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Everything posted by kpkot

  1. Tf- 3d should be right up your alley. Its like a redneck version of golf.
  2. I give high fives to myself . Then i whisper to the voices in my head to be quiet... Im hunting.
  3. Lol wheel of death. what's your favorite wheel of death meal. I go lunchable.
  4. Thanks guys. Backstrap was from a nice sized doe. Did a cast iron searing quick and finished on the grill. Cooked until about 130ºf and sat for about 10 minutes. Came out a nice med rare. Not pictured corn on cob, fresh bread, and roasted garlic.
  5. Maybe 1/2 drag 1/2 cart if terrain doesn't allow?
  6. Shoot smaller deer or get a deer cart. You will walk to the car to get it, but i guarentee its way easier with the cart. http://www.cabelas.com/product/herter-s-174-game-cart/1905894.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3FrecordsPerPage%3D18%26No%3D0%26N%3D0%26nl%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Ddeer%2Bcart%26search%3DSearch&Ntt=deer+cart Cabelas even has it on clearance for you TF....
  7. Lol every time !! I commend him, thats a ton of work. Hope he has to wash a little blood off it come October/November.
  8. My apples look good this year. If they want to hit the apples and give my plots a bit of time to grow, it wouldn't bother me one bit. Thinking back the best hunting year I can remember the apples were terrible. This forced them to find food and I saw more deer that year.
  9. For a newer hunter my advice would be like others say, play the wind. Wind would be most important, not only on stand, but walking to your stand. Another tip is to wait for the best time to draw without the game seeing you. I like to wait for them to be facing away or walking behind a tree. Lastly, If you can swing it buy a second release and keep it in your bag.
  10. meanwhile he has it all documented on one of his hundreds of cams where they relocated and what they did
  11. I took a vacation day for November 10th. Ill be out hunting hopefully with my dad as its his birthday. Hoping to test out grampys theory.
  12. What do you attribute the "smell of death" to? Any ideas?
  13. http://www.cabelas.com/product/blind-saver-trade-ground-blind-roof-support/1611915.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dblind%2Bsaver%26x%3D10%26y%3D6%26WTz_l%3DHeader%3BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=blind+saver
  14. Anyone have any tips or experience with leaving blinds up during snow? Ive had 2 blinds ruined with a heavy snowfall. A doghouse blind and a pop out style from basspro as well... i did see a product at cabelas that you put up in the center of the blind... may give that a shot.
  15. Great read. Sounds like your doing it right, I would be a proud dad if I were you. Keep up the good work. Are you a lefty as well?
  16. Damn pokemon. You see all those people on central ave in Lancaster playing? If people think walking around for miles, looking for this elusive fictitious thing is fun they should try hunting... seems pretty similar?
  17. They also have a hot variety. Haven't tried those yet...
  18. I know the family they are all hard working good community based people. Sad day. Rip Hans.
  19. This is sad, but made me laugh. Sorry to hear. At least the kids had fun for one day...
  20. Jason? Hes a good dude and very informative. He does alot of qdma talks that are free to the public.
  21. [quote name="turkeyfeathers" Ever see video of Northern pike grabbing ducks or muskrats ? Pretty neat. Bored at work so I'm going to youtube now to watch some My uncle has a duckling lure for Northern. He would try it in small harbors and boat slips.
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