Hey Everyone, I just stumbled upon this website and immediately signed up!
I guess I will introduce myself like the tread says. I live in Wyoming County and have been fishing all my life, hunting for about 8 year and started trapping 3 years ago. I am an environmental ecologist by profession, I worked as a fish & wildlife tech for 3 years with NYSDEC in Buffalo. I currently work for a private environmental consulting firm, and get to spend just about every day outdoors!
As a hobby/side business, I clean skulls. I have been running dermestid beetle tanks for about 8 years, and last year I cleaned 83 white tail heads, 2 elk, 2 moose, 13 bear, a hog and a bunch of smaller fur bearers. I advertise locally in penny savers, but if anyone gets a buck that they want a European Mount done, let me know!