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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Next three days, one morning then two afternoon sits ,if needed . First decent buck gets it, I’m not doing this hunt hard all season for one of the best ones around . I’d like nothing better then to drop one tomorrow and stay away till opening day of gun .
  2. Nov 4th here ! I didn’t bow hunt at the time , started the next year, read what you want into that .....
  3. Congrats Red and TF ! G Man is to be commended for opening up his land and I’m sure knowledge , for the benefit of others !
  4. For me it’s hard not to hunt food sources , my woods is surrounded by hundreds of acres of crops, it’s like being in the greeting card isle of Wegmans, every other isle is food . I used to really like mornings, but this year I may hunt more afternoons, but that’s largely due to the fact getting up that early I just don’t care for anymore ,and I’d never bow hunt an afternoon if I didn’t have next day off , now I have them all off . One good thing about afternoons is there’s an end point, mornings when I leave Ive often felt, I should have stayed longer, and if I do it’s often a waste of time . For me bottom line is for me my stands and time of day stays the same , other then during the rut I hunt as much as possible. Keep in mind I’ve bow and gun hunted this spot for over 30 years , there’s probably not a tree on the land one couldn’t kill a deer out of with a gun anyways .
  5. Rob, Cosanzas, where I’ve been going for 25 years five minutes from my house , is open for game products as always during hunting seasons . Sometimes the website seems a bit off and adds to confusion . They’re always doing deer products during and just after the seasons .
  6. Interesting , I always shoot a FP out of my stand before climbing down . Id imagine burying it in the ground like that, it could easily hit a buried rock and damage it .
  7. Ha you just reminded me. 30 some years of bow hunting and I just learned a couple back , that I’m supposed to line that orange ring on the back of the sights with peep. Something I then forgot about ! Currently my peep is slightly off a twist a guess . I just put pin on the spot and fire, I don’t look at the level either ,I don’t see the point . Seems like a lot to think about . Just shot three, one BH, two FP, 25 paces , practice during the season is the most important in my mind .Although I’ve probably shot less the 60 arrows all year .
  8. Edit ,Quoted wrong post . Nice sit Grampy ! Love the ones where trying to keep the count straight is the hardest part .
  9. Where in WNY are you ? And is that your dog in avatar? Gut shot deer will stink and leave a good trail for a dog , your dog might be an asset if Dog Search can’t make it , yes I know NYS. Says licensed tracking dogs only . Mine has done very well . Here’s two he found ,pretty easily .
  10. Around here for over a year, houses in that range are selling in a few days and for over asking price . Hopefully the market there is the same .
  11. Interesting . so many things hurt on me . Sleep with head on pillow and both arms go,numb, lay on RT side and hip,hurts , lay in fetal position and left knee swells up and I can’t straighten Rt elbow either . Arthritis in both feet , two bad shoulders, groin hurts ,along with back , and I haven’t even touched on the mental issues .......
  12. Good luck guys. I just I got up , well I also got up at 4:45 and said no way and rolled over . Tue - Friday look great ! Low wind , no rain and overnight lows in 40’s .
  13. Hock, it was easier when I worked nights at the FD and got up at 1, 2, 4, 5 am grabbed a few hours of mixed up sleep a night , and ran all day .... Now sleeping normal hours it’s harder to get up .
  14. Live from watching nephew’s band ,at some cider fest, about 1,000 people. May make getting up at 5am a challenge, perhaps I’ll just stay up .
  15. Those games drive me crazy, 6 run comeback in 8th and 9th to take 7-3 lead then give up 3 runs bottom of ninth ! Yes great to win game one, then Flaherty pitches tonight ! https://www.sbnation.com/mlb/2019/10/4/20882950/jack-flaherty-cardinals-mlb-playoffs
  16. Final count 18 deer ( ok six were far off ) , hand full of turkey ,one Fox . Not bad for wearing street clothes under my camo , no scent loc , sprays ,special soaps , or magic beans .
  17. There’s six feeding in a green field the next farm over , need Bono’s to see them , so I won’t count them ....
  18. Doe and fawn 25 yards away in woods . I’d take pics but flash won’t turn off !
  19. 6 deer so far 4 bucks, just lost the game to one outside the ears at 15 yards . I never saw him till a doe busted me , he froze and the game was on .
  20. Drinking coffee in truck, warm but rain stopped . Going to stand along bean field, killed a few bucks out of it, including one nice ten a few bow seasons ago .
  21. Nomad


    Well , it’s very ,” drinkable .” Not much there . I almost got Sip of Sunshine, but I figured I’d try this as I’ve never seen it before .
  22. Start off with dry feet ! I no longer shower just before going , or if I do I use a blow drier on my feet . Other wise they’re still damp especially between the toes . Couldn’t figure out why my socks were always damp , till I adjusted my routine.
  23. I always put two arrows on my string one below the other ,that way if they duck the top,one the lower one is spot on .
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