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Posts posted by finfeathr

  1. If using a crossbow will get a few more young people interested in the outdoors, and get thier butts off the couch,and thier cell phones, and playstations, then we should all support it.


    Rich, young people don't need a crossgun to participate in archery season. Contact any NYB member or go to any archery shop and I'm sure they will devote time and energy to get that person pointed in the right direction with archery equipment. 

    If you are suggesting no special seasons at all and everyone use what they want, that is a bad idea.

    If you want to use a crossgun in archery season then I want to use my pistol during muzzleloader season. 

    And, if a crossbow is interesting to them, they should be able to use it... I am not suggesting no special seasons, but strongly feel that crossbows should be legal in the archery season as well. Just my opinion.

    You seem to be proving my point about the elitist attitude amongst the archery community."Let the young people learn to shoot  only the devices I see fit for use in MY season"

    The comment about using a pistol in muzzleloading season is silly. Again, it proves my point...let's argue endlessly about protecting the sanctity of "archery season". You know, it was only a short time ago that there was a big hullabaloo from the "traditional" archery group about those that use compounds...in fact, the arguments pretty much paralleled the arguments against crossbows now.....

    Lets face it..it all boils down to a competition thing...some hunters that use sticks and bows are afraid that they will have to compete for deer with a new group that have sticks and bows....we are all out there to enjoy the pastime and nature, why ruin it with bickering. All it does is give the anti's more ammo when we bitch enlessly about this crap.

    Do you really feel there will be that much more competition for a deer? Do you truly feel that there will be an onslought of crossbow hunters lining the trees? Probably not.

    For the record, I belong to NY Bowhunters, have thier brochures in my shop, and am a donating booster.

    I just don't see this as a horrible doom and gloom situation, but another way to enjoy the outdoors.

    Sorry if anyone is offended, it's just my honest opinion..


  2. I am new on here, so I will try to tread lightly. Here is my take on this subject:

    We, as hunters, should be ashamed of ourselves..I have said it before, and I'll say it again...we will eat our own young.


    In all fairness, what difference does it make what you take game with? This crap all starts with one group feeling that "thier" season will be infringed upon. In this case, traditional archers are feeling that the woods would be over-run with crossbow wielding fanatics. Let's be realistic..that isn't going to happen. The people that would buy a crossbow and hunt with it are already hunters that passed the sportsman education test, and maybe have an interest in a new choice of implement. The crossbow does not have a more sgnificant effective range than a compound, so the real issue is the ability to take an animal without drawing the bow.....so what...you could do that in a blind also, and I don't see anyone calling for outlawing hunting blinds. If you feel that strongly about using traditional archery equipment, then do so,,,,it should make the accomplishment of harvesting a deer that much more enjoyable, knowing you had an easier option, but did it the"hard"way.

    I have been hunting for a long time, and have heard alot of different whining sessions through the years...Some hunters think that compound bows are unfair also.., some think that tree stands are unfair, some feel that baiting is unfair,[illegal in NY, but acceptable in some other states], some think preserves should be outlawed, some think that waterfowling should not be allwed during an archery season,etc, etc, and on and on....

    The issue is, and always has been, we need to stick together and protect our rights as a WHOLE. Archery guys should support crossbows, slingshots,sharp sticks, or any other "primative" implement within the respective season. Just choose to use whatever one YOU are comfortable with. I am pretty sure there won't be a guy with a crossbow perched in every tree.....

    We need more hunters with a voice, not less, or worse, a dwindling number who bickers endlessly amongst it's own ranks..the anti's are using this "divide and conquer" metality, and it works, obviously.

    If using a crossbow will get a few more young people interested in the outdoors, and get thier butts off the couch,and thier cell phones, and playstations, then we should all support it. As our numbers dwindle, we have less and less voice in the political arena, and when our voice is too meek from infighting and squabbling over petty crap to be heard, or taken seriously, we will lose it all.....


  3. Hello, Guys...

    I am Rich, owner of Fins to Feathers Taxidermy, we are located in Farmingdale, LI, and offer all phases of taxidermy, including:

    North  American




    Deer Butchering

    I am happy to be a sponsor here, and happy to sponsor the big buck contest.

    Feel free to ask any questions you might have, and check out the website...www.alllongislandtaxidermy.com

    please forgive me, I am NOT a professional photographer..

    thx, Rich

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