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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Thanks Zemm. Actually had a couple more people look for him yesterday. Didn't find him. Here is a picture of a buck my neighbor shot with the recurve, two years in a row for him.
  2. Here is a picture of my friends buck he shot last Friday. I put an arrow to show direction of shot. Look at the fat on the spine, brisket and sides. I believe Phade and Sam got it right that I hit high up off one side. Arrow probably exited the flank. Thanks for all the input folks.
  3. Deer was not found, my cams are out. Hopefully I'll catch him on the cams or again from my stand. What I have learned: •aim high on a shot close in think exit hole placement. •quartering to is not a great shot, let the deer pass for a greater chance at the vitals (quartering away)
  4. Side of the deer on the shoulder.
  5. This is exactly what my Brother-inlaw told me. I should of waited until he passed me but I was worried he would wind me. The wind was blowing right in his face.
  6. Deer was looked for yesterday and today. We even had the help of some 4legged friends no luck. I had one other friend come in to help out this afternoon and have not heard from hm yet.
  7. For the record I was up a tree 15 feet. I put the 10 yard pin on the bottom of the shoulder. deer was standing 5 yards out. That should work..............
  8. I here ya Grow. Last weekend south west winds, they don't help one bit.
  9. I have to try this for sure. Thanks for all the information!
  10. Elmo, Aim high with my 10 yard pin?? I thought it would be low cause of the close proximity?
  11. Geno, I used my 10 yard pin and held it low on him.......
  12. Belo, Tree stand 15 fett up. Yup tough shot for sure.
  13. Hey, he's wearing my freaken shirt, the little runt.
  14. Let's not forget last year so quickly, 2/3 with the bow last year! We don't have the kid this year to make us look good....then again, it will take more than Zach shooting a deer every year to make us look good.
  15. Wow, bought one last year. That sucks-thanks for the info though.
  16. Right before the shot is was in the "nut" phase and couldn't believe he was so close. After the shot I went through the "seeking" phase, that lasted 3 hours. Just about done with the "mourning" phase so have at it!!!!!!! lol
  17. Yea I think he will. Arrow was fully recovered. Again it happened so quick the distance and angle I bet it went right through the left side high up.
  18. Foot rests are great! Gorilla stands are pretty good, I have a couple.
  19. Your right it was so close and the angle, stand is up at least 15 feet.
  20. Phade and Sam I think you might be right. Hair was short and light brown brown, no white hairs. The impact noise was odd, like smacking a wooded hollow tube with another piece of wood. Hard to explain but that is what it sounded like. I had his tracks in the leaves for a good 30 yards and found nothing. We continued looking for 3 hours, nothing except for the impact area.
  21. Shot a real nice one yesterday. Coming to me at 3-5 yards had a slight quartering to me and let the shot got. Heard impact deer ran off tail between legs. Arrow had fat all the way along it and some grey hair on the ground, not white. We looked for 3 hours no blood at all. I think I may of hit neck??? It all happened real quick, maybe a bad shot but he was so close and thought I was going to get busted any moment. I'll play this one over a 100 times in my head, it sucks.
  22. Just reporting back on conditions and deer sightings. Thursday night cloud cover Friday sun and clouds 55. We saw 7 deer from 3pm until dark. Friday night was again cloudy and we saw 1 deer 7am on saturday. Saturday night was cloudy Sunday morning cool partly sunny we see 2 bucks. The bucks we saw all responded to calling From a little 4 pt to a giant. Not many rubs or scrapes were found. Neighbor killed an 8 pt Friday that came into a doe bleat. I thought the weekend was pretty good and the two of us both had our chances.
  23. Just got with some news I wish were different. Saturday I saw nothing but my brother had a small 4 pt come in but was busted by him at full draw. He has it all on film and is pretty cool. We go out this morning for the last hunt. My brother goes to the bottom of the property and I stay up top. At about 7 he does some doe bleats and catches a monster of a buck heading his way about 50 yards. Deer decides to turn and head for the bedding area and that was it. There are a couple three bruisers in the area and he was one of them all well over 130. This is where I come in. It was about 8:40 and I do some doe bleats and buck grunts. I was getting out of the stand by 9 so I gave the calls a try. Nothing for ten minutes so I'm just about ready to get down and I see a deer coming right at me at 20 yards. It is a really tall buck lost count on points looked like a 2.5 year old. He doesn't slow down one bit, I grab my bow and in one motion I go to full draw. He is now at 10 yards still coming, I have no shot straight on, he is now at 5 yards and turns slightly exposing more shoulder. This all happened so fast Its hard to recall the shot placement. Had my 10 yard pin low on the shoulder and I released. I hear the arrow make an impact sound the deer whirls around and runs off tail between its legs. Deer was not bounding but at a fast trot. I give him a few minutes and I get down. Arrow is in the ground, little bit of gray hair no blood. I look at the arrow at it has fat from the broadhead to the nock all around. Slightly colored red on one fletching. My brother comes up and we start looking and find nothing. Followed his tracks and saw no sign of blood. We did this for 3 hours and came up empty handed. I'm thinking I hit the side of the deer penetrating the body cavity but hitting nothing vital. I probably should of not taken the shot. He was so close and the thought of getting busted at any moment had me shooting. If I played it over again I should of waited and not chance a bad shot. That is something I will have to live with. Hopefully I'll get him on one of my cams or maybe even see him out there again this year.
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