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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Brother in law over in Schuyler county said all is quiet.
  2. I think it has to do with size. I had a dingy for my bot and had to register it.
  3. Don't get me wrong, media has a place in this world, good media, but pick apart a story like crows picking at roadkill on rt 17. I'm in the media business but man these days with instant reporting with the internet, twitter and so on every last bit of information has to come forward and then lets spin it and try for information that doesn't exist. Sometimes I just get so tired of it. Here's one headline "was the killing of Bin laden legal" WTF! Well lets see he declared war on the U.S. killed our citizens and terrorized countless others. Here's another "senators get duped with fake photos" Come on guys you are ones leading this country, keep your mouths shut until you know the photos are real. Just ranting here, I was in the city when it happened 0n 9/11 my daughters friend has grown up to be a lovely young lady without her Dad who was killed at the trade center. I jog every morning passing 3 streets that were renamed to remember a lost neighbor in the attack. That Fawk got what he deserved it should of happened sooner, he got to live ten more years while our brother and sister's lives were cut short.
  4. Steve, you can't speak from that position until you personally go through such a tragedy. What you feel before isn't what you will feel after such an event. That's all I will say on this subject.Dave I am sure you are right, but all the cheering in the world will not bring back one of those people killed that day. I don't think anyone can argue that. Again it all boils down to the revenge is sweet thing. I agree, no need to discuss this any further. I watched an interview of a Dad that lost his son at the Trade center. His son just started working at one of the firms, out of college a great kid. He said he wants people in this country held accountable. Those in the Bush and Clinton administration that did not heed warnings about Airplane safety and terrorist threats that were real. It was heart breaking hearing this guy talk.
  5. Absolutely true... if we are to start feeding wildlife we had better be prepared to continue it for eternity... not just when we have a little spare change to buy and set out something for the critters to eat because it makes us feel good to do it... their demise will come when they forget how to forage for food during the toughest times because they have gotten use to the free handout that keeps popping up every March and April.. then all of a sudden stops because you ran out of money putting gas in your tank and can't afford the food for the increased number of deer that come to your food source every year. The habitat itself will support the number of deer that that it is able to support... and weed out what it can't... regardless of how much you want more deer around to hunt... that's how it works I agree with Joe, start it and it never ends.
  6. You have to love that some guy was tweeting what was going on over that town. He thought it was suspicious that a helicopter was over the town, keeping him up!
  7. What was up with the burial at sea? Anyone make some sense from it?
  8. Great Job-Grow! Picture perfect opening morning.
  9. Once again wooly you have brought nature into my suburban home, I thank you for that. Now go find a Thunder Chicken!
  10. Shu, Wow what a really great thing to do. Enjoy every moment of it.
  11. I'm jealous! Won't be to camp until the third weekend, it will be tough but I'll be hunting! Giv'em hell this weekend!
  12. Sorry to hear that Ed, my condolences to you and your family.
  13. Yea, I could be your Dad-wouldn't look to good!
  14. Read the local papers out there and you get a positive view on the subject. Newsday don't even read it, do they still have a 1/2 page fishing forcast?
  15. I always believed that some country was going to pay for 9/11. The U.S. was not just going to hunt down the Taliban but was going to take out some country that was a threat or had close ties with the Taliban. Someone would pay and the world would see how the U.S. would crush anyone that brought terror to its homeland. I'm not a Bush lover but I think he had no choice. Just one of my thoughts on the subject.
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