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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. We just got back. Again not many deer sighted. The south wind totally sucks for us and that is all we had all weekend. So I take my friend with me and we go to the "bear den" stand. We settle in at 6:20 and I say a little prayer for a little help so he sees one. 6:25 crunching from across the flat. Sounds like a person walking, my buddy says they are deer. I look up and here comes a hog of a doe and a yearling. They come within 20 feet of us. Turn cross a creek and head up my field. There was snow on the ground and there was decent light, we still had almost a half hour until legal shooting hours. He questioned that and I explained it to him. Although I don't agree with the rule it was 6:25. We see two small ones later the afternoon but they were traveling the speed of light. My brother sees a doe but no shot. That was it. It was a really cool weekend, boys club, at the cabin. Good food, shot of whiskey, beer and a couple of good friends to wash it down with. Don't know if I make smoke pole, don't look good so this may be it for the season. Two bucks with the bow for us this season!
  2. You know what I said. NYH92 got it done, congrats!!!!!
  3. Zem, Nice dog!!! good luck with her. Hey I'll text ya when we drive by should be around 11:30! lol Good luck hunting for that doe. We are all fully loaded with tags this weekend. Use'em or lose'em, final weekend for us. Good luck!
  4. Being picked up around 7:30 be at the cabin around 1. It will be rough but this is it for the season. Can't make smokepole so I hope we connect this weekend. Been quite up there my neighbor tells me, not much tracks. It will be nice to just get out. My good friend who doesn't hunt is coming along to check it all out. He will tag along with me and if all goes well will get his license next year. Good luck all!
  5. By the book-I like it! Keep at it NYH92!
  6. Bow season was great we saw a lot of quality deer (bucks) not many does? We do have them on trail cam but didn't see many in the woods. Gun season so far has been a bust. Only a handful of deer seen. My neighbor's camp shot two big bucks weighing 215 and 175. The mild winter last year helped the deer. We will do it again this weekend, hope to fill some tags. I'm not going to judge the season on what we harvest but on the amount of deer seen in the woods and sign. Overall I would put it at above average season.
  7. FYI, I hit a deer in the brisket this year and tracked for a long time. He never bedded down, I think your deer is hit pretty good.
  8. Give the deer time. We had good blood for 75 yards and then jumped the deer. Blood just like you are showing. When we jumped the deer he stumbled a bit and there was a good blood bed where he laid. Did he bound off, or walk off??
  9. We had a quartering away shot with bow this years. Should of given him 3 hours. We found the deer but jumped him once. Liver gut shot. Good luck!!!
  10. I thought the same thing. Way to go on the first buck! Shooting into the air, what a bunch of malarkey!
  11. If you didn't shoot the gun for the day keep it in the same type of climate over night. Don't want to bring it into a hot cabin and have condensation form in the powder. It will ruin your hunt the next day. I made that mistake and lost a buck.
  12. We planted anise this year along with arugula. (they like it)
  13. Morning/afternoon terms for me. No big deal, it was hard making sense from the initial post.
  14. I was the first to post and hope the last. You have to be clearer when posting your stories. "Saturday night we hunted"..........."I hear another 2 shots. A different bear ran right by him but was way to dark" What are we to make of this?????? I hope next time you are out hunting you bag that deer and bear.
  15. Wow some story. Same at my place, have a ton of tops down that the deer and bear love to bed in. I will heed your advice if I shoot one.
  16. G-man, Was the bear pushed out from cover or was he on his daily routine? Real nice bear, congrats!
  17. A landslide of no. The trail cam pict was 6/16 so the deer idid have two more months to grow. I'll go with you guys and hope he is still out there!
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