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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Got in late , 2 doe 1 buck I’m field as I climbed up. Then 1 more doe a coyote, then a 4th deer . no wind .
  2. It’s always worth, waiting and watching ,when a doe seems skidish and keeps looking back this part of the season .
  3. Final count 6 or 7 doe , 1 button ,1 fork harnessing a doe . Trapped in stand till dark , 2 at 30 yards ,climbed down they never moved , finally they blew and ran maybe 30 yards . Third sit in a row I had deer come by within ten minutes of climbing into stand . Hoping big boys will be after doe tomorrow, be out all day .
  4. edit : I thought this was Live form woods. Deleted it .
  5. If she wasn’t perfect bait during the rut now, I’d have considered ishooting her .
  6. She canme rinning I’m and stopped five yards from tree. Looked like more movement in back off woods, she kept looking that way too .
  7. This is more like it ! edit. 2 doe feeding on green field 120 yards off, one took off on dead run
  8. Ya that bolt is dropping so fast at 50 yards a few yards off in estimation can lead to this . i won’t take a shot hunting much over 30 .
  9. I’ll be out all day “ The Magic Day” and bit the next few . At this point I’ll be tempted by the first decent buck . Im with Paul,I’d prefer to use my compound , but can’t draw it , cross bow, big ,heavy, can’t hold it tight to tree for shots behind stand and so on . I will take a 30 yard shot though, compound I seldom shoot much over 20 . The real key is I can actually shoot it .....
  10. Every buck I’ve seen the last couple times out, has been by itself , in what I consider seeking phase .
  11. Doing my leaves today, hunting this afternoon, all day Thur, Sat, Sun.
  12. You ,may want to knock some holes in those stone walls, they seem to keep the deer out . Live from my bed .
  13. My dream job was, night watchman in a mattress factory ....
  14. I use it to avoid the other one on the forum . But since you brought it up, I identify more with the South ,then NYC .
  15. When I worked nights at the FD, although we had bunks and got some sleep, I was always tired during the day . After I went to the gym late morning ,it always seemed to pick me up for the rest of the day . Good luck . My daughter is a RN and goes from 12 hour days to 12 hour nights ( really closer to 13 plus with lunch and getting in early ) she doesn’t smoke or drink coffee ,she does work out and just pushes through it I guess .
  16. Wow, I’m happy for you . Never would have believed that would end that way , congrats .
  17. Didn’t hunt much in bow, 17 hours according to my DEC log . Saw a few . Crossbow last couple days were good .hope to be out a lot right up to gun . Waiting for those few days when a doe comes through followed by 3 or 4 bucks, then another gets chased past the stand by 2 more and on and on all day .
  18. which is why I think you should go talk to him before calling the cops . He buys a fair amount of corn but you’ve got no,proof of what he’s really doing with it . Go ask , explain that if he’s baiting it impacts everyone’s hunting ,as well as being illegal .
  19. Orders of protection , are of little value, they don’t stop many , oh maybe it’ll be a charge added on After he does sometime again ,which he will . That and there’s not enough to get one . Personally , I’m less in your face and more let my lawyer handle it . But then I know folks who’ve been stabbed ,stalked ( including breaking in their home) and had to wear built proof verts and go into hiding from nut jobs . That’s why I chuckle at the “ he’d have to deal with me “ responses . As far as LEO response,much has to do with your 911 call, saying someone got mud on your truck,while,you were hunting , will be ,well laughed at . Saying a known person damaged your truck and tore down posted signs, get here quick and hanging up , will get a response .
  20. I’m in 8 H too , strong winds all day . South wind eliminates some afternoon stands , strong winds takes the ones on small trees out !
  21. Sorry Biz wind 100% wrong for ground spot, gotta drive back to my main spot and sit in a stand like a cheater .
  22. Last time after Kathy and I shot, the guy cutting beans , said a buck ran out from behind my range 20 minutes after we left . Guys are always shooting around here when I’m bow hunting . Got to condition them .... Plus wind is at least 30 mph need a break
  23. I’ve seen more bucks moving lately , perhaps a few days away from full on rut . Climbing down , lunch , wash truck, shoot a handgun , nap . Ground hunt this afternoon for Biz !
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