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Posts posted by RTF

  1. Why dont you just thank him and tell him because of him you were able to kill that deer the other night. Tell him it ran from his property to yours because he was walking his property screwing with those signs. Tell him thats why you have the deer stand where it is because his activity pushes all the deer over to end and hunting has never been better. Since he helps you out so much offer him a venison steak or two :spiteful:

  2. I think most if not all ECO's want hard evidence of illegal hunting. They are not going to waste their time on BS tickets that they know could ultimately get thrown out. They want a dead body and witnesses. I think this whole thread started because someone claimed that their "friends" were ticketed for hunting after hours by merely being in the woods after sunset during deer season. I have yet to hear anyone claim that they have been written up for a loaded gun after sunset on this forum.

  3. It doesnt matter if you have a weapon....

    You and your pets are not supposed to disturb wildlife in any way except during an open hunting season or open dog training season ...

    So I guess when we all set up our game cams out of season we are all guilty of hunting if we bump deer out of the bed.

  4. It is 100% illegal to allow dogs to run on land inhabited by deer in NY, unless the dog is a hunting dog and is under control by its owner while in the commission of hunting. This is basic 101 stuff and any and all DEC officer will know it like the back of their hand. The law goes above and beyond the basic NY leash law and the fines are pretty steep. It’s a serious offense. The salt lick is also totally illegal if it was placed out for wildlife and not livestock.

    I would first make 110% I am legal, meaning 500 ft. from his closest "dwelling". I know you said it's far away...but 500 feet is pretty far. A 500' radius covers 18 acres.

    A good way to check this is to use google earth. It has a ruler that can be used to measure distance in feet and yards.

  5. If you read the definition of hunting, and when after dark you are walking out of the woods, with a loaded gun and you bump a deer and it runs off, you are hunting according to the definition as you have harassed and worried the wild life.

    So Bubba, are you stating that if our weapons are unloaded and or disabled, we will not fall under that definition?

  6. There is a ton of bait already in the woods. I hunt over and under bait all the time. I got ridge tops chuck full of acorns, flats loaded with beach nut old farm lands invaded by crab apples. The best part is mother nature puts it out there for me and it dont cost me a dime.

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  7. By the way I met the court justice who handled my case the following weekend while in the woods hunting....He apoligized for issuing the fine. He said he knew the DEC had a bogus case but if he does not hand out the fines he gets complaints from the DEC.

    First of all I think that judge needs to grow a pair and also be removed from office for being incompetent and unprofessional.


  8. Bubba, if there are laws against having a loaded weapon or having your bow disabled after sunset or before sunrise, please look it up in your book and post the reference numbers, they can all be looked up online.

    I think Bubba has made it perfectly clear that there are no such laws, at least that is what I got from his posts. He is only advising us on ways of to avoid an intent charge if and ever we are stopped by DEC after sunset during deer season.

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