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landtracdeerhunter last won the day on July 24

landtracdeerhunter had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara County
  • Interests
    Everything Agricultural Related, Hunting, Mechanics, Forging, Building, Electrical,, Maple Syrup, Bee Keeping, etc. etc. etc.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Fields & Woods
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 Express
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Stumbled onto it

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  1. Is it that time of year again? Some of us get the chance to get out and do some DEER HUNTING. Good luck to all headed a field for this early season. Shoot Straight; Be Safe!
  2. Remember, this system made it easier for the hunter get their tags, to get out in the field faster. Another A I failure.
  3. To each their own. I get some useful information; maybe post some good information for others to view. Take it or leave it !
  4. I remember the Empire site acting the same way, then went away one day.
  5. Is. Doc still a moderator. I haven't seen the symbol by his name in a while.
  6. I like to add about 3 pounds Timothy grass seed to my red clover. It keeps it from lodging.
  7. Early season starts soon in select areas of New York. This thread is always a favorite. Good luck, enjoy the season, and be safe.
  8. Could be. The seed could have already been in the soil and grew when cultivated too.
  9. Always nice to see the new ones, as well as the older crowd.
  10. I think that is the point of the whole video.
  11. That could be, but it doesn't imply it, now does it. When ever I see a bottle of booze mixed with a weapon; well it just turns my stomach
  12. With this governor, you'll be lucky to get the numbin 's of a bone.
  13. I don't like the drinking alcohol firing a weapon part . At least, that's what it portrays.
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