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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. can't say i'm a whiskey drinker with a favorite. I don't feel I've had enough to say so and it's not all I drink. had all sorts of Jameson, Jack, Jim Beam, American Honey, Wild Turkey, Kentucky, Canadian, Black Velvet, and lots of others. odd though I haven't had anything from Maker's Mark for some reason. normally sippin it. I don't drink soda or anything carbonated. it's kind of mood dependent really. otherwise, right now I've got JB Red Stag Black Cherry in the fridge because the wife will drink it with fresh homemade lemonade. I really enjoy stuff like Devil's Cut but nobody else would drink it so I don't get it. Month's ago I went to the Dominican and tasted high end rum from a decade old to twice my age. after college I thought i'd never stomach the stuff. I guess I was kidding myself.
  2. great read. guy is a disciplined and respectable hunter. i've tracked and took a mature deer in it's bed. by far one of my greater hunting accomplishments.
  3. i know we're talking about sealing the deal but you sure you got the right link? haha
  4. it'd be a 4 hour drive for me. how it's a good turn out. wish i were closer.
  5. i have a Big Mike blind. the thing is huge. you could have a party in it standing up. haha a little smaller helps if you're setting it up and brushing in on the fly. it's definitely awesome to use with company though.
  6. i shoot Rage expandables with my compound, but have the horsepower behind them. my recurve bow setup is with Magnus stinger buzzcuts.
  7. Late last couple nights at work has been more like famine. Sunday I cooked up another rack of ribs though. This time it was baby backs. Had to plow and other stuff. Couldn't babysit it. So used propane side to maintain temp. tossed in box of soaked hickory and apple wood chips for some smoke. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  8. haha... any bow is customizable and available in different colors or patterns with colored accessories to match. Elite has the best finish coating in the industry. more you dive into options the more you'll find out everythings for sale in a different color and they accept all major cards. don't forget hats, jackets, or tshirts to match. might have to schedule more webcam time and pick up another monkey suit.
  9. i broke down the other day and got scallops. definitely a different level of fast food. haha
  10. yes. if i'm hunting with a muzzleloader it's the last weekend and the freezer is most generally not close to full. been a while since that's happened though. i drop meat earlier and earlier as each year goes by. i always save a couple for a doe that happens to be close to the truck or atv on the way out; one to put it down and the other just in case i need to finish it quicker.
  11. i don't know about sales or the mansion. never bought a Playboy mag in my life, despite i have flipped through some. Look, all i know is i bought a new dishwasher after years of not having one. now i experience this Playboy stuff often each and every week. moral of the story buy a dishwasher. if you've already got one turn the water off or something and pretend it's broke. after a month, turn it back on and claim to fix it. buying nude mags is like procrastination. remember gentlemen procrastination is like masturbation. you're only screwing yourself in the end. now if you'll excuse me, i have dig out a washboard and flip the breaker to the washing machine.
  12. sorry to hear it lawd. did she have any pups?
  13. yea bigger production companies fill the shelves but i've seen his DVDs are very cheap if you can find them. 1/4 of the cost of some other ones. it's not rocket science and i've been doing it long enough. for someone just giving processing their own deer a whirl i'd buy everyone. some older dvd's though don't touch on glands/nodes to not cut into with CWD being so prevalent now.
  14. that's what he did when i was there years ago. had the whole skinned carcass on the table.
  15. a bend of oats, clover, and chicory. oats get mowed off when you maintain the plot after the season. oats provide fawning cover before then. clover provides most of your summer forage and chicory carries into the fall. plant first part of april unless it's unusually cold. plant high up with full sun. don't plant in a shady bottom where the cold will pocket up with nowhere to go. you'll get draw/attention of more birds around too being on a visible knoll.
  16. before this thread goes off the deep end with uptown trolling for comments again... maybe he's willing to shovel his own driveway but does it out of principal. maybe he figures if he has the money why not give others an opportunity to earn some of it? a couple high end weddings a week down near NYC and he'd make what you claim and then some. everyone has a reason for everything they do. sometimes you don't know unless they tell you.
  17. he was actually off to the side in front of the benoit brothers display trailer, so as we watched the seminar we stood next to a couple of them having casual convo. one was definitely lanny benoit because he was showing me rifle afterwards. other was shane or lane. don't remember.
  18. i met him years ago when he was attending the show way back then. was definitely a nice guy. once the seminar was done everyone packed up and moved on. a small group of people including us stayed and picked his brain for a while and he was happy to hang around. i don't recall that kind of deal then but it sure sounds like one.
  19. The fit finish is hands down better than a CVA optima anyway. Still nice guns but a Tc Prohunter is a better gun. Mine will probably stay a muzzle loader. Cant see getting a CF bbl versus a 17hmr 22lr or Katadin short 50cal ml bbl for my needs anyway. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  20. welcome to the technology of today. i'm sure a lot of us type errors with modern devices, not indicative of our intelligence. it's an online forum though. not like we're writing articles to be published in something. it's all good.
  21. i was just reminded that i need more vaccum seal bags/rolls.
  22. call me a glutton for punishment but i've shot more deer on a Sunday evening than i care to. it's a late night especially when you shoot more than one, but it all gets into the freezer or fridge and Monday morning i'm at work.
  23. well i'm with the others. he should've let you have it.
  24. local one here is show up with the field dressed deer and it's $85 vaccum packaged, however you want it. bulk sausage and venison products like jerky, hotdogs, etc is extra. not all are created equal though. you get your deer too not some other deer that someone gut shot or poked the pee sac. still i've always done my own. i'm picky and cheap.
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