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    Ontario County/ 8J
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. look at this : http://www.solunarforecast.com/solunarcalendar.aspx just put in your zip code
  2. Yeah it is... he's a fiesty lil guy. chased maybe 8 different doe last night. watched him for about 20 mins about 500 yds away and for some odd reason he walked right to me...ran out of doe to chase...must have been going back to where he came from. He must have his short term memory missing bc he forgot I shot at him 4 hours earlier... haha. There are some big boys on our property but haven't seen them during the day in a couple of weeks. I'll take it. Now it's time for reg season!
  3. 7pt 8J-canandaigua, shot 11/10 recovered this morning
  4. lunged him.. still no sign of blood, luckily we walked right up on him. the arrow broke off and found about 8 inches of it inside him... definitely a sigh of relief. I'll take that for my first bow kill!
  5. Definately redemption... dead about 200 yards from stand. still warm on the inside! actually a 7 pt. 8j canandaigua
  6. So today had a descent 6 pt come 10 yds from my stand around noon. Missed him over the top... then about 4pm he came back but on the other side of my stand and going the opposite direction.. He stared at me as I released the arrow... Hit him good.. heard a nice thump...no blood at all. The arrow was stuck in him as he ran off into some thick crap. I waited an hour or so and tried to track him.. Had an idea of where he went in, but no luck with any signs of blood or the arrow. What are the odd's I hit him square in the shoulder?? He would be my first bow kill if I get the chance to recover him in the am. He ran off pretty good and then as he was about to turn in to the thick stuff he sorta wobbled like he was gonna drop or had to many beers... Idk what I should be thinking...hope I missed that shoulder and he should be waiting for me in the am..or the coyotes will have a good dinner tonight.
  7. In 8J I had a big 8 following 4 doe last saturday.. They didn't want anything to do with him.. about an hour before the sun set. hope this saturday is a good one, since it's my last until gun..
  8. 10/20- 8J - Canandaigua AM 2 buck at 645am..most likey 6pts I have seen numerous times. 3 doe at 8am. pm 530ish 2 doe- mom and baby 615-630 (almost dark) 6pt sprints across field to thickets. 645ish- 3 doe infield as walking in the wind was moving all day with showers on and off...
  9. Oct 16 Pm- 14 Deer about 445- 2 doe 5- 9 doe (pack of 5 and 4) 515 6pt and doe 530 another 6pt So it was hard to believe that I would see so many deer tonight. wind was blowing out of the west at atleast 15 mph. But I definately saw signs of the rut starting in the very near future. There was a doe in the middle of the field and a 6pt was eye f'n her. out of nowhere another 6 ran to within 20 yards of her and then ran back to the other 6..it was weird, he then walked off.... But the 6 that was checking her out and started to follow her as she walked off. after about 10 min walk across a descent size field he put his nose down and creeped up on her fast and then she ran off....awesome to see this happening..can't wait for the does to all be in heat.....let the fun begin! 8J- canandaigua
  10. oct 14 pm- 7 doe all at 630...windy
  11. Sat Oct 13- AM Little before 7. 8pt good size. 125 yards. Had a stare off for about 10 mins then he walked away(he was confused) 715ish- 2 momma doe and 2 sets of twin fawns (6 deer lol) 730- 6pt small body- following the 6 doe into the woods. 735- huge doe by herself going the total opposite direction as every deer this am. made me wonder.. 9ish- 2 doe just grazing and minding their own business as I was walking in. Checked my cam when I got out of the stand and the same 8pt was there about 20 mins before I got in. bummer! *Ontario County- Canandaigua*
  12. so bucks should be hitting the cycle with the does then?
  13. ok, so when im out there in a couple of weeks...hopefully before then.. what could i possibly see that means its pre rut time? lol
  14. This is my first year bow hunting. I have hunted during the regular season for years. I went out this morning for the first time and was just thinking to myself as I didn't see any deer until 2pm. (little doe/fawn on her own eating some soy beans) But I was wondering if this time of the year is part of the pre-rut? I know the rut hasn't come yet by people's posts... But just wondering what the pre-rut consists of. I have about 30 million scrapes along the outer perimeters of our 90 acre property...only saw 2 rubs though. Well I hope to get some feedback. Thanks in advance!
  15. So I checked my camera's today. Saw atleast 4 doe with a 6pt. Is that unusual? I didn't think the bucks would be hanging with the does yet? I'm not a new hunter, but I am new at being addicted and attentive...
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