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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Teddi (my 8 year old) an I talked about Sandy Hook today. We decided to put out a stocking for each person lost that day. The stockings are placed on a giant spruce tree in my front yard. The owners told me there was something special about that tree and in time it may come true. It was a fitting place............
  2. Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there. they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say. they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day. "where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. "this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house." when what to their wondering eyes did appear, but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near. He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same. then He opened His arms and He called them by name. and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring those children all flew into the arms of their King and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace, one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face. and as if He could read all the questions she had He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad." then He looked down on earth, the world far below He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand, "Let My power and presence re-enter this land!" "may this country be delivered from the hands of fools" "I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!" then He and the children stood up without a sound. "come now my children, let me show you around." excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can. and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight, "in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT." Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA
  3. Grow, In a perfect world, I would agree with you. You don't know these things when the person is sitting behind a computer posting their feelings on a topic. Their are two 16 year olds that post their school work on the forum. As a parent I would never ever allow that. The work is to be evaluated by the parents and teachers. On the same line some of our forum members are teachers. Don't you think the first thing they will evaluate is spelling and grammar. Yea I know it would be nice to take a post for what it is and just let things go but you can't. Its just the way, on the Internet. I bet you half of what is posted (bashing, egotistic, condescending tones) would never come out of the persons mouth if it were face to face. Merry Christmas to you too, my Southern Tier friend!
  4. What a sport-thanks for sharing the picts and video. More would be cool!!!!
  5. Arrowhead, We used to do this in Roscoe by the state land on Morton Hill road. Some of our best memories were cold weather camping. We have a big army tent (I believe it was from Korea) that has a wood stove in it. It kept us nice and warm. Don't think you can use the quads on state land. I also would not set it up and leave. Try to take a week at a time. It is such a great way to hunt. You never know what the weather can bring, we have had 2 feet of snow on last weekend and also 70 degree days. Cool that your doing this-good luck.
  6. I agree, this is what I thought would come from the conference.
  7. This makes no sense when we are all coming together for a better good. Keep on pushing you agenda.
  8. This makes no sense while we all try to come together. Push your agenda you have the right.
  9. I agree with Joe. Although we saw some really nice deer this year we took two small bucks on the same weekend during bow season. Brother hit a real nice 8 but didn't find it. Gun was a bust. The guys thought the year sucked, i thought differently and actually loved seeing all of us almost connect the same bow weekend. I love this sport for what it is, we may finish the venison early this year but it will make us more hungry for next!!!!
  10. For the first time these Long Islanders's are going to gun hunt their own turf. Jan 10th will be the day, the 4 of us, should be fun! Of course I will be the guy taking down all the deer stands upstate at camp.......................awe it still will be fun!
  11. I hurt inside for a number of reasons. First for the people that were lost in this tragic killing and the innocent people we have lost in the past to the same situation. The killing of innocent people goes so against my thought process, I find it hard to understand. Second I hurt for this country, for no other time in the past do we seem adrift as now, energy, jobs, health care and gun control. It seems it's always a battle to get to where you want to go. You are supposed to look up to the people that lead you and guide you but now all they do trash each other to get the upper hand. I am a Dad, I am a hard working American, I am a Democrat, I am a gun owner and I hunt. Being a Dad I'm watching my two young daughters grow into something I could never imagine possible. Having a child is a blessing, it's a breath of new life in your sole. Then you look into their eyes and see all they have to endure. My 8 year old had to be sat down this week so we could talk to her about her feelings dealing with the shooting. I never remembered that growing up. My 13 year old the same thing but you can talk about a plan of action because they are of age. Republicans, Democrats, NRA the 2nd amendment, I really don't care. We all need to come together to pass some good laws, in the names of the the slain individuals. I don't want all guns banned. We need to educate, train and if need be register gun owners. We need to find some common ground where we can all be proud and say we are Americans!!!!! You can poke holes in this any way you like, i just needed to write it and share.
  12. I hear you Deerthug, Look on the bright side this is what happened this week. A father home from the marines standing at the front of his daughters school. Happened in Tennessee this week. An off duty cop comes to his sons school to talk to the kids about safety. On and on across America people are talking and taking action. Something will become of this if both sides can meet in the middle and make some progress.
  13. Can't find this anywhere. Medical examiner was on record saying it was the long gun that killed.
  14. Just a question here and I'm not out to stoke the fire. The medical examiner said the 20 children were at least shot 3 times each with the most being 11. (I can't believe I'm even writing this) Lets take an average of 6 shots. That is 60 rounds he got off. How can you do that with that type of bushmaster gun? Are there 30 round clips/magazines you buy for it? I'm asking here because some of you are the experts on these guns?? I don't own one so I don't know.
  15. I was actually surprised to see their flyer in the Sunday paper, 3 pages full of all types of guns to buy. Just me......I guess.
  16. Just found out we got Otis Pike #9 and 10 on the Jan 10th. My brother said there was a big buck chasing a doe out there this afternoon. Should be fun!!
  17. Ok there, you are so off base with this. You have really brought some coveted thinking to this thread. "I keep getting the feeling that there are way too many people who welcome the news of each of these tragedies because each one serves as fuel for their anti-gun agendas. " I was appalled by what you said. Maybe you should give it a break for a while. Think about what you write before you post it. I'm done here........goodl luck to us all, like I said in the last post I hope there can be some way our kids can grow up in a safer world.
  18. Chalk her up to road kill. Sorry you didn't find and next time go a bit further when looking.
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