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Everything posted by BlasterMaster42

  1. This whole scenario is rediculous!!! I'd like to consider myself a bit of a redneck, but jesus, it's 2012 people!! Why can't everyone be civilized, and when confronted with a problem, such as trespassors, talk it out, and if you can't solve it, involve the law? I don't understand the logic people use sometimes. Common sense!! Turn the coin on those two guys (the ones who fired the shots). Maybe for the justice part, we throw them out in the woods, surrounded by people with rifles and shotguns, and start firing warning shots.. See how long it takes them to fill their drawers.. A$$sholes..
  2. Started off to be a good morning!! Got up on the hill, passed up a few doe before legal hours (sounded like Vietnam all around me tho :/) After 2 hours, I couldn't feel my toes. Waited another hour before i decided to get moving. Upon getting home (not quite 5 minutes away), I found 4 ticks on my clothes, and one attached to my arm, prompting me to strip and throw everything in the washer, and take a hot shower.. I'll be heading to a different spot as soon as my stuff is dry... smh
  3. Hahaha!! Grow's place sounds a lot like mine!! Horseheads is getting some good wind. My house seems to be on the lee-side of the hilltop, for now. Rain of course. Haven't lost power yet, but the generator is on stanby. EVERYONE, DON'T FORGET!!!!: if we lose power, we lose debit and credit cards, AND gas pumps!!! If you need gas or cash, get it while you can before you lose power!!! Best wishes and good luck to everyone
  4. Got this one June 27th of this year. Used my 870 20-gauge. I thought it was a bit on the big side for a red... what do you think?? The outer sole of my boot measures 13-inches exactly, and had I lined my boot up better, you can see how close the two actually are in size. Most of the reds around here are just a tiny bit bigger than the chipmunks.
  5. Hey everyone, I'm new on this forum. Ive been hunting since I was 12 years old. At 25, I've learned a lot, and still have a ton of stuff to learn. Though I do hunt deer, I have always had a blast hunting squirrels. One of my favorite things to do. As far as my choice of firearms, for big game (deer, bear if given the opportunity) I use a Remington 870 Express 20-gauge. It's not my favorite gun, but I love it. When I need a rifle, I grab my WASR-10. Before I get anyone judgemental writing harsh comments, let me say that I have been a gun owner since I was 5-years old. I have just about every safety course under the sun, and am also very insistant on gun safety when with friends, family, or younger family members. I treat every weapon as if it was loaded. It is my second ammendment right to carry an AK-47 affield. For the unaware, a 7.62x39 round is in fact an underpowered .308 round. I do apoologize if the appearance of the tool that I choose to use to fill my freezer is intimidating, I mean nothing by it. It is however the gun that I am most confident with shooting. With that out of the way, I use that gun for deer, or varmints (red squirrel, wood chuck, coyote). When hunting grey squirrels, crows, sometimes wood chucks, I use my Henry AR-7 survival rifle. I do bow hunt, unfortunately, not very often. Well, I've taken enough of your time, and I look forward to seeing posts from everyone!!
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