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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Sir-diealot

  1. I have commented on a few things but never introduced myself, I'm Sir-diealot I have lived in the same place here in Yates County for 29 years, originally from Lockport, NY but moved to this area in May of 1991 and it was the best move I have ever made, I love it here in the Finger Lakes, love all the hills and different bodies of water, I do miss all the snow we got in Lockport to be honest but that is about the only thing. Oh I would have to included Italian restaurants, there are no good one here in Yates County, there is an okay one in Geneva about half an hour away though. So a little about me, I have been in 2 car accidents that have defined my life, the first almost killed me but is a major contributor to why I moved here and hence a contributor to the fact that I became a hunter by meeting people that were into hunting and giving it a try. Second accident took hunting from me for 17 years and I have been back to hunting for 4 or 5 years now with one year skipped (Turkey season) for shoulder surgery. I had taken a deer before my last car accident but had never taken the animal I had truly wanted to take and my favorite to hunt, a wild turkey but I am happy to say after being back for 3 years God allowed me to take my first turkey and it is the best feeling I have ever had while hunting and in many other things. I did not get one this past season, never even heard a turkey gobble until the last day but after losing hunting for so long I am of the feeling that I am just grateful for the chance to be out there. I hunt with all the implements allowed here in NY bow is my favorite, I just got a new bow this week as my days of pulling 70lbs. are far behind me, now I am shooting 45 lbs. and will until the shoulders say otherwise. I just bought a string and arrows for a old Ben Peason Cougar recurve I have had for some time, I had just started messing with it when my last car accident happened and now I am hoping I can learn to shoot it well enough to humanly take a deer and turkey with it, the bow I just purchased is a PSE Stinger I traded in my old PSE Carrera for that one plus I gave a few bucks. Now that we can hunt deer with rifle my shotgun is set up for turkey only, has a nice Leopold Turkey-Plex scope on it and shoots WInchester Longbeard XR's #6's quite wonderfully. I am going to give a shot to turkey hunting in the fall this year when archery and turkey season run together for a few days in Oct. I shoot a couple different muzzle loaders 2 percussion cap 1 inline and am debating getting a flintlock muzzle loading shotgun for turkey in the future. I would like to try duck & goose hunting sometime. I enjoy fishing but mostly throw back what I get, when I had my first accident in 88 I messed up my hands a bit and it hurts to clean a fist out now so I just throw them back in for somebody else to catch. I love squirrel but no longer hunt them for the exact same reason, to painful to clean them. I can still clean a rabbit though, when I can find them to shoot that is. Edit: I forgot to mention I passed my trapping exam 2 years ago but have not been able to work a trap yet because of my shoulders. I bought one trap setter but it forces me to open the shoulder 2 wide but I am going to buy 2 more and try them as well. If anybody cares here are the details of my accidents, I get asked a lot to describe them so I just made a file I copy and paste. Here is the whole story, or what I have written down because I have been asked so many times. Back in 1988 I was in a car that hit a tree at 90 MPH we were a bunch of dumb kids out drinking and smoking pot and driving, and we hit a tree in Niagara Falls, NY going 90 MPH I was the only one that was hurt major, one girl put her head through the window and got a cut on her neck, one girl sprained her back, and the driver broke his arm. I however got really messed up. I had a tib/fib fracture to the right leg (The shin and the bone behind the shin) broke my left ankle tore up the left knee which to this day will pop out of the socket sometimes when I am just sitting around doing nothing. I broke both wrists, broke one thumb and dislocated the other, lost my spleen which means I get sick real easy so I don't go out much in the winter and avoids kids (which breaks my heart because I love them), had a liver contusion, collapsed left lung and I think that was it. (It is funny after you tell it so many times you start to forget over the years) I am lucky I really don't remember anything about the accident accept they had to pull me out through the trunk and there was this building that always gave me the creeps and when they pulled me out through the trunk that was the only thing I remember seeing. I had finally gotten to where I was doing really well by 2001 (I had some hammer toes fixed the year before from the car accident in 88 and it made it much easier to walk and gave me better balance) That is the other thing I was forgetting, I had gotten frostbite on me left foot and both hands and to the right foot just a little not nearly as bad as the left foot. I still have nerve damage in the left foot from that, feels like somebody is trying to shove Philips screwdrivers through the bottom of my foot sometimes) So anyway I had finally gotten to where I was doing a lot outdoors, hunted everything that was in season almost every day I could, was playing paintball outside almost every weekend and rode my mountain bike (Peddle bike) almost ever day it did not rain and some that it did. Then in November of 2001 I was driving taxi cab and I was struck from behind by some kid in a truck and shoved into vehicle ahead of me and other than being dazed I was feeling OK I got out of the cab and was walking around and the cop that came to the scene asked me for the insurance papers and I went to the other side of the cab to grab the insurance papers and I bent over to grab them and my back felt this really strong pull and I about went to the ground. So to shorten it for you my back and hips have been messed up ever since. I take Oxycodne and Fentanyl along with others to control my pain and inflammation every day now and sometimes that is not enough to control the pain. I am always in pain, it is just a matter of how much. (Update to this is the meds are finally at a level that they are helping more and I am able to walk a lot more and am not in as much pain most of the time.) Because I am able to do more now I was able to loose a lot of weight, I went from at least 465 down to 228 am am hunting again as my body allows. I am not out there every day but I am out there many days and I truly thank God for it. Please note I have to have 3 shoulder surgeries (2 left shoulder 1 right shoulder) since I wrote that as well as a surgery on my hand and shots in my right knee, because of that I went back up to 394 as of March 5 (Though complacency and arrogance played a part too) but am on my way back down, I am at 336 right now. I found out this year that I have spinal Stenosis, finding that out all came about because I was beginning to notice my right leg was getting kind of heavy when I walked and I was having some new pain in my back. I found out at the same time I have degenertive discs I think it is L4-5-6 in lower back above the waist line. I also have Scoliosis in I guess you would say upper middle back, low and between bottom part of shoulder blades is where I feel it anyway when it bothers me, as well as arthristis in that area and others. I am still better off than I once was before my medications though and I can hunt and fish as my body allows and I do thank God for that. Oh my left knee has dislocated 15 or so times since July 27 and they will not let me get a MRI because I have a hard time wearing a mask inside because I am very claustrophobic, we will see where that takes me next. At least I can still hunt a bit though. Oh here is a short video of when I got my first turkey, it is not the taking of the turkey, just right after. Sorry I did not have a very good cell phone.
  2. He is in Rochester, I am near Pen Yan I normally have a place to deer hunt gun season but since none of them bow hunt they do not want me to bowhunt the land and I need a place to bow hunt nearby that the ground is not going to beat me to hard. I was not sure I was going to bow hunt this year because my shoulder is still recouping from surgery but I picked up a 45 lb. bow and am going to try this year and see how I do. Only place I know near me is Keuka Lake State Park and that gets pretty hammered.
  3. How is it during bow season? Sent from my A574BL using Tapatalk
  4. There are other ones but I'm not home right now when I get there I'll let you know the names of the other ones. Sent from my A574BL using Tapatalk
  5. Glad to hear that my medication has not completely fried what is left of this sorry excuse for a brain I rented cheaply. Sent from my A574BL using Tapatalk
  6. Glad to hear you are okay and it looks like your harness is the kind that has little breakaway points to slow your fall? Main reason I wanted to comment is I am pretty sure that most harnesses should be replaced after a fall, something to do with the strength of the material after the first fall if I remember right. I could well be wrong but I do not think I am.
  7. Makes sense but the only people I know that really hunt anymore are the people that own the property I hunt. I am trying to use it to figure the lay of their land a bit better, I mostly turkey hunt it but also deer hunt it but want to get more into the woods on their property instead of so much field edges. I have been in a couple of car accidents and just got back into hunting after 17 years of not being able to hunt because of the last car accident so I would like to be able to look overhead and try to find some more wooded tracks on their land. They have 86 acres but I am only allowed to hunt a small area of it below their cabin. If they get their turkey early I can go up top where the bulk of the land is.
  8. He is with the Coast Guard and I will have to ask him the name of the base, I have known him a couple of months now online and have been trying to help him out. I am pretty sure he would be considered Western New York where he is stationed. Edit: Just got a message from him, he is in Rochester at the Coast Guard station there.
  9. I will do in the near future. To be honest I am debating between Onx and Basemap, I think Basemap has much better satellite photos
  10. I did not know that, I will let him know. Thank you. -
  11. I am very fortunate, I have been living in the same house for 30 years and my landlords kids allow me to hunt every year. Only thing I am not allowed to do is bow hunt there.
  12. I will pass that on to him, I am trying to figure out that app myself, just got my first smartphone and am hating the small screen, going to look into a bigger one and see if I like the program any more.
  13. I do not own the land I hunt and I am not allowed to take anyone there. I will pass that information on to him.
  14. Trying to help a friend who is stationed here in NY and trying to find some hunting places. He asked me about Hi-Tor but I have no experience there. Could anybody shed some light on the deer hunting there? His tags are for 8N
  15. white-winged chough? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-winged_chough
  16. Saw about 4 or 5 hen in the field going towards Geneva about 2 weeks ago, not a poult among them. The Mennonite I drive for who gets out much more than I do say he has seen a few with poults in Yates County and Steuben County as well.
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