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About Kelty

  • Birthday 12/14/1959

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  • Hunting Location
    delaware county
  • Hunting Gun
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Thanks guys the Simmons looks to be a good deal it comes with the rings and free shipping.
  2. I have just bought a marlin 60 and was wondering if anyone has a good scope they could recommend. I have around $70 to spend, and was considering the bsa sweet .22. Any suggestions or recommendations much appreciated.
  3. I was reviewing my trail cam pics and came across this. It looks like a set of teeth at the top with the tongue at the bottom. I finally figured out it is a catapillar on the lens of the camera.
  4. I did not find one but we suspect someone put a camera out on the previous post I did titled terrible end for a deer, so I am expecting the person to return at a future date and was asking for input as to what to do.
  5. If you found someone had set up a trail camera on your property without permission what would you do? Take the camera or leave a note for the person to remove it?
  6. I never thought of someone setting up a bait cam as it is in the middle of my property, but you got me thinking so I went back to look for a cam but didnt see any.
  7. Taken in Delaware county near Oneonta. I have a trail camera out and have pictures of coyotes around the area.
  8. I came across this deer carcass in the woods the other day. The neck was wedged between two trunks of the tree. I think the deer was probably being chased by coyotes and got stuck and killed there. The only odd thing is the position of the deer seems to be almost on its back.
  9. I came into this country from England and believe me we have it good here compared to over there. The standard of living here is much higher and better job prospects.Freinds who are still over there are experiencing high unemployment and poor health care with vandalism rampant. One of my freinds was out leagaly rabbit hunting and was confronted by a fully armed police swat team who arrested him only to release him when the landowner was contacted to confirm he was given permission to hunt. I became a citizen here and have no intension of going back.
  10. Thanks for the input guys I live near in Delaware county, The tracks are about the dimensions of the coyote tracks on the chart Culvercreeck posted. What annoyed me I had a turkey nesting nearby now there is just a bunch of feathers and all the eleven eggs destroyed.
  11. These tracks where in some mud I am no track expert but I think they belong to a coyote. The problem is I thought they have four front pads while this seems to have three, does anyone have any idea what it is?
  12. In April I hinge cut some trees and layed them down at the side of a track to form a hedge. In May I went to plant some service berry but was unable to due to a turkey nest in the hedge. I guess habitat improvement does work
  13. I was working in the woods, when up jumped a turkey I almost stood on her before she left her nest, I took a photo and left to work in another area. When I got home I found this moth clinging to the screen, its wing span is about six inches. Can anyone tell me what type of moth this is?
  14. This is the video I was referring to.
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