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NY Bob

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  • Hunting Location
    Region 7
  • Hunting Gun
    winchester shotgun SX3
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

NY Bob's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 8 pointer velvet.mp4 Had this guy pause for a pose. Almost seemed to enjoy it.
  2. I was told today (8/24) that I should get the antlerless tag on or before Sept 14 th. I've always had a confidence crisis when it comes to NY state and computers. This just reinforces it.
  3. You're going to have to look close, it's the same deer in the first two pics.. Once in daylight, once at 2 a.m. Drop tine on his left side. Only drop tine I've ever seen on my farm in 26 years. One for the rest of the family. I guess I'm going to have to save the raw pics at a larger size. I was trying to save space on the hard drive. I'll try to get them bigger next time.
  4. I got this guy recently (7/25) , I'm sure he's still growing
  5. I was out for a couple of hours today just driving around. Saw far less than 500 geese in fields and flying. I am seeing something of a biological phenomenon. Reports in this forum have large numbers of geese just about surrounding my area. They simply are not here. (Here is East side of Cayuga lake, from Montezuma Refuge South to Lansing) They just are not here like years past. Thanks to all for your reports.
  6. Ok I see the difference now. In my mind "Protected" means something different. Protected to me is like an endangered species. NO hunting at all ever. Geese , deer, pheasants, rabbits, ducks squirrels etc all have seasons, bag limits, must have a license etc. I never thought of calling a critter Protected and then being allowed to shoot it during certain times.
  7. 1 Buck 7H Bow 1 Doe 7H Bow 1 Buck 7H shotgun 1 Doe 7H shotgun
  8. I live just north of Kings Ferry. Nothing or at least a lot fewer than years past. Two days ago when I drove to Montezuma Refuge I kept going. I got to Phelps, turned around and went almost to Ithaca. In years past you wouldn't have been able to count or keep track of them there were so many 10,000's maybe 50,000 or more . This trip 2 days ago, I was lucky to see 1000. Damn few ducks on the lake too. Always will be a few, but nowhere near what there used to be. From previous posts, I really do hope they are in Canandiagua, Ontario, and eastern N.Y. I would hate to think the population is down this much all over.
  9. Montezuma refuge was frozen over two days ago when I was there. I saw 100 -200 geese and about two dozen swans, NO ducks sitting on the ice. I've hunted the area around cayuga lake for 25 years and this year it is a ghost town. I was out the first 4 days of this late season and saw a couple of hundred birds total we shot 4. Other years we'd have taken 40-50 by now. Today I saw ONE flock of 40-50 birds all day . Something is definitely wrong. I hope you guys in Canandiagua , Ontario lake areas and eastern NY are doing better as it's really wierd here. Everyone within 10 miles N. or S. of us is in the same boat. I just don't know what's up
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