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landtracdeerhunter last won the day on July 24

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara County
  • Interests
    Everything Agricultural Related, Hunting, Mechanics, Forging, Building, Electrical,, Maple Syrup, Bee Keeping, etc. etc. etc.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Fields & Woods
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 Express
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Stumbled onto it

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  1. Great idea, but I have 3 to take. They all want to go with Papa. They say I get really close to deer,.
  2. I will continue to stop into the local town hall to uptain a license. Wouldn't surprise me if they charge extra for getting it there. I can't justify a printer and ink for the extra cost. The days coming when an app will be all you need to show proof of hunting license and carcass tags.
  3. Bucks look different in velvet. I've seen several, in my travels through the counties. Two nice ones in a soybean field next to the highway yesterday. I thought the first one had. A big rack until I viewed the second, WOW.
  4. The " hate promoters" in this country have to be held accountable. Their on news networks, talk shows, and especially in the Biden administration. The left will do what ever it takes to promote their adenda. Tear this country apart, if need be. They have nothing else left. Companies that sponsor this sort of tactic can be financial influenced to change their motives. We as Americans can take the steps to turn this country around. We should have never let it get this way. Alot of hard work needs to be done. I'm counting on us. I know we can do it.
  5. We've seen small rattlesnakes along the escarpment in Lockport, central Niagara County. Heard of sittings in the Alabama. Swamps in Genesee County. They could have been Gopher snakes too, which look similar, but I wasn't sticking around to find out.
  6. I had 2 myself. They come in dam handy in bad weather.
  7. At 62 years, I think your both lucky to have each other. Congrats!
  8. It never ever gets old being close to wildlife. Safely, of coarse.
  9. The whole idea of this change was to make it easier for hunters to obtain a license to get out faster.. More Internal Intelligence failures on the horizon.
  10. My Red Clover turned into being lawn clover. The wildlife sure like it.
  11. Sounds like you're in a great spot for swarming.
  12. Even if it made it through the Assembly, it will likely sit on the governor desk without being signed.
  13. I had a airborne swarm come in, about 8:50 in the morning, A couple weeks ago while cutting the lawn. I drove right into the middle of them in hopes of dropping them on a close branch. That wasn't working, so I ran in to get the chainsaw; they just wouldn't drop. ( First time in 40 years, I couldn't make a swarm lite on a limb.) They headed west into the neighbors property. It's like watching a 100 dollar bill fly away Another swarm,in the picture, took up residency in an undesirable spot.
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