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About TheTruth2

  • Birthday 05/02/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Webster, NY

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Too many
  • Bow
    Mathews heli-m

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  1. Got this guy last week, forgot to post a picture. Bring your hand warmers tomorrow!
  2. Was able to harvest a 4 year old doe yesterday morning. Drew back on one before her, heard the woods erupt behind me. 10 deer hauling butt when they saw me draw
  3. had a buck come in two years ago that i didnt plan on shooting. Pulled the ole cell phone out to take a few pics and i accidentally turned on my music. Looked behind me and a monster I never saw was outta there faster than a nun in a strip club.
  4. Lol probably the cutest deer I've ever seen
  5. This is a small farm near Riga. Haven't pulled my state land cards yet
  6. One pull in a week and 5 days man haha
  7. Took a chance on a piece of ground I've never turkey hunted this morning. I wasn't even at my spot before I had birds hammering off on a neighboring property. At about 630 I was working on a bird a few hundred yards away when one went off 60 yards from me. I look over and he's a giant double beard. Out of the corner of my eye I catch more movement... And notice my decoy decided to fall over Hahaha safe to say this Tom was outta there. I can't be disappointed though because I now know this property holds birds. Positive attitudelol
  8. I use a Remington Nitro mag. It was made for waterfowl but I feel like it cycles duper slow to be a waterfowl gun. Past two seasons I've taken birds at pretty good distances with a full choke. Pretty light and it can take a beating.
  9. May be a long shot posting here but, I'm looking for a boater for the northeast division. Going as a coangler this year. Let me know!
  10. Cool thanks fellas. If any of you taxidermists are interested, PM me.
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