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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Jimmy, you gave it a shot and that's all that counts. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  2. Me too Geno, hopefully both days. Bellmore , knowing my skill, I'll take pictures of the next wooden kill I get. I was at C&B archery this afternoon and met a man that killed a large 11 pointer (at least the cell phone picture showed him that way) out east
  3. When you your wife asks you for money and claim your broke ... 2 minutes later your bidding for a new quiver on eBay....., and your wife gets the text about it.:/
  4. Welcome aboard, from a Former NYC guy
  5. Welcome aboard! Stick to your standards eventhough you have sub standard individuals around you.
  6. No problem Jimmy. Good luck tomorrow.
  7. Bellmore, keep checking, I've been seeing deer but far or running from the joggers. Sunday pm had two does running by, tried to take a shot, however i killed a young sapling which did not like my rage 2 blade. Sunday i will try to get a deer and leave the trees alone.LOL
  8. Jimmy, heavy rain is good for driving deer for rifle . I am not sure about bow??????
  9. Congrats. Great story, you will never forget today.
  10. Welcome aboard!! You never know what you will see or hear when hunting. Enjoying being outdoors is what it's all about.
  11. Karpteach


    Welcome aboard and enjoy the site.
  12. Welcome aboard! It's great to see a teenager on the boards. Good luck on getting your buck.
  13. Hey bellmore wish you were with! Just had two does pass by. Dang were they big. Hunting state land. Called DEC, just had a yellow dawg pass by. What an adventure.
  14. Heard a shotgun blast 45 minutes ago now I saw a white pickup leaving witha doe in the back!!!! Mmmmm, wonder what happened????
  15. Out now! Very breezy! Nothing yet! Get em if you see em.
  16. Will be out tomorrow, hoping to report something good.
  17. John, Geno and all knock em down. Be safe, wind to pick up more in afternoon. Post pictures.
  18. Thank you for the well wishes. I too hope that everyone brings something back. Be it a big buck or a juicy doe.
  19. Howdy Big. Sounds like you are a man of knowledge. Enjoy the site.
  20. Saturday they are calling for 15-19 miles an hour WSW and on Sunday 7-9 miles SW. Both these winds are perfect for my spot.
  21. Hope the kid gets a break. Either way, he should be proud of himself for respecting the deer and putting a great effort in finding the carcass. We have all taken shots that did not find the sweet spot.
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