I'd be all for it, but i don't think the numbers would change much . The math wiz's have all gone over the D.e.c.'s processes, sample sizes etc. and said it to be valid time and again.
record info from the meat cutters get 1,000's of tag info on deer known to be dead, compair with reported tags, see the number that they know killed but not reported .Build from there. One can get a nationwide poll that has + / - 4 % error with just 1,000 people.
For what its worth I have a friend and fellow hunter who is the head of the math/statistics dept. of a Rochester area college( hint starts with R) we've talked about this ,he feels they get valid info.
I don't know I hunt 8H,DEC says deer numbers are high there, I sure see a lot of them, they'er all over . Killed 4 last year could have killed tons more, so for me I feel they got it right where I hunt .
The big variable is road kill, some say as many as hunters kill ! But who can say for sure, few are reported at all . More roads more dead, more houses out in deer country more dead,more deer in the suburbs more dead. Hell the city of Rochester has a river bottom full of very big bucks....