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Millertime1989 last won the day on August 5 2012

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About Millertime1989

  • Birthday 05/06/1989

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  • Hunting Location
    Genesee/Wyoming County
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage 220F, Marlin 1897 Texan, Browning Gold, T/C Encore

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  1. I'm tracking down the stories on New York's best bucks, and am hoping to be able to put a book together someday. One that I'm looking for info on is the Richard Neumann buck. It was taken with a gun in Niagara county in 1987. 19 points and scores 209-6/8 non-typical. Does anyone on here from Niagara county know anything? I tracked down this pic in one of the old record books.
  2. Yeah, I've seen both mounts in person a few times over the years. And I'm familiar with both Hume and Burns. We used to grouse hunt not too far from there in Birdsall. The Luckey buck was shot in Claybed road in Hume, on a large deer drive. I've never heard how the hunt for the Boylan buck went down though,
  3. Does anyone know the story behind the state record non-typical? It was taken by Homer Boylan in the year 1939 in Allegany county. The story behind the Roosevelt Luckey buck is readily available even featured in a couple of books, but I've never been able to track down much on the Boylan buck.
  4. I've had 2 220F since 2010. It's NOT a heavy-recoiling gun. Has a really nice recoil pad too, Mine likes Remington accutips best and I've never had a problem with it ejecting. Another plus is the adjustable accutrigger,
  5. Was that a gun or bow kill? I hunt Wyoming county too!
  6. I finally tracked down a pic! Decided to come back to the old thread and post it. Scored 165 Talk about a massive eight!
  7. Oh that wasn't my intention. Was the final score 173?
  8. One of my hunting buddies had a similar thing happen to him. I can never understand how someone could look at the mount every day and know that they didn't kill the buck. Did this dirtbag enter the deer in the record book?
  9. Savage 220F with a 2-7x Leupold scope. I shoot Remington Accutips.
  10. I've never shot a bear, but I've eaten the meat before and it's delicious,
  11. Yes, a license is an acceptable substitute for a hunter education card.
  12. Oh I have the same book Paula. I was wondering if you had a 1995 edition.
  13. And Paula, what book are you referring to?
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