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Posts posted by finfeathr

  1. No, usually just the coliseum show....people don't generally travel from upstate or out of state to get stuff mounted, so I stick to the Long Island crowd..I have found gun shows to be a waste of my time as well. It sucks that even if it happens, it won't be at the coliseum, there was always a good crowd there. I am out alot of dough, because I had several expensive displays almost complete...oh well...

  2. no, I only shoot over the decoys, no pass shooting..they are dead in front of the boat. I also don't shoot past 30 yards....and Papabear, you hunt from the shore, and have no other way to retrieve birds, so OZ is a must for you. Most boat hunters around here don't use a dog, it's too much hassle.

  3. Never needed a dog for puddlers or divers...just unstake the boat and retrieve them, no problem. Dogs are just a pain in the butt for me when hunting from a boat and cause more problems than they solve, in my experience, but it's mostly open water around here.

  4. If it is privately owned, you MUST have written permission from the landowner..that is the LAW ....an ECO isn't the one who's gonna give you a hard time, it will be the police. Play it smart and do it right, and then you won't have to hunt while looking over your shoulder constantly....

  5. An ECO should not have told you you can hunt it, just as long as legal hunting guidelines are followed...this is Long Island, every square inch is owned by somebody. If it is state owned, then he gave you a decent answer. If your buddy is one of those guys who does the old " there is no posted sign where I park" routine, you are looking for trouble..this isn't the 70's, when you could get away with that.

    We tell everyone at the hunter safety classes that it is your resposibility to get a tax map, and find out who owns the property, then contact them for permission. If you are on privately owned land, without permission, whether it's posted or not, you are tresspassing.

    The old "it wasn't posted" line doesn't really carry any weight. It belongs to someone, and it is only right to contact that person before entering thier property. I personally think this kind of situation causes a bad opinion of hunters as tresspassers..do your homework, and you could have yourself a great spot...good luck, Rich

  6. That HUGE bear in Lake Grove is one intimidating mount!

    Do you do skin fish mounts? A friend's brother took a 49" 48# striper 2 years ago, wound up going upstate to get the mount done..

    Everyone he tried only offered painted bodies..

    I do skin mounts on some fish..not a big striper. The reason that he couldn't find someone locally to skin mount a bass that size is, it has way too high an oil content in the skin, and especially the head. I don't care who mounted it, or what they used, but it WILL  leach grease eventually. When it does, he may as well throw the fish away, as there really isn't anything that can be done about it..it will just turn yellow, get sticky, and all airbrushing will fall off. The other problem is the shrinkage on the head..it never really looks right.

    I have been in taxidermy for 30 years, and I have to tell you, fiberglass mounts were started in this industry for a reason...some species do not ,or cannot mount using the skin. Most saltwater species fit in this category. They are too oily, or are prone to scale lifting.

    Replicas are the way to go for saltwater critters.

    There is alot more work that goes into a replica than just "painting a body". I laugh every time I hear that. It's like telling a drywall guy he's just slapping spackle around, or an electrician is just stuffing wires in a wall and connecting them.

    Custom molding can be done on any fish, as long as it's in good condition.

    Sorry to go on and on, but the bottom line is, skin mounts are really not conducive to a quality saltwater fish mount. There are exceptions, but as a rule, just look at any skin mount sailfish in a seafood restaurant..it will invariably be yellow/orange tinted, pieces falling off, and paint flaking everywhere....


  7. That's nothing...try hunting the south shore of L.I...

    I have had guys come out after first light and set up within 100 yards of me during the best time of the morning, because they were afraid of the dark...

    I have had guys shoot thier guns every time I had birds working my rig, to spook them away...

    I have watched guys pounding away at Brant when the season was closed..

    I have had guys set up directly in front of me in the dark, even though I flashed my light at them to let them know I was there, and they flashed back to acknowledge...and then set up 40 yards in front of me anyway.

    I have seen quite a few guys shoot more than one Black duck per day..

    I have seen my share of bozos pass shooting at birds that were way out of range, and then get into squabbling matches with other hunters about who shot what....

    Common decency and respect for others has sadly gone by the wayside.


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