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dmandoes last won the day on May 20 2023

dmandoes had the most liked content!

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  • Hunting Location
    have gun will travel
  • Hunting Gun
    7mm mag
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. It will save some deer.
  2. Lets see a pic. I need a little more motivation.
  3. u going? u can put in for the draw in november for some of the public land hunts.
  4. I've run over nest and had turkeys hatching as late as 7/17 while making hay
  5. It's turkey season and this site is dead.
  6. How much the eggs go for at auction?
  7. As of last week just about all the bucks were carrying on my place. This is about time that the bigger bucks would normally shed here.
  8. All the bucks here r still holding on.
  9. the most important question is did he get a pic?
  10. Private ? public land? What unit? I would not be happy hunting that way either.
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