Gino, she looks and runs sweet. Good for you. Sold my 72' Buick GS 2 years ago when we bought the house. Planning to buy my father in laws 69 Charger (which is cherry).
Home defense works. Spray the whole house, leaving windows open. Had a carpenter ant issue last year wiped them all out. There are traps out there that claim they take it back to the nest and kills the queen. Anyway, good luck.
I've had some success with a grunt tube. I have a good friend that swears by the fawn distress call. Has anyone else heard of or used the fawn distress call.
It's cool that they have field trials on the Island. When I used to have my German Shorthairs, I had to go all the way to Rochester for field trials and NAVDHA sponsored testing.
Can you please take a picture on the top of the stock, where the bolt would sit. I have an older Ruger and am looking for the spot where a modern day Ruger would have a spot for the safety. If it works for me I'll take it.