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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. That was a surprise, he was a Republican after all.... calm down guys its a joke!
  2. Perhaps a store like Cabelas or maybe a local restuarant would be worth contacting. I will give you $5 a piece for the mounts you don't want sight un seen..lol $5 is my standard offer for everything for guns to motorcycles.
  3. No never tried it but its noted on the DEC web site as being the best thing to do over the winter instead of a bait pile. There is a thread going right now in the QDM section discussing it. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,3565.msg19557/boardseen.html#new
  4. Last weekend it was in the mid 30's at my place and it felt like heaven, haha. It was nice to see stuff melting but now its cold again toady. We have had barns collapsing around home the last week or so, the one we get our milk from made the news on yahoo...we are famous in Northumberland finally!
  5. Ahh there won't be a need for minerals when you have your food plots done any way, live and learn. Nice bucks by the way.
  6. "My buddy claims it is legal to have mineral piles, but illegal to have a cam taking pics over one...any insight to this??" Nope still illegal unless the mineral block is in a pasture meant for livestock. You can not in any way provide feed or supplements for deer.
  7. I have also got two of my buddies into hunting, both bow and gun and the one Turkey hunts too. The other good thing is they both have kids so hopefully they can pass it along to them some day, one has 4 young boys and I know they will be involved in hunting. Its neat to think that by getting one guy into hunting we may gain an additional 4-5 hunters. I will need them some day when I'm old to drag my deer out.
  8. "anyone else taking a family, friend or little one hunting?" Well of course! I get more of a kick out of hunting with my wife and little guy than any thing else. He's 7 and has already came along for a couple of hunts each year for that last couple of years. I make sure to answer any questions and offer to help with the new hunters I know too.
  9. I really don't think a crossbow or any other new weapon will bring any new people to our sport. You're right Culv, there might be a few but not a huge amount. I also don't think handing some one a crossbow will automatically get them a deer, if they can't figure it out now with a bow or gun they won't figure it out with a crossbow either unless they learn that is. We will never see enough of a gain in new hunters to off set the loss of the hunters we are seeing now. They stop hunting or move out of NY or what ever reason, and there is s slim chance that any one of them is going to run out and rejoin the hunting community because of a crossbow.
  10. Same broken record, different day, month, year...This is alot like the AR thread.
  11. We have about 3ft on the ground in my yard up here, but, in the woods there is conderably less so its not so bad for the deer. We saw alot of sign while snowshoeing Saturday. Even with 5 ft snow banks they have still been in my yard almost every night eating left over acorns and so far have left the shrubs and flowers alone.
  12. I think the only thing keeping the price from going up is the fact that they know what the consumer is willing to pay. I almost think the last time when we saw the price at the pump go up it was a test to see just how far they could push the market before the consumer pushed back. All of a sudden the sale of bad mileage cars dropped and the average mpg went up, the price at the pump went down. Now people are going back to "normal" and the prices are going back up.Basiclly, if the price was to crazy they wouldnt sell any.
  13. She mentioned where she was going to place the collar on me when I was sleeping and I got scared, I now sleep with one eye open. lol
  14. We have the underground one in the yard too, our dog busted through it twice and then we had it turned up. He got zapped good once and hasn't given us a problem since. Kinda like me.
  15. I had to swat my wife away as she dove for the controler...haha she had plans I think.
  16. There are plenty in that range, I shoot a Parker Wildfire and like it. Really light and forgiving, and I think new ones go for $500(?), I got mine for $294 as a hold over. I don't know much about Bear bows.
  17. This story hit a little close to home for me, I had to try out my dogs e-collar when it came in the mail. It has a dial where you can control up to three collars at once, needless to say when I first tried it it was set to work a different collar so I felt nothing. Being a smart guy I thought I would turn up the dial to 3 and try again, this time I switched to a new collar setting..still nothing. So on my final attempt I cranked it up some more and let my self have it, I screamed like a girl and dropped the thing on the floor...much to the delight of my wife and kids who were looking on in amusement and at this point cracking up at the sight of a grown man lighting up like a x-mas tree. Lesson learned, have your wife hold the collar while you are attempting to tune in a electric shock collar. TRUST ME! ;D
  18. I agree with you on this, every thing from wallstreet to government needs to change or we are truely doomed here. It seem like the economy has at least stalled out, its not getting better but its not getting rapidly worse at the moment. Of course that can change overnight.
  19. I am in Northern Saratoga County and biggamefish is at the southern end, so the eastern part of the state. I now have snow up to my waste in the yard.. :'(
  20. There is a reason why oil producing nations are the richest in the world. Not buying gas for a day or two will do nothing to the companies, because every one will buy gas the days before or the days after..oooo we showed them. Drive cars that are better on gas and carpool, there by reducing your need for gas over a long term and that will still only have a minimal impact. Lets not forget about how greedy NY is, I beleive we pay about .65 cents per gallon in taxes, that is alot! OPEC sets the pace and price and we all go along with it because we have no other choice. We have already seen the prices rise over $4 a gallon once and we will again. As far as oil goes, it is in a lot products..ie plastic, styrofoam and so on. This is a bad spot for us, think of all of the packaging for the things we buy like food, its almost all in some form of plastic. So the point is when the price of oil goes up we suffer across the board and have been for a few years now. As far as the comment about the "the start of a depression"...where have you been the last 5 or so years?
  21. I would opt for the illuminated reticle personally, I don't see the need for the BDC on a slug gun as most shots are under say 125 yards. If you had a longer shot you could just hold high. Its too bad you couldn't design your own, then you could combine the best of both scopes.
  22. I don't see why and how a mayor of any city in the US can think that they can make laws and changes to gun control. Seems like he really wants to put his name in a history book, it sure ain't gonna be for best mayor ever. Myabe he is eyeing a different position after he is done being a mayor?
  23. It was tough for us bird hunting Saturday too, it took alot out of my dog..well for a few hours any way. Thank goodness for the treadmill, at least I can still excercise him the way he needs it and keep him in shape. Unless we get a heat wave we are done for the year too.
  24. At least I don't have to worry about that up here, I still don't want any more though. You guys can have the rest of the season off from snow, you have earned it! I wish it was that easy, we are all screwed this year..hahaha
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