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Everything posted by Naturegirlfromny

  1. That would make sense, it seemed to even to be an animal. However our neighbor did see a bear out there yesterday! So my bear suspicions were right! Is bear still in season?
  2. In the last couple days, I have come across a couple of perplexing things in the woods out behind where I live. It is mostly beech, maple and a few oaks with hemlock and other typical pine. I was down in a marshy area near a stream and found a tree that on one side had all the leaves completely scraped aside, right down to the ground. Today I found a tree which had all the leaves underneath it completly scraped away right down to the ground except in a perfect circle all the way around. The circle was about 3-4 foot from the base of the tree and out in a complete circle. There were signs of footprints but nothing that could be identified. What type of animal would do such methodical clearing in such a pattern as this? I keep getting bear in my mind. I have found some scat also that seems like it could be bear scat. I will have to go out tomorrow with my camera and get some pictures.
  3. Driving through a wooded area by the train station this morning in Saratoga springs, I saw a large doe cross in front of me. I went up, parked for about a minute to pick up my son and as heading back down saw a buck running parallel to the road along side the car and then ran ahead and crossed in front of me. He was a 4 point from what I could see. Not a massive buck but nice looking!
  4. No it was a laying down log.. I will try to get out there and get a picture of it tomorrow. My stepdad said probably a bear. I don't think we have any feral hogs around here Predate.
  5. I was down in a swampy area in the woods behind where I live. I saw one deer track and then a little further up found and log just tore up. Would a buck tear up a log? The wood was shredded up and down the log with large strips on the ground. It looked pretty fresh too. It was not a ripping up that I would expect from a bear but more of a side to side shredding.
  6. Hi, I am new to the forums and have really been enjoying reading them. I am 46 and live in Greenfield Center. My husband and I are new to hunting this year although I have hunted in the past.
  7. I have two pretty useless 5R permits. I should of done more research before putting in for this section. There is very little public land to hunt. I did get approved for the Cornell earn a buck program however, so I am hoping for some does from there this year!
  8. I am not talking about stuff to grow food plots etc.. It was a big square container of some type of deer attractant. I guess a "supplemental feed". I think ENCON ticketing someone for hunting over a field that was spread with manure is ridiculous! @Bubba I am not sure what rubbish and crap you are referring to unless it was someone elses comment. I am just wondering why stores are allowed to sell something that is illegal to use. Thanks for the answers all!
  9. While I was at Dick's a couple weeks ago I noticed a couple young men at the checkout buying big 5 gal pails of some sort of deer feed/attractant. I asked them as a fellow hunter why they buy it. They mumbled something about "building up the deer". Then practically ran out of the store. Why do stores sell this stuff marketing specifically for feeding to deer when it is illegal to feed deer or hunt near or over a bait pile? I am just a little confused! Maybe more experienced hunters can clear this up for me!
  10. There is a piebald deer in a herd in the town I live in. Our town is mostly country by the way! I think it was a doe. All white except for the head and neck.
  11. Guess I should of stayed out just a little longer today! My neighbor got a nice hen as they were flying in to roost right where I was set up this afternoon! I know where I will be tomorrow!
  12. Hi, my husband and I are new to hunting this year. I grew up in the area we live in, Greenfield Center. I am wondering if anyone knows some good public hunting areas for turkey. Private land would be good too! Thanks, Linda
  13. Hi, we live in the Saratoga Springs area. There are a few state lands close to us including Daketown, Middle Grove and Lake Desolation state forests. I filled out my profile as best as I could but will fill out more as I learn more on this forum!
  14. Hi, my husband and I are new to hunting this year. There is a flock of turkey close to where we live but these are smart birds are primarily travel on private property. Does anyone know of any public lands where turkey have been seen and any advice to us on how to get a gobbler? I have recently gotten some mouth calls (diaphram) and have been having fun practicing with them but I probably sound like a sick duck more than a hen! I know people don't like to give out their secret spots but a couple hints would be great!
  15. I am new to hunting this year. My husband and I have both been to Daketown twice. The first day, opening day, we met a guy coming out with two using a dog. The only bird I saw was flying very high.. not to mention the ones I saw on the side of the road during youth hunt! My husband said he saw one on our second trip but it was too far away.
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