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Jeremy K

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Jeremy K last won the day on December 16 2021

Jeremy K had the most liked content!

About Jeremy K

  • Birthday 04/04/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara county

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    western ny
  • Hunting Gun
    BPS/CVA Apex
  • Bow
    Elite Energy 35/ Elite pure
  • HuntingNY.com
    internet search

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Veteran (13/14)

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  1. Wool against skin and a flannel layer over the wool if you don't want to get into the fancy new types of camo.
  2. A local company is giving out zeldin signs. There has been alot of signs in support of zeldin . Typically the NYC residents ruin the state for the rest of us.
  3. Plenty of food and easy living right now. Same reason I have so much fat on me.
  4. Edit ,just saw she laughed ,I was nervous .
  5. My daughter went as you for Halloween Cynthia!! She fell down while trick-or-treat treating . Hope everything is improving for you.
  6. It was a fine video ,I was just busting chops is all. Yes I shoot a compound so stumps are a bit hard on the arrows.
  7. Strange ,you sound exactly like the media . I wonder where you got your opinion from.
  8. They sell targets now .
  9. I'm using spartan forge as of last week. I'm letting my onX subscription run out.
  10. If you havent watched the buckles 30 for 30 you should ,it covers most of that. He was doomed from a young age. Mostly his mom's fault.
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