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Posts posted by bubba

  1. I just do not need the false sense of security.  I think most incidents in all honesty are  intentional. There is no other excuse for shooting someone in the woods.. I also think if the penalties were much stiffer and you were charged with murder as it should be, the numbers would be lower than they are now.  Also remember that our incident numbers are as o low or not lower than states with mandatory BO.  I also do not wear camo. I wear green and black wool.  Plus of it is your time, it is your time. If a stray bullet takes me out what better place to go than the woods.  As far as a helmet when riding, I would think if you are that concerned about a mishap falling on your family, you are much more likely to get t-boned on your bike.  Why would you risk it with a piece of fiberglass on your head.  All it might do is allow for an open casket, and it is also a false sense of security.  You justify hobbies that are much more dangerous, but are scared to be in the woods without a bright color on.  I just do not see the logic. 

    • Like 2
  2. Yes I do.  Again it is legislation that tries to save us from ourselves.  I ride I wear a helmet.  I drove I wear a seatbelt.  However statistically you are much more likely to get hurt in either of those activities than hunting.  It is my head and my life in my truck.  why is it anyone else's business.    I guess the laid back hunting in the NZ must be entirely different than the competitive I need to fill my freezer attitude of the SZ.  But then again the SZ and city think they know what is best for the rest of us.  If I had to wear orange and be terrified of being shot at all the time, I would stay out of the woods and take up another hobby.  I would not think twice of walking around my woods or the state land here in my brown carharrt jacket and even think I would get shot at.  We seem to identify our targets and know we are shooting at a deer and not MISTAKE someone for a deer. 


    I think a lot of it comes form the hand full of dmp's everyone gets and the brown is down mentality.  But why do I bother since I obviously do not know what I am talking about since I have no clue what real hunting is.  But I think it is you guys who are missing out on real hunting.  Just my opinion

    • Like 1
  3. New York has an 80% voluntary BO usage, mostly in the SZ.


    Hardly anyone wears BO in the NZ, at least now where I live on the northen edge & even with low hunter densities there are fatalities.


    If hunter densities were taken into acount for the number of fatalities between SZ & NZ, it might be interesting.


    NOBODY wearing BO has been shot in New York during Big game season in the last 10 years. Therefore ALL of the shooting occurances have been to those not wearing BO.


    Bottom line. People screw up. I don't want to become a statistic because someone didn't see me.



    Again you make it sound like BO is the end all. How about looking into the people who do not positively identify their target and shoot at movement.  You make it sound like the guy getting shot is at fault for not wearing orange.  How about looking into the illegal activity that takes place during these activities. There is absolutely no excuse for shooting anyone of they are in brown head to toe.  Place the blame where it belongs on the shooter.   Funny thing is that the majority of accidents as you call them take place in the SZ with the 80% rate as you call it.  I do not need you to tell me or legislate me to wear what you think is the end all to shooting incidents.  Wear whatever you want and so will I.  

    • Like 1
  4. Hey Widcat great idea with the pics !!!

    Wish you would have parked your BO hat back in the pines really would of stood out and drove it home a little more ,.,

    I have always thought. The sunrise sunset law was nonsense...

    A blaze orange hat and vest can be seen as you stated in almost no light and light no problem ..

    Bubba want stats well if you go to any state that requires blaze orange their accident rate has dropped since implementing but , he needs that made into a pie chart to understand that it works ...



    And NY still has less that they do.  So how does it prove anything.

  5. Let's clear some things up.



    I do not advocate the mandatory use of blaze orange with things the way they are now. I require blaze orange for those that hunt my property for my own concerns over their safety as well as liability concerns. I don't shoot at brown spots W/O posutively identifyig them as deer. As a matter of fact I have (finally) reached a point where just any legal buck won't do so I take the time to size up the rack. I don't have control over what others do or what a potential tresspasser might do.


    Regardless of the time of day, I don't condemn anyone for taking an ethical shot at a deer as long as there is adequate shooting light for positively indentifying the taget & making a clean shot with iron sights which can be a problem in low light even when the target is identified.  That is between you & your conscience.


    I think most people in the Northcountry tend to stretch the hunting hours as there usually plenty of ethical shooting light before & beyond the legal limits of sunrise & sunset. If I sit outdoors durin g gun season at sundown when deer are moving I will hear a lot more shots in the 30 minutes after sundown than before. It is happening, it's ilegal & that is unfortunate. 


    Unfortunately that is breaking the law & I think that law should be changed. I don't want to break the law to hunt during the most productive times on my lightly pressure property and I think that hunters that do "stretch" the hours feel the same way. The laws as they are now are making outlaws out of many otherwise ethical hunters.



    IF the DEC would extend those hours for 30 minutes either way of sunrise & sunset I don't think it would make much difference in accident rates as stretching the hours is fairly widespread already in some places. Indeed, a good portion of the accidents that already occur are due to that factor. I do think that blaze orange would significantly increase the safety factor for low light conditions as it does stand out in low light even more than in daylight.



    Here's the potential problem. If hours were extended, the 1st time a fatality occured even 1 minute past sundown the DEC would again restrict the hours.


    If blaze orange was included in those extended hours it would, as I stated above, significantly reduce the chances of a fatality & reduce the chance of the DEC again restricting hunting hours..



    I would like to see the stats that say it would significantly reduce the chances.  If light is so low, you need to use BO to see someone, light is too low to be shooting.


  6. Ever hear of "discussion"? That's when "mature" people air differing views. It is you that are making judgments concerning my judgement, lack of common sense & mental state because I don't agree with you, not me. I am merely pointing out your (obvious) arrogance in doing so. So now I'm atacking you?


    If you can't discuss differing viewpoints with the adults, perhaps you should refrain. It would seem that by tour own standards you might be the one that's "nuts".


    As far as missing things? I could make a whole list of points I have raised that you refuse to discuss.


    Your posts are longer relevant so I'm done responding to your childish r



    Ok so here is the problem.  You are not having discussions, you are telling everyone who does not believe as you do that hey are wrong. You say the same thing over and over, so  of course I would quit responding the the same thing several times.  You say those who do not believe as you do are well lets just say not as smart as you.  Plus when proven wrong or do not like what you hear, you attack and say I am no longer relevant and call me childish.  That is why no one tales you seriously.  Aren't you the guy who last year was on here asking for someone to come and help maintain your property for hunting?  I may be mistaken, but I think it was you.  With all the rules you have and your obvious control issues, I bet there was a long line of guys waiting to do that.  

  7. Ok I have a masters degree from SU in forensic Nursing. I am a psych nurse practitioner with over 20 years of experience. I make those diagnosis every day and treat people who do not think they are nuts either.  Next question


    I do not think you are nuts because you disagree. I think you are nuts because you think everyone should agree with you and you think you can protect us from ourselves and make more laws no one wants or needs.  Like I said you do what you want and I will do what I want. it is not your job to tell me how I can do it

  8. Well if you play Russian Roulette there is no proof that a bullet is under the hammer either since it's only a 1 in 6 chance.


    Take all of the fatalities where a hunter was mistaken for a deer & compare the odds of those that were wearing blaze orange against those that were not.



    man you are nuts.  All I am saying is if you want to wear it or force people to do so on your land, that is your business.  if I choose not to on my land, that is none of your business.  And again we have no more fatalities than any other state and less than most.  Certainly I can not say definitely that thee guy in the church group would have been shot wearing BO.  But you can not say he would not have been either. I am saying and read it this time, if he had been hunting legally and not trying to fill a tag he did not have ob him and it was before you could sign tags over, he more than likely would have identified a target before firing at movement. If you want to condone that behavior and say the guy who got shot was at fault when he was in brush so thick that he probably would not have seen orange, then you have the problem not me.  If they had been obeying the laws and obeying the safe gun handling rules such as know your target and beyond, both would be alive today.  

  9. My last comment cuz this is getting like beating a dead horse again.  How do we in NY have as good as all and better than most states safety record without BO mandates?  We have no more fatalities or incidents than states that have BO mandates.  If anyone has an answer, i would like to know how that can happen. 

  10. Ruler are pretty simple.  Do not shoot toward a driver or other watcher.  You have designated shooting areas and that is all you have. The person placing the watchers is in charge of explaining that to every watcher as he puts them out.  Watchers never move from the designated place they are told to stay.  Drivers communicate back and forth to know where each is so they stay pretty much in a line and one does not get too far out  in front or behind.  Drivers should not shoot since there are watchers in front of them and drivers next to them on either side.  The only safe shot for a driver is behind them and that is iffy at best. Watchers do not move until either picked up or told to otherwise. The person who sets out watchers is the person who picks them up  For instance of the drive is over and the guy next to you got a deer, you move over there to help when yelled to do so or waved over.  The head driver is in charge of it all. He decides who is doing what and how it will be done.  



    I think a lot of the misconception if drives is that people think it involves dozens of people.  I have used one watcher and one walker and been successful.  The big part is knowing the territory and where the deer generally head But that can vary also depending on where they are when you move them.  It is also not a race. I walk a normal pace and just keep deer moving ahead of me.  That way they are not running when they reach watchers. A group of 5 or 6 can be very successful.  Plus when I set watchers, they are not in front of the drivers.  I set watchers to the side on usual escape routes.  That way the shooters never fire toward the drivers.  It is pretty simple and effective.  We usually drive form a swamp/bedding area to the hard woods. If you put in some time and know pretty much where the deer are going when moved, it works out well. 

  11. I  know the instance with the church group very well. I know the officer who investigated.  Know why he was shot?  They started the day with one saying I have a doe permit anyone see a doe shoot it.  Which is illegal.  This heightens the intensity and competition as well as is illegal. The shot was fired.  if I was to hunt with my son or any other person in a group, I know where they are.  In the first instance if the shooter had been hunting legally it never would have happened since he was not carrying a dmp and did no tidentify a target. he saw movement and shot.  Please give me a list of all these fatalities, since I hav elived and hunted in 6a all my life and I can recall 3 in about 35 years, which is still too many but saying several is a stretch. I own land in 6c and I have hunters all around me and have yet to be shot at.  You rely way too much on orange and not enough on common sense.

  12. Can you say narcissistic know it all. Why bother explaining logic to some people.  They know it all and if you do not believe that just ask them.  Every time he opens his keyboard he just proves it over and over.  Then back peddles and changes his story. I personally leave my hunting gear at camp and go back and forth in my every day clothes.  Hell sometimes even in scrubs. If I need gas before I go, I get it. I keep my clothes in totes,  Put them on when I get there take them off when I come in at night and put them back in the tote. That way I know where they are the next day.  But the bigger and much bigger factor is I have done a lot of scouting and have put my stands in different locations so I can hunt regardless of the wind.  I do not care how many gimmicks you buy in the store to control scent a down wind deer will detect you.  But it is your money to waste. 

  13. Well as I have said come to my area, where people have brains enough to know what they are shooting at. A group of 8 all hunt my property and more hunt adjacent properties.  I have yet to see orange.  No one has been shot or even shot at. I am so glad I do not have to wear orange to feel safe when I am hunting.  I have said and will say again, it is not my job to make you safer.  Identify your target, do not use your scope to do so and hunt during legal hours legally.  Seems pretty simple to me.  Every year this same bunch if topics come up over 1 or 2 incidents.  I mean the only one so far this year, a moron shot at a deer lying on a cart.  I guess deer lie down and move around in the woods. The first comment was who fault was it I wonder of the guy was wearing orange, as if it was his fault he got shot. Sad the way the mind set of "hunters" has been molded by the big companies who sell all the gimmicks   Deer need names and 160 inches on their heads to be shooters and you need every new toy that comes out to be successful. A lot of supposed hunters have made a ton of money selling all their products to make you a better hunter.

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  14. When I hunted state land years ago, there a a dec officer that lived in the area.  he checked us several times in the woods.  usually that meant he was going down to get in on a drive we were doing.  Then check us after. An older guy in our party told him one day he was going to have the numbers  wore off his license showing it to him.  He never asked us again.

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