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Everything posted by dmandoes

  1. he is going to be big. keep the pics coming as he grows.
  2. Congrats on the birds! Great write up. Thanks for sharing.The pictures are well done. Are you carrying a tripod to take pictures?
  3. i thought for sure your daughter would post a pic of u sleeping this morning.
  4. love the pic. 106 is amazing. ur uncle is more than twice my age. i cant imagine living that long.
  5. might have a hard time having it reassed when u r willing to pay what u just bought it for.
  6. its over with. pack your turkey gear away.get the fishing gear out.
  7. hey bill; have u ever worn the orange camo while hunting turkeys? do u think u could get away with a decoy just about all orange?
  8. wy points cost u $50/elk, $40/deer, $30/ antelope. thats all going to change in 2018. i used to buy points in wy for $7. they get u on the hook and then screw u.
  9. $75 points for elk, deer, antelope, $150 points for moose and sheep. all tag fees r going up $100+, 200+, 300+, 500+, 1000s+, archery stamp $70. fun times to be a nonresident, not.
  10. feel the burn? wy is going to give the shaft to nonresidents next year. invest that point money guys.
  11. i wish i had done things differently when it comes to the point game. i should of taken the money and invested it. i would be sitting pretty hunting the west every year. i would buy the tags and hunts that i most wanted to do, not hoping that i get lucky in some draw. my guess is that u will never draw in ur lifetime. good luck
  12. ok ruffledfeathers. i'm going to change all my forum names to longdongsilver. Disclaimer; my posts in this tread is not to be taken seriosly. just having fun.
  13. decoys r for guys who cant call.
  14. if u have 13 sheep points, ur always going to be in the random draw. when u get to 17 still in random. the point pools above u have to many hunters. they will never get to ur point pool for a preference draw. ur only chance of drawing is in the random pool. to draw a moose tag in the preference pool ur going to need 17 to 16 points now to have a chance in the the lower 3/4 units.
  15. i think u have sheep and moose messed up with. sheep should be moose and moose should be sheep
  16. just checked out your website to see what u where charging for the hunting. i'm in columbia county. i would like a free estimate of what you would be willing to pay me for leasing my land. if your interested. i more than likely wont lease it out.
  17. when i'm out west hunting, i seldom have service. i don't carry my phone its just added weight. does anyone use garmin gps with walkie talkie?
  18. im going back in time and hunting irish elk.
  19. hey uncle nicky; i hope ur gaining 2 points a year. with a loyalty point u should have 11 points for goulds turkey. i'm sitting on 23 points and believe i can go for goulds anytime i choose. whats your plan if u draw? maybe we could do it together.
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