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landtracdeerhunter last won the day on December 30 2024

landtracdeerhunter had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara County
  • Interests
    Everything Agricultural Related, Hunting, Mechanics, Forging, Building, Electrical,, Maple Syrup, Bee Keeping, etc. etc. etc.

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  • Hunting Location
    Fields & Woods
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 Express
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  • HuntingNY.com
    Stumbled onto it

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  1. Sounds great everyone, except the 3 feet of snow part. Adds to the ground water supply though. This cold weather and snow will help maple syrup producers this year.
  2. I like a deck built on posts, in the ground next to the house. Attached to the house yes, but the full support on the post.
  3. I knew of people that did that years ago in Cedar Swamp.
  4. Antlered doe actually are more common than one would think. I think they have their own unique look, especially, the head.
  5. He use to post a number of times under the Political Discussions. The last few topics started, he didn't get much feed back for some reason.
  6. Yes, I would invite them to log back on and join in on the conversation, if they can be civilized.
  7. Last on this site October 9th of last year.
  8. We tend to pass the mini spikers. They can turn into big bucks, given the chance. Liver and onions, extra onions.
  9. Looks really appetizing. We tend to always get bigger tougher liver, on the older deer. Slice it thin, still good . We had to freeze some, use it up in the next few months. Never did before.
  10. I don't believe those members that don't log in any longer have truly left this site.
  11. When it gets that deep, run out of places to put it. I don't think we've had 12 inches all season. Lucky, so far.
  12. What powder and sabots are you using?
  13. Well now, I throw this one out. The whitetail deer are managing themselves quite well here, all on their own. The state throws in a monkey wrench, and a little WD 40 now and again. May or May not stop the squeak. It does create more governmental employment, which blue states love to do. One has to remember, a change in one aspect, ultimately affects another. Step on enough grasshoppers, the turkey wont gobble anymore. .
  14. Nice work. What would you suggest using as a dealer on an old log?
  15. Glad to see the "Bought The Farm " post generated, into great idea. Sure would be nice meeting up with a fine bunch of people. I think something like this went on maybe 6 or 7 years ago with great success. Not going to be able to make this go around, but sure would like to give the next, a try. Maybe we can start a thread on here during the event, for those of us that can't be there in person. Live from the Greet and Meet
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