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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Chris, welcome aboard. It's NEVER to late! Good Luck!
  2. Knock em down Geno. Dude one of us has got to get one! Going out this weekend, we will see what happens.
  3. Geno, we gotta work real hard for 8 grand cash (or at least I do).
  4. Anthony, you always get my heart pumping. You videos rock. Thank you. You make sitting at home a great load of fun. Yea i'm in , let me know when you get out. Anytime, but November 13, my daughters birthday. She is getting her first pink bow.LOL
  5. You would think that this is impossible. LOL Anything is fudging possible nowadays.
  6. nice kill. Feel proud you have saved a few deer this winter.
  7. Karpteach


    Welcome from downstate!
  8. Welcome from a southern European immigrant!
  9. Holey crapamolie, that's a lot of mula for a rack like that or any rack. Buy a dang truck with 8 K.
  10. Thanks Jimmy. Hunting makes us all brothers, I don't have brothers. You guys are stuck with me. Besides, it makes me happy when my bothers score!
  11. Burt, glad your nephew found his buck! Sux that yoties found him first!
  12. Geno, hope you get that pointer! Jimmy, I gotta feeling November is your month! Get it done guys. Hoping to get in the woods this weekend;(
  13. Thug be careful trees down everywhere except LI.
  14. Pat I'm with you on the bleach! You would be surprised how quick chlorine evaporates to nothingness after hitting fresh air, My 2 cents.
  15. Geno, i hope he shows up soon. We LI'ers aren't doing so well this year. Hope you break the spell!
  16. Welcome aboard! Good hunting.
  17. Sorry Jimmy! I to have seen alot of action Not going out this weekend my niece is getting married at 2:30 party till 2 am. I'm afraid Ill fall off a tree with lack of sleep on Sunday. LOL
  18. Am I wrong , that crossbows are allowed Only during the muzzle loader seaso??? Or did something change!
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