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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Sam, Great video he has everything-hope you get him.
  2. What can I say about this weekend???? Lack of deer for one. The wind just didn't seem right for my property. I saw 2 doe all weekend, Zach saw one and Jeff saw 2 doe and 2 bucks. He actually shot at one of the bucks yesterday afternoon 2:30 it was checking scrapes. He missed, wrong pin at 40 yards. That's it for bow season. Work really cut into the schedule. We will be back up Friday before the opener and staying till Monday night. As we were gatting ready to leave my neighbor called. He shot a small basket 8 in the liver was going to give it the night. As we were talking the coyotes were howling like crazy, hope they don't find his deer.
  3. Hey Eric, I set up some stands right near Brattleborro this year. Vermont sure has some dense woods!
  4. Nice buck, so where did you hit him??
  5. The boys are at it. They seem to perk up when the weather gets cold. lol
  6. Eddiie you have some of that deer? We are up at camp this weekend my brother made a red sauce with venison braciole, made 20 of them can't wait. Good luck this weekend.
  7. Zem hold out for that 10!!!!!! lol hope you see that 9 and smoke him!
  8. Probably a gut shot but my liver shot deer did the same exact thing your deer did. Didn't even flinch when I hit him. He stood for 5-10 minutes and walked away with his tail between his legs. Bedded 100 yards away and would of died there if I didn't push him. Good luck, you will find him. Def call deer search if not.
  9. Geno, Please be careful of the large parcels that have been broken into smaller 20 acre size lots. remember when they are all sold you will have a lot of neighbors.
  10. Stay in when other are leaving for breakfast and lunch. Pack enough food and drink to get you through the whole day and take a break from from your stand and enjoy a 20 minute break while having a cup of coffee, keep the gun close at hand though!
  11. I have someone that watches over my place like a hawk. He actually gives warnings but always gets there tag # and takes a picture. It's a tough situation, people should respect others property.
  12. Read my thread about my Nephew and the deer they found with the dogs. I think you may find him, good luck.
  13. Headed back up this weekend. It will be a quick trip all day hunts Sat/Sun and back home. The weather looks to be perfect for Sat and Sun may get a bit warm but the morning temps s/b about 30. Work has been hell putting in 10-12 hr days on top of the commute. You know what I'm looking forward to? Falling back Saturday night, the time change, gaining an hour of sleep! Good luck guys the weekend should be good!
  14. It's like driving to work in the morning. There are people who drive the same type of car as you and listen to the same music, there's the guy on the loud motorcycle who dresses a little odd, the guy who needs to drive the $80,000 car and tailgates you, the guy who cuts you off speeds down the road just to buy a pack of cigarettes. You shake your head at them and maybe even engage them by flipping them the bird or tapping your brakes and calling them a jerk. At the end of the day I bet you if you got out of your car and had a normal conversation with them we all get along. Happy Hunting
  15. I agree Doc-it's all nit-picking.
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