex to hi voltage powwer lines on lon Giland, nut hen ever happen. lol
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