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Everything posted by First-light

  1. i'm at a loss, a state trooper is dead and this guy is still out there? after how many days?????
  2. The doe will attract he buck…..you just got to be there!
  3. It happens to all of us. You gave it yur best shot…….
  4. My grand daughter's first buck for youth hunt. She killed it today about 9am with .243 caliber rifle. All she need is just one bullet...one shot. Proud of you Bouger. All the Pap's needed to say!!!!! Mick,Ted and Burt congratulate you!
  5. Congrats, don't think I would have her holding the heart for a picture……for a first time hunter having her picture on a website I think we can do better. Again congrats on your first kill but not on the pictures posted.
  6. No "huge" fits the description of this deer. Go to face book and take a look.
  7. I took the hunter out of the picture. You can see all the picts on Facebook at Long Island Deer Hunting. Man, if this doesn't get you pumped!!!!!!!! Congrats To the hunter!!
  8. I like the Diamond I have, good luck with it Joe.
  9. Rewind last year opening morning around 10:30. I have 3 doe and a buck in the wagon behind the quad. The buck has an antler of about 3 inches the other one is missing. I tell my friend to wait to fill it out the tag until we get back to the cabin so we can measure and maybe put it on a doe permit. Up pulls DEC officer. I never expected this and comes over to check the deer. There is a tape measure on the back of the quad. All three checked out fine but there was no tag on the buck. I explained the situation to him. He explained the rules to me and let us get off from receiving a $350 ticket. He was cool and explained deer transported on a quad need to be tagged. Have something that measures 3 inches and use it as a gauge in the field. (no wise cracks) He was a nice guy and I will never do something like that again.
  10. Back at it for 2014! We will be down 2 players this season. Zach is attending University of Arizona so he is out of site but not mind. Eric who joined us last gun season (my nieces husband is still overseas serving) won't be home until december. We are changing it up and only doing two long trips, 1 for bow and 1 bow/gun this year. 5 days starting Oct 17th and 6 days starting Nov 13th. Too many commitments this year to get away every other weekend. Fields are still in corn and we have two nice plots full of clover. I haven't been up to check cams in a month so I don't know whats going on. Good luck all hunt safe, hunt smart!
  11. If you use a quad to take it out of the woods it has to be on the deer. (just adding that point)
  12. BTW tha car was a Bentley Continental GTC SuperSports about 300 grand!
  13. 2 pair of new glasses 3 months ago. No excuses!!!! I'm not good at that selfi shit. lol
  14. I used to camp and hunt the state land in Roscoe NY. 15,000 acres of property. It was an amazing experience for sure. Look up Roscoe NY, Morton Hill road. Follow that road all the way up the mountain until you hit state land. Have at it!
  15. As a young buck at 20 years of age I would climb a tree (2x4's nailed in as steps) up 18' and stand on a platform of 2 2x6's for hours. There was no thing as a safety harness. Yeah that has to be the dumbest thing I did. I did kill my first buck from that stand but safety clearly outweighs it.
  16. Zemm, This will be the first year in 4 that Zach won't be there. He is at Arizona St. University. He got turned down twice for the Navy Seal program and didn't want to waste any more time. It's up to me and my Brother to put a hurting on them….oh yeah and soccer, daughter is playing division 1 so it is in your face everyday. When we are up for 5 days to bow hunt my brothers girl is a freshman on Cortland's soccer team, game Friday afternoon, so there goes another afternoon hunt. lol can't wait to see her play. I would gladly give up a hunt for that! Good luck to your daughter. Transition is tough. We are still going through it with my younger one playing up.
  17. Very nice. We changed tactics this year because of soccer and just being plain busy. Doing a 5 day stretch on the 17th and back up from Wed right through gun opener. Hopefully it pays off, the hard part for my crew is to hit the target! lol
  18. Folks, Check your license for missing numbers. Mine are missing on the DMP tag. see below: It has come to our attention that one or more of the carcass tags issued with your 2014-15 New York State hunting license and/or privileges contains only 8 digits, instead of the standard 12 digits normally associated with your licenses and tags. Please be advised that if you should harvest a deer, bear or turkey with one of these tags, you will be asked to enter a 12 digit number into the game harvest reporting system. In order to successfully report a harvest on one of these tags, please enter preceding zeros for the first four digits. For example, if your carcass tag number is12345678, please enter 000012345678. You may report a game harvest by phone at 866-426-3778 or online at http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8316.html If you have any questions on this matter or if you have any difficulty attempting to enter a game harvest, please feel free to contact our Deer Management Hotline at 866-472-4332 (Monday-Friday from 8:00AM – 4:00PM). We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused by this issue. I hope you have a safe and successful hunting season this fall. Mary E Bailey NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4750
  19. I'm a huge hockey fan and even a bigger Ranger fan. I was star struck by this guy. I walk at lunch everyday, my half way point is down in Hells Kitchen. Henrik lives there wife his wife and daughter. I was walking down 52 st and looked up to see a beautiful sports car and Henrik standing next to it. I did a double take and called out his name. It was just the two of us for 15 minutes talking hockey!! He was great, told me the Rangers are going to be real, real fast this year and it will be extremely exciting hockey to watch. The thing was that he didn't rush me, asked questions back to me and made eye contact the whole time. You hear how nice this guy is from television and reading about him but man meeting him personally was just awesome!
  20. So many stories like this. Go to Long Island Deer Hunting on Facebook. You can read about all the crazy stories on LI and vent. It's a great site and some wonderful hunters there. I saw a picture of a deer carcass head caped and loins missing. Just dumped in the area you park. Crazy stuff, its a small area where a lot of people want to use the property.
  21. Man can't wait to get out. Good reading from your posts, good luck!
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