We just got back. Again not many deer sighted. The south wind totally sucks for us and that is all we had all weekend. So I take my friend with me and we go to the "bear den" stand. We settle in at 6:20 and I say a little prayer for a little help so he sees one. 6:25 crunching from across the flat. Sounds like a person walking, my buddy says they are deer. I look up and here comes a hog of a doe and a yearling. They come within 20 feet of us. Turn cross a creek and head up my field. There was snow on the ground and there was decent light, we still had almost a half hour until legal shooting hours. He questioned that and I explained it to him. Although I don't agree with the rule it was 6:25. We see two small ones later the afternoon but they were traveling the speed of light. My brother sees a doe but no shot. That was it. It was a really cool weekend, boys club, at the cabin.
Good food, shot of whiskey, beer and a couple of good friends to wash it down with. Don't know if I make smoke pole, don't look good so this may be it for the season. Two bucks with the bow for us this season!