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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. Out there today. With all this rain everything is growing like weeds. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  2. Got some more on a quick outing. Might be at the farm tomorrow checking cams and getting some stuff done. Seems like I should be able to sneak out quick for some more chucks. We'll see. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  3. Worth every penny. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. Wide enough for tiller between and down them. None are high really. Different heights because its what i had around at the time. Id make all same height with longer boards to make life easier. All same height. Couple ramps or boards get you up there. Ramps better. Whole end of fencing opens up for straight runs. Have garden mix in them of compost manure and top soil from local farm that stays airated pretty good. Ive used a manual garden weasel before just fine but don't get the depth. Doesnt compact like the rest. We're mostly clay and gravel here. Normally I'd have more newspaper down to make a heavier covering of it. Didn't have as much so used plastic. Water sprinklers setup on bank to right to water it every day if need be. Slapped together this year a bit due to time but I don't really put much time into it like some. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  5. @Pygmy Next time pull out the sand bags to rest your gun. Better accuracy. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  6. "Damn you autocorrect!" *sit ...and yes. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  7. Local Field & Stream store has a Raven crossbows in stock. picked it up and checked it out. very light weight, crazy compact, and an awesome crossbow. it would've been nice to have this fall. too narrow to be legal. this legislation would've fixed that problem.
  8. luckiest shopper in the store when they go out of business is the one that walks away with some heavy duty shelving. i just went to GanderMountain this past Friday and bought a ton with them going out of business.
  9. in wolc's case it's more meat? lots more reasons, despite your assumptions. we each our own reasons though right?
  10. well it was a joke so..... that's probably a logical outcome. honest to God I was even going to include Bambi but deleted that part of it. Next time i'll include Disney characters.
  11. i think that's a big reason why so many want more regulation and flow of info from DEC that relates to what they see with quality deer management efforts. problem being that people, not just hunters, use qdm to achieve different things. they do it voluntarily, see it work with even a little effort, and then wonder why the state isn't doing the same, using the same tools like ARs. it doesn't matter if you have contiguous acreage in the tens of thousands, as we do with abutting co-ops, you still get a lot of people asking why doesn't the state do more stuff like we do and that turns into public feedback to match. another case in point it usually few people doing to behind the seens grunt work of coordinating these qdm efforts, whether it's an actually deer manager, co-op coordinator, or just a landowner in the group. we've helped guide people to start things like co-ops. it usually ends up with us being asked if we can basically run the whole effort, to which we reply that we don't have the time. still can help out with guidance and some elbow grease, but we're already spread thin doing our own groups acreage. so then it circles back to DEC should do some of this. i know more people that want to hunt under qdm but don't want to do qdm, if that makes sense.
  12. I was talking about minerals and the effects. Not cwd. Studies have shown true changes in average rack size takes a few generations. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  13. @moog5050 probably 20 years ago at least my dad's buddy went to alaska and took a "10 3/4 foot square" brown bear. he got it full body mounted on a giant rock to put in his great room. all said and done back then it was $25k and removal of a dinning table. go for it! i'd have it mounted so his lower jaw and teeth can hold the bow you took him with.
  14. as a very young kid my dad's side hunted along with my dad. since a very young age we always had a farm. opening day i'd come home from school excited to hear the good news that dad had got something (deer). that's all he really hunted. i helped and watched deer get processed and went on recoveries. then went with my dad to shit with him while he hunted. he got me and my brother our first real guns (me a 20ga mossberg). by 16 he basically said i knew what i was doing, gave me a radio, made me leave it on, left me in his best spot, and sat just up over the hill. i had a 2.5 yr old 6 point with 2 on one side and 4 on the other come in with some doe. i took it with no issue using the same winchester 94 30-30 he took his first deer with. radio'd back and forth. he came over and was pumped to say the least. he'd enter me into family buck pools joking around about my reserve and how the other might be in trouble. his good friend started hunting big game throughout north america and i'd be giddy to visit and see what else he'd gotten mounted in his great room. uncles bow hunted and i always had a seed planted there in the back of my mind. everything basically snowballed into hunting everything and anything, especially being on an immediate family owned farm. time and other life stuff has me scaling back my actual hunting. i've been to other states to hunt deer but nothing else. i'm young enough with a relatively new family of my own it'd be a little while before i hunt other big game but definitely pursuing more. wife is pretty excepting of my pass times and hopefully she continues to be.
  15. Last night after work the wife and I went out for dinner. She got Founders oatmeal stout and I got magic hat #9. Had been a while since I had it. Her beer seemed flat. Mine went down just fine. Lamb burger though not as much. Wasn't horrible but decided again im not a fan of lamb. Ended up pounding my beer to cleanse the palate. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  16. At a grad party and had an oatmeal stout. One their top sellers. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  17. Brown's out this way makes a good cream ale. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  18. you talk like that's the norm and it would make a billy goat puke. i just ate some of a 5.5 year old bruiser of a buck with a messed up ankle and scares on it's face and hide. taken on scrubby thick state land and not harvested out of an ag field. seemed just fine to me. i've also had others that were just as old and older. it's true you get bucks that are closer to what you described for various reasons but subjective as it may be, i haven't found that to be common place enough to worry or effect what i harvest. i was raised on a registered beef farm so my standards are high.
  19. Midges or none deer are seeking the same water sources despite getting most of the water intake from food. Think about the winter months when things are dry and frozen. It'll take multiple generations for antler size to be effected by that. Studies have been done on similar stuff related to nutrition and soil. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  20. quiet Bob it was partially meant as a joke! maybe i should shut up? where wolc mentioning Jesus in a thread when you need them. bunch of heartless savages.
  21. i have problems with the bill originally in question and don't think it'll go anywhere the way it is. that said i'm open for whatever will make things better and i realize someone's gotta fight for it. i pick and choose my battles for sure. have to in order to enjoy it for your self a along the way, but if you really care about something it's only natural to leave it in a better place for the next person or better off than you had it.
  22. one season Doc. one season as a now legal buck. how old are you and you can't justify giving a deer just 2 full years of life? it's the equivalent of letting a teen see his OR HER 13th or 14th bday. i know we aren't exactly comparing apples to apples but i'd like to think we all can still respect the idea of a living thing actually living.
  23. it doesn't though. some great hunting to be had in NY without huge tracts being tied up by established outfitters, further preventing access. it's just very difficult for me knowing what's been accomplished on ny qdm co-ops with very little effort, not going full on qdm deer manager trying to attack all aspects to make things better, and seeing how hunting pales in comparison even in the next town over. what i've often found is areas and hunters that could use or want help and guidance are willing to do what's needed to make things better. they just don't have the know with all and mostly framework to do so and resources to go to when something seems off. i tried for years to do the same thing a structured co-op does and failed. i didn't go about it as organized and formal as i should've. fast forward to now and we're one of the largest co-ops in the northeast with growing pains to go with it. as in people play along and see it works but the education of what and why gets left in the dust. it probably seems like i champion antler restrictions on here but fact is it's just another tool in the box for me that i know can work for the general public, despite not being a fix all. if they didn't work people wouldn't still be pushing them. other states wouldn't continue to have them, whether some people on here want to believe those points or not. it's all in what you expect from them though. many here are avid and knowledgeable enough AR's might hold them back. in the same breathe though most admit they won't be effected by it as it's mostly less than their standards to suite more people as a whole. i'm just tired and numb when people write them off instead of being open minded to honestly acknowledge what they can and can't do. they have so much push back though they get watered down or fit into a socially excepted mold versus a balance of maintaining opportunity versus what are you should be protecting for your area. hunters seem to be so concerned with yearling buck antler quality and what genetics they've got they fail to see how much a bucks start in life effects them. protecting just a little more does a lot for deer ecology and showing antler potential. people really want to see what potential is out there pass a super majority of yearlings and don't judge their potential too early. after just their first year they're a little more elusive and the cream of the crop will more likely blossom and show itself, without getting snuffed off before anyone realizes it. the nature of it all with deer being deer and the fact it's called hunting then takes over. age structure and many biologically warranted needs are met. hunters can let their will power and personal standards take over and enjoy a better ride. that to me is conservation and sustainability. bettering not just your hunting but hunting for others in the area and the deer too. on a side note, here's some more fuel for the fire. not thinking of anyone particular but if someone says "i don't want to force my hunting standards and beliefs on others". then say "well it doesn't effect me much but i'm speaking for the other guy." guess what?! you've just made your beliefs his or hers! let them speak for themselves.
  24. Multiple points. multitasking as it was typed. Statewide sure we have always had and will probably always have bucks. Sure bucks will naturally fill in pockets where there are less and something no matter how small and few is always around. That doesn't mean jack to a hunter on their little piece of heaven or someone with the only place they have permission if everything legal in sight gets butchered to the point they feel there's little they can do. Even the strongest willed people have a hard swallow hunting in its Brown it's down territory. That situation to them isn't a sustainable population doing well. Biological buck to doe ratio that's corrected each off season doesn't matter to a hunter if halfway into opening week they don't see anything with antlers for the rest of the season or maybe at all to begin with. Where's the motivation to continue hunting if little to nothing's there? Isn't about making it easy and participation trophy B.S either. Also hunting within the blue line is signing up for something different with different expectations. How many here see a deer or even a little buck and get recharged with motivation to stay on stand longer? How many have a slow day and think about ducking out a little early? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  25. Larry I did not say we were at 70% yearling buck harvest. I said we've brought it down from that. DEC published yearling buck take back in 1995 for their "Buck Hunting" page was 70% with them showing a tend going down (despite with huge swings). the point i was trying to make and problem that exists, that really has nothing to do with ARs is they set people up to expect this trend to continue. in reality it's probably going to level off and we won't get much better now through voluntary restraint. good, bad, or indifferent i'm just stating how i think it'll turn out. PA started out with even higher numbers that got lower. Shooting Pope & Young bucks shouldn't even be relevant. AR's aren't the best means to produce record book antlers if that's your intentions, despite that can be the outcome. Everyone, DEC included, has made this into a social push and shove topic about growing bigger antlers. Fact is ARs that are appropriately 3 or 4 points on a single side aren't going to affect opportunity as much as hunters think they will from what i've seen and heard throughout the state, whether that change on paper is 9 or (insert number here)%. The whole idea is to have a conservation mindset and make it a point to pass the youngest of the buck population, most of the time. Meaning it's about ensuring there's a sustainable and sufficient buck population for the deer to be well off throughout the state. Right now it's accepted that buck numbers are great in some areas and depressingly low in others, regardless of the habitat differences of regions within the state, and there's no reason it has to be that way. The latter situation inflates the first thought being "well i'm getting my buck before this guy next to me gets to it first". When in all honesty they should be excited and thinking when they can get outdoors next and wondering what they'll see (not shoot). AR's still allowing a very reasonable chance at shooting a buck with the opportunity they'd create. If someone told me that does still doesn't matter and they only benefit from the kill i'd tell them to put down their weapon, pick up another hobby, and go see a head doc. Conservation is all about sustainability and we don't really ensure any sustainable population right now. There's tags every season take ANY and EVERY deer walking NY dirt in the possession of hunters that got them over the counter. That's not wildlife management that's banking heavily on precedent and management pondering of whomever buys a tag, uneducated or not. ARs are just a quantitative management tool that seems to work the best for what it's supposed to do and only reason it's still relevant and used by multiple state wildlife agencies and professional deer herd managers. There's hunters out there in large numbers that don't have the ability to tell bucks apart to make any decision. Thankfully with the spread of QDM education that number seems to be lowering regardless of the will power behind the trigger. frankly it's not even reasonable to assume all hunters will have a QDM mindset. same as it's not very easy for the average hunter to age a buck on the hoof, but he or she can count points (i hope). I mean they already have to break out the ruler and judge 3". At the very least something good has definitely come out of this. Everyone who reads the bill will have a good idea of where to start with testing out a voluntary antler restriction for where that their peers seem to think is reasonable. Try it and see how it works.
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