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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. I've thrown in the camo towel , bow season is done for me . Was going to hunt this morning then trim around two gun stands . But I had zero desire to get up at 4:30 and sit in a tree . Not to pumped for gun either .
  2. I got a confused feeling , as he cleaned off his barrel .
  3. My nephews kids go to school with Luke Bryan's and he also goes shooting with one of Blake Shelton's producers . To bad you'll be busy .
  4. I passed up a pi bald 5 pt two,times on an opening day a number of years ago, because farmer next door did not want it shot . Neither time was on his land and I hardly hunted his land . In retrospect I wish I dropped it .
  5. Actually , I love that little 7mm08 and plan on using it myself ! It's pink Muddy Camo btw , and was the only Savage they had in stock in that caliber . I just sat down with are work schedules, Sunday afternoon ( and she'll be tired coming off nights ) and Dec 7+ 8 are it .
  6. Back in the game ! Ten rounds down range ,prior to Sunday afternoons sit . Her being a nurse and I a FF there's like 3 or 4 times all season who we're both off the saw time.
  7. My clothes and boots are way to muddy and wet to wear them home, and I get to warm wearing them to my spot .
  8. Hope your audition goes well ! My nephew owns a pretty successful business in that town btw ,wha field are you in ?
  9. One spike near last light . Told the Mrs I would shoot a doe tonight if given the chance , she talked me out of it . Said we have ground and I'll shoot a buck in gun and perhaps a doe on a drive and if Kathy kills something , way to much meat . Well wouldn't that be nice ! Off next two,days may hunt tue AM. Still have work to do on some gun stands , normally I've got a buck with a week or two , to do gun stand work before OD .
  10. Apparently there’s a worm hole that I drive through and it pops me out in one of those Spots in east NY , where guys seldom see deer .
  11. It doesn’t matter if it’s 5mph or 20 if the wind is wrong .
  12. Nomad


    Changed it up to whisky , wife dd.
  13. I wear those Kroc plastic things kick one off Slip foot into Muck boot, rinse and repete . My outer layers are in contractor bag, which I stand on sometimes , after dumping clothes into hatchback .
  14. Nomad


    Break between games .
  15. Well said . There have been times here where the " I lost one " , out numbered the bow harvest thread . Yes in idk 42 years of deer hunting I " lost " a handful , I just would never post it online , heck I never told anyone but those helping me look .
  16. Nomad


    Pre eucher party hot tub soak and beer .
  17. Small buck at 15 yards , highlight of a dismal season !
  18. Between frozen leaves , breaking ice and a creaking ladderstand I wasn’t to stealth getting in the thicket . Ten minutes on stand a coyote slips through the thick stuff , few minutes later something is walking around snapping branches .
  19. Just arrived , base camp Larry ! Great morning for a mid day kill .
  20. That's what happens when you raise kids where you don't keep score., everyone gets a trophy , and everything has to be fair , they grow up and start hunting .
  21. Get off nights about 8 AM tomorrow , plan a 9-12 sit !
  22. Gun season is fun season ! 7-9 days I wouldn't care for , I need a couple to hunt with my daughter , some with Joe at his place , some with him at mine , a day or two at the end to drive with others . An occasional,invite to others spots ,and vise versa . Throw in a few days of crap weather , or some commitments you can't dodge and oh ya work , no thanks .
  23. Number of years ago a buck came up through at less then 20 yards , I shot and my arrow hit its antlers ?! Made a heck of a noise . I take only mostly broadside shots at 20 and under , and I tend to do very well so I was confused . Then I saw this hanging vine swaying back and forth ......
  24. Ha , not for me anymore , I rarely do any work other then move a stand or two, and I certinly don't look forward to that . Sometimes I think I should just shoot the first couple deer I see in gun and call it a season , maybe bow hunt a couple nice days . All the time and work I,used to do, when I could fill the freezer, without doing any of it . There are tw folks I often shoot a deer for as the don't hunt but enjoy the meat, they may be the smartest ones .
  25. Nope 40 ish dark hair lean, about 5'10 " . I,left him a voice message last night, and he came to work this morning laughing ( he has two,jobs ) .
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